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Gigi Sung gigisung0503
Earth Observation, GIS, Spatial Data Science, Climate Resilience

Harvard GSD Cambridge, MA

Transport. Data. city blender.
Anna Duan annaduan09
Spatial data science grad student, TA, and researcher @ UPenn. Enthusiastic about spatial data, powerlifting, and cats.

Penn MUSA Philadelphia, PA

Shuo Yuan yuanshuoastro

National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) China

hebe cyber-hbliu
GISer, Urban Analyst, Shutterbug

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia

George Chen georgechan3955

University of Pennsylvania

Yuanhao Zhai zhaiyuanhao
Hello everyone, my name is Yuanhao! Student currently studying at UPenn!
Trevor Kapuvari TrevorKap
Dedicated public service professional with 4+ years of experience in Geospatial Science, GIS and urban planning.

Long Island, New York