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Giovanni Angelotti jhn-nt

@IDSIA Lugano, Switzerland

Lirong Zhu Julia-lirong
biostatistics, statistics of genetic
Patrick A. McConnell PAmcconnell

Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC

Nina Montana-Brown NMontanaBrown
PhD Student Medical Imaging @ UCL WEISS + CMIC || ML Engineer @ Verdure Imaging Inc. || she/they ||


Changwoo Kim kcw0331
M.A. Student in Statistics

Chung-Ang University Seoul. Korea

Cumi Oyemike CtripleU


Emma RaspberryEmma
PhD Student at University of Bristol studying Computational Statistics and Data Science (she/her)
Nazia Nafis nazianafis
AI for Healthcare

Sheffield, UK

Jeewon Yang jwyang21

KAIST AI Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Abdulaziz Aljebreen asjebreen
Computing Researcher

University of Leeds Leeds

Javier Camacho Biocamacho
Biomedical Engineer, currently using data analysis algorithms to solve problems in ICUs in middle income countries

EIA University Colombia

Piyushi Manupriya Piyushi-0
ML student. Google PhD Fellow. Interests: {OT, OPT, SLT, RAI, AI4H}.

IIT Hyderabad

Jason Poulos jvpoulos
Postdoc working on machine learning and health data science @ BWH and HMS

Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston, MA

Changchun Yang Changchun-Yang
Giving life to pixels.

Delft University of Technology Delft

Harry Hochheiser harryhoch
Associate Professor, Biomedical Informatics @DeepPhe, @bd2kccd, @dbmi-pitt, @NLPReViz see also

University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA

Alice wu168888
To be or Not to Be
Gustavo Juantorena GEJ1
PhD student | Cognitive Neuroscience | A.I. | Eye tracking

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Shuyue Jia SuperBruceJia
A Ph.D. Student at Boston University. Passionate about Foundation Models and Generative AI.

Boston University Boston, MA

Paul Paul-B98
I’m a Software Engineer


Pei-Shan Wang Pei-eng
I'm currently studying Biomedical Engineering, hoping one day can develop AI robotics for a better society. Let's create a brighter future!
SDC dchlseo

Earth, The Milky Way

Haoyuan ZHANG zhyspring
CS makes the life easier, but not a life makes CS more complex.

Beihang University Beijing