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Jameli Amine Aminejemmali
Project Manager / Flutter Developer

Amine Jameli Services Tunisia

Özgür Taş 10zgurr
Senior Android Developer

Appsfactory GmbH Germany

Ridge Junior JuniorCarti
👋 Greetings Github Community! I'm Ridge Junior Abuto, a dedicated junior mobile developer driven by a passion for creating impactful applications.


Ayush Gupta penguintheguy
An Indian teeanger learning to code.

Guwahati, India

Ralph Hightower RalphHightower
Software Developer C#, .Net, Photographer (35mm film, digital). Two final manned space launches: US half of Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Space Shuttle STS-135

@Permanent-Vacations Chapin, South Carolina, USA

YNSRC - Open Source ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Alexis Dub. Shybaaaa
🕰️ Developper to my lost hour

ShybaIndustries Belgium

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Ramit Kataria RamitKataria
Computer Science undergrad at The University of British Columbia
Jason MiderWong


Pranav Lathigara pranavlathigara
Android, Kotlin, Flutter, IOT


Liushui_Miaomiao Liushui-Miaomiao
Hello, I am very happy to meet you on GitHub, I hope everyone can grow up with each other~

5DPLAY Game Studio China-Qingdao

Muhodari Sage Muhodari
software Engineer

@Rwanda Coding Academy Rwanda

Pedro Henrique Paino PedroPaino
I building things in Web👩‍💻

@SaphirEduc São Paulo, Brazil

J. Igor Melo jigordev
Founder of @Digital-Age

@Digital-Age Brazil

Adam W. JinzoCrew32
enthusiast, learning and tinkering with thing that intrigues me. Feel free to offer any tips or tricks. im hoping to get certified eventually.
Albert Albert-Vonneumann
Unlimited learning and progress
Adil Hanif Archer0071
Software Developer/Engineer
Dimitris Stylianou dimitrisstyl7
I am an undergraduate student in the Department of Informatics at the University of Piraeus.

Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus Piraeus, Greece

lostfly Lost-Fly
Back-end developer | Java | Spring Boot | Scala | SQL | GIT | REST API | ... | Currently learning: Cats | Cats-effect | ZIO | Kafka | Http4s

Russia, Yekaterinburg

ABDELILLAH BEL abdelillahbel

@devunionorg Algeria

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Riccardo Cucia rickypid
A good programmer looks both ways before crossing a one-way street.

insideapp-srl Italy

Jasim Ansari Jasim-ansari-23
I am an app and website developer. I have experience in a wide variety of programming languages and web development frameworks.


Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Yeimir E. Peinado yakipey
Todo lo podemos en Cristo Jesùs que nos da la fortaleza para seguir avanzando hacia adelante. Blessings!!.. Designer & Instructor.

@yepikay Ureña City - Venezuela

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Republic of Korea

豫川 Cyuchuan
learning and more