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Yazhou Zhu YazhouZhu19


Cheng cheng-01037
Working on medical image computing, with a focus on cost-effective and robust algorithms for cardiac imaging.


Jiancheng duducheng
I create AI for impact and for fun. Researcher @cvlab-epfl.

EPFL Switzerland

Martin Nicolas Everaert martin-ev
PhD student in EPFL

IVRL, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Matt Shaffer wx-b

RIOS Palo Alto, CA

名無しKさん koke2c95
Very loveeeeeee japan
Timurleng44 timurlen44
Embedded Software Engineer

Blitz Technology Kocaeli

Antonina chudotony
Computer Vision specialist. Bachelor of Computer Science (St.Petersburg State University)


Minh T. Nguyen mnguyen0226
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist" - Pablo Picasso (2015).

BlackRock USA

Bahar Aydemir baharay

EPFL PhD candidate Lausanne, Switzerland

Marina Neseem marina-neseem
I am a fifth year PhD candidate at Brown University. I am interested in Edge Intelligence, dynamic neural networks and Machine Learning optimization.

Brown University United States