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Sanjayshanmugam sk sandy2108
Nothing changes if nothing change
Gilberto Mattiello Mattiell0X

MeuPetClub Curitiba

Filip Cholakoski fcholak
🇲🇰 🇸🇮 software engineer

@tretton37 Ljubljana, Slovenia

André Abadesso andreabadesso

Myio & Hathor Rio de Janeiro

Gabriel Missio gabrielmissio

Compass UOL Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Dong Nguyen ndaidong
A software engineer who is also interested in finance, crypto and stock market.


Crypto Wolf ◾️ alitural00
2017 Trader / #kripto #bitcoin


Fábio de Souza Villaça Medeiros fabiosvm
I'm a Java backend developer who loves computer science. I'm currently building my own scripting language called Hook in my spare time.

Banco do Brasil Brasilia DF Brasil

tothster tothster
Developer at Dozer Protocol

Dozer Protocol

nnn bourbakiN97
Scriptor, 💻& 📄
Noé Steiner unshade
French engineering student @ Telecom Nancy. Started my coding journey in 2020

Telecom Nancy France

Gabriel gabrielom

Doiim Londrina, PR - Brazil

Bulldozer hBulldozer
Building the next generation Defi.

@Dozer-Protocol Blockchain

Alex Ruzenhack alexruzenhack
Eat pudding! 🍮

Hathor Porto, Portugal

Campana BrunoCampana
Software engineer working as education coordinator at @HathorNetwork.

@HathorNetwork Remote

Katsu Hiromato Katsuhiro2009
Obsessed about future so I spent all my time in the present trying to predict the future .


PortuK PortuK
#blockchain #defi