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Marcos Lopez westwol


DooMWhite Doomwhite
Studying the Ziglang, keeping general configs in github as well.

SC, Brazil

Utkucan AY utkucnay
I am always learning new stuffs. I try new technologies. I wanna be a Game Programmer. I built games and Engines. I made games on Engine, Frameworks.


Nabbo UnNabbo
Young Italian Developer


Praveen Sanap praveensanap
Software Developer

Carousell Singapore

Andrey Galaktionov das-frama
Driven by curiosity I am looking for path to be a good developer who makes fine and robust software.


tvsar tevis-zorg
learning is never ending process, failures is a step closer to success.
Hyun Jae Cho chohyunjae163
a game developer

Seoul, South Korea

petrostrak petrostrak

European Dynamics Athens, Greece

tedro tedonmain

Costa Mesa, CA

Vinsmoke Somya VinsmokeSomya
I'm done! No more Dreaming..!

Belgaum, Karnataka, India

Faraz Fallahi fffaraz
It is not enough for code to work.

Software Engineer United States

Brian Denmark code-Brian
Hi everyone! Let's code together! I love collaborating and cracking algos. <3

Seattle, WA

Software Developer | Musician

New York City

I am not a dog!


吕蓊鉴 ifquant


Nihilo nihilodev
Game developer, programming in c


Gonzo Gear gonzogear
Gonzo Gear - Stealth Mode

Tampa Bay, FL

Brad Drew braddrew0

Sydney, Australia

Chanhaeng Lee lch32111
I have a goal of being a Great Graphics Programmer. I like to study mathematics, programming, graphics, and all of things to make me creative
Yohann Boniface Sigmanificient
🐢 Nix enthusiast, low-level developer, Makefile guru - sometimes pythonista and webdev

Student @Epitech 2028 Rennes, France

Adam Landreneau aplandreneau
Lover of technology, video games and musical theatre.

Louisiana, USA

Puebla Larregle Carlos Federico fedeLarregle
Web developer. In my free time I like to learn about DBMS internals and game engine development.

Glovo Barcelona, Spain

DSL dslbit
Douglas S. L. - Programmer interested in graphics and game programming - I just give stars to repos that I've read


Truong Tang svseas
Python and C# Dev, currently working on Developing Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) and Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software

@Merctrans Hanoi

Pascal Schmitt PaezRice
juggling bits and bytes
