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Jhordy M. Caceres Guerra jmcgue

@vallegrande Perú, Lima, Cañete, Nuevo Imperial

Cosmos meaning seeker Aquadraticphysicist
Seeking the meaning of the universe in both scientific and philosophical ways. Loving this universe all the time!

Cosmosquestioner Chongqing, China

Ipang Dwi ipang-dwi
Mishary's Daddy.. 30% programmer, 70% learner.. Professional Nomad Web Dev and Devops Engineer, don't ask about this..

@FIRSTPLATO 61256 Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia

Franziska Pusch diekuh

Private Deutschland

PeachesY SYPeaches

NJUST NanjingJiangsuChina

含清蓝日 qin798
Hieu Nguyen hieunv3vmo
AI Engineer

VMO Holdings Hanoi, Vietnam

JS JStk-Dev
A programmer who supports open source. I write code for fun. I like to watch science fiction movies and I make music as a hobby.

JS Somewhere in America.

a student

长江大学· 中国湖北

DarrenPig Darrenpig
新能源科学与工程专业 本科大二在读 sophomore undergraduate student majoring in New Energy Science and Engineering

Changzhou Institute of Technology CHINA

C2U birdidi

@ringcentral Amoy, China

Wendong Gao Marvin-Gao
PhD candidate, biomedical engineering

Griffith University

Nikita Taverz ------ 🧑🏻‍💻 Flutter Developer ⚡︎ 🚀

Raduga Rostov-on-Don

Xiao Dan yooD77
as Android developer.
雪绒花泡泡 EdelweissBubble
Adam jor Adam88i

SmaDi.NeT Jordan

HuaHero HuaHero
