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Kia Hadipour PianoDevOps
Musician | ML Engineer | Data Scientist
Gamchan Kang gsgh3016
Guitarist, Composer. Interested in music DSP, Deep Learning
Octahedron-Alum Octatedron-Alum
A university student in Japan who likes to play video games (e.g., Pokémon, TETRIS, Minecraft).
senior software engineer @Celemony, ARA lead developer

Celemony Software GmbH Germany

Backend developer, mobile app developer, musician, sound designer.


Tatsuya Shiozawa COx2
Founder and CEO at COCOTONE, Inc. Founder/Editor of JUCE JAPAN. I Love JUCE, Audio Programming, Audio Application, Audio Plugin, Synthesizer, MIDI, DSP, OSC

COCOTONE, Inc. / JUCE JAPAN / Outlaw Faction Japan