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Paraskevas Leivadaros paraskevasleivadaros
☁️ Cloud Operations Administrator I @ DigitalOcean 🐬 | BSc in Computer Science @ AUEB | 1xGCP Certified

DigitalOcean Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Sergey Serov sergey-serov
Programmer, Social Anthropologist.


Jeff Edlund jeffedlund
Java SE, Java EE (Jakarta EE) developer, and 20+ year Linux guru.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Поздняков Константин fix27

МБУК "Сургутский краеведческий музей" Сургут

李翔 lixiang2017
a Python coder

@WiseTechGlobal Nanjing, China

Tom Beckenhauer tbeckenhauer
I am interested in python, clojure, git, architecture, and machine learning.
Sajid Nazir msajidnazir
Java/Kotlin Developer | Building scalable & reliable software with a focus on data quality and DevOps practices.

Plain Group United Kingdom

David Jeffrey Merwin davidmerwin
Former US Marine and graduate of The Ohio State University. Starting Oregon State University CS. Check out my blog:

@LangMers @LangMers-Systems Milpitas, CA

A very friendly Guy


RETEX Lin-Rexter
I'm a university student who enjoys coding.


MP Wang mengpangwang
Nice to meet you! Learning new stuff as an indie developer.


Michael pwnedlinux

Khreativa Cambodia Phnom Penh

unserlubmin unserlubmin
Coding an der Küste - webdevelopment & speedoptimizations

open for hire Lubmin

Anirudh Vemula, PE anirudhvemula

Sri Building Solutions (Self) India

Curly-Howard-Chungus Correspondence | Lamport-Cabot-Codd-Backus-Naur Form ichxorya
WannabeResearcher-ExPartTimeMusicProducer. Currently interested in programming language theory and symbolic computation. exBOINC cruncher (UET-VNU-2022)

@vnu-frsl @vnu-sme Ichvers, Esteh, Enurbahnhof, Azeroy

Bill Vulpine05
CS minor in college, programmed in Java, C++, FORTRAN.

United States

Ana Gonzalez analani
Activista por el clima.

kekorraelagua España

David Vins dvins

Omedym New York, NY

Daniel humble92

MotionCorrect North York, ON, Canada

bbklab bbklab
I code things
Ivan Orlov OrlovIvan

Barclays Czech Republic

Michael John amstelchen
Michael John


Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 seanpm2001
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.

Self-employed; looking for tips Walla Walla Washington, USA, Earth, Milky way, <Universe>

Crisoss Wandergarten
Data Engineering, Data Science, NLP @ KPMG Lighthouse Germany, Berlin

KPMG Berlin

Gabriel H. Nunes nunesgh
Cotutelle Doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, and at Macquarie University, Australia.

Sydney, NSW, Australia