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Carl MuteBard
Turning my Github into a giant game development study notebook
Michael g4m3rm1k3
20 year machinist 8 year CNC programmer. Bringing Technology where it is lacking. React enthusiast pythonista. Udemy course collector. Net ninja subscriber ;).


John Kennedy Haringa Peña GDjkhp
just some random programmer who hates coffee

The Karakters Kompany Philippines

Trent Brown TheDestinyGamez
Trying to do some cool stuff and learn on my own :D
peepaw p00tur sierra-tang0
Cybersec Professional 20+ year experience Blue Team - ask me about getting hardened


Die Antwoord Die-Antwoord
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Ruslan SomaSan2005
Hello I like programming!


Nitin Ojha Nit-nit
Just an average guy who loves to Design, Code, Yoga, Exercising and Automating daily life things.

@Ojha-Studios rock cave

Student at the Informatics and Telecommunications Department @ UOP