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Releases: oracle/weblogic-monitoring-exporter

Exporter 1.1.2

30 Mar 12:50
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This release fixes the following:

  1. A race condition could sometimes occur while fetching metrics
  2. When the domain qualifier was enabled, bad metrics were being generated

Exporter 1.1.1

31 Oct 12:45
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This release fixes the following:

  1. Error messages should be preceded with comment markers

Exporter 1.1.0

18 Jun 15:49
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This release adds the following features:

  1. Support access via load-balancer with the restPort parameter
  2. Enable domain name as a qualifier with the domainQualifier parameter

and fixes the following bugs:

  1. Unable to access metrics when query host is not visible to DNS
  2. Prometheus is not able to parse metrics when WebLogic is running under MS-Windows
  3. Prometheus is not able to parse floating point metrics when WebLogic uses a non english Locale
  4. Unable to access attributes at root of serverRuntime

Initial release

07 Jun 15:24
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This is the initial release of the WebLogic Monitoring Exporter.