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File metadata and controls

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Guidelines for Developers of OpenSim-Core

OpenSim is a community resource that is housed in the opensim-core repository.

This specific document addresses issues that come up during development and maintenance of the OpenSim code base, that may not be relevant to end users because it's not in release code yet or of historical relevance only but would be valuable to new developers or advanced users. For general contribution guidelines please consult


Backward Compatibility of File Formats

OpenSim stores models and analysis-tools/objects in xml files (with extension .osim or .xml). Since the first release of OpenSim in 2007, these files have mostly survived many major format changes which is quite important considering that thousands of these files are around both in earlier OpenSim distributions and also in models created by users and/or collaborators. This section describes how backward compatibility is maintained so that if a format change is introduced, users do not lose valuable work and/or models in the process. In what follows we use the term serialization to mean writing and deserialization to mean reading.

One key piece of information that is kept with each file is a version number (usually in the header section e.g. <OpenSimDocument Version="NNNNN">. The same is true for .sto files that contain a header as well, though we will not discuss .sto files here. The version number encodes what the code was expecting the format to be when the file was produced/written. Keeping this number consistent with the content of the file is the fundamental invariant that needs to be maintained. In code, the version number is maintained in XMLDocument.cpp and is updated as version numbers are incremented. The actual numbers do not matter much, as long as they are monotonically increasing. OpenSim 3.2 shipped with OpenSimDocument Version number 30000. OpenSim 4.0 development started at version 30500 and will ship with 40000).

Deserialization of Objects and their Properties (primitives that are read-from/written-to files) is mostly transparent to users/developers. Once you use the property macros (e.g. OpenSim_DECLARE_UNNAMED_PROPERTY) in the header and perform the necessary wiring/calls, these properties know how to serialize themselves to XML elements and back. This serialization/deserialization, however, assumes a fixed XML layout/schema. If this assumption fails (because of a property name change, layout change or addition of new properties) then deserialization will not work out of the box and the developer making the change is responsible for changing the version number and the deserialization code to be in sync with the latest code. This is very important since if the developer does not update the version number then the code and the XML files will not be in sync and it will be very hard to go back to find out what changes should have been made.

Keep in mind that deserialization methods are practically called during the construction of the top level object/Model so typically you cannot rely on having any member variables or pointers populated unless done by default constructors, instead deserialization methods operate on the XML structure only. This helps isolate the backward compatibility code from the rest of the modeling/simulation or initialization functions.

Deserialization works by making the following calls:

  1. A user constructs an object that is a subclass of OpenSim::Object by using a constructor that takes the file name of a .osim or .xml file (only some classes have such a constructor). The construction call sequence ends with calling OpenSim::Object's constructor with the file name as an argument. This constructor invokes code that parses the XML file.
  2. The parsing code looks for XML tags that correspond to names of subclasses of OpenSim::Object; when it finds one of the them it performs the next 2 steps.
  3. An Object of the appropriate type is instantiated from the registry of available types using a lookup by the XML tag.
  4. The method updateFromXMLNode(SimTK::Xml::Element& node, int versionNumber) is invoked on the object and is passed the XML element corresponding to the object along with the version number from the XML document/file. That’s exactly the hook to deserialization that developers can use to correct for deserialization changes by manipulating the passed in node to match what the latest code expects.

If an object has never undergone format changes then it should not implement the method updateFromXMLNode() altogether. If the function needs to be implemented, it would have the following form:

void XXX::updateFromXMLNode(SimTK::Xml::Element& node, int versionNumber)
       // XMLDocument::getLatestVersion() is a number that changes with upgrades
       // Guarding with this condition makes sure that files already converted
       // do not get penalized or converted again.
       if ( versionNumber < XMLDocument::getLatestVersion()) {
              if (versionNumber <= 20301) {
		         // convert node from version 20301 or prior to the next version
              if (versionNumber < 30500) {
	             // Convert versions before 30500
        // At this point of the code, node is on the latest XML format
        // Call base class, now assuming node has been corrected for current version
        // This call will end up being made on Object, which will do the actual population of Property values
        Super::updateFromXMLNode(node, versionNumber);

CMake options for packaging a binary distribution

When packaging opensim-core for distribution, it is important to set certain CMake options correctly so that the distribution contains the necessary files from dependencies. The variables to set depend on how opensim-core is being distributed. Currently, opensim-core binaries are distributed through the OpenSim GUI distribution. In this case, the following settings should be used:

OPENSIM_C3D_PARSER=ezc3d                    non-default
OPENSIM_COPY_DEPENDENCIES=ON                default
OPENSIM_INSTALL_UNIX_FHS=OFF                default on Windows, not on UNIX

The last variable causes OpenSim's doxygen documentation to link to Simbody's documentation online.

The layout of the distribution on Windows is as follows:

  • bin/ OpenSim and SimTK DLLs, opensim-cmd.exe, simbody-visualizer.exe
  • cmake/ OpenSimConfig.cmake, etc.
  • sdk/
    • APIExamples/: C++ examples.
    • doc/ API doxygen documentation.
    • include/ OpenSim (and Lepton) headers.
    • Java/ Source files for Java interface, and org-opensim-modeling.jar.
    • lib/ OpenSim "import" libraries, used during linking.
    • Scripts/ MATLAB and Python examples/utilities.
    • Simbody/ A copy of the Simbody installation.
      • bin/ SimTK DLLs.
      • cmake/ SimbodyConfig.cmake, etc.
      • include/ Simbody headers.
      • lib/ SimTK "import" libraries, used during linking.
    • python/ OpenSim Python bindings.
    • OpenSim_buildinfo.txt Describes the compiler used to build OpenSim.

The layout of the distribution on macOS (and Linux), if OPENSIM_INSTALL_UNIX_FHS is ON, as follows:

  • bin/ opensim-cmd
  • etc/OpenSim_buildinfo.txt Describes the compiler used to build OpenSim.
  • include/
    • OpenSim/ OpenSim (and Lepton) headers.
    • simbody/ Simbody headers.
  • lib/ (on some Linux variants, lib/<arch>/) OpenSim and SimTK shared libraries.
    • cmake/ OpenSimConfig.cmake, SimbodyConfig.cmake, etc.
    • python2.7/site-packages/ OpenSim Python bindings.
  • libexec/simbody/simbody-visualizer
  • share/
    • doc/OpenSim/ API doxygen documentation.
      • APIExamles/ C++ examples.
      • Scripts/ MATLAB and Python examples/utilities.
    • java/org-opensim-modeling.jar
    • OpenSim/java/ Source files for Java interface.

This layout is intended to follow the UNIX Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

We hope to distribute opensim-core binaries through common package managers (we already have some progress for Ubuntu, macOS/Homebrew, and Conda). In these cases, the dependencies should be installed via their own packages so that the OpenSim installation does not need to contain the dependencies.

OPENSIM_C3D_PARSER=ezc3d                    non-default
OPENSIM_COPY_DEPENDENCIES=OFF               non-default
OPENSIM_INSTALL_UNIX_FHS=ON                 default on UNIX, not on Windows

Adding dependencies

OpenSim depends on multiple C/C++ software libraries. These libraries can be copied into this repository (Catch2) or built separately. This section mostly pertains to dependencies built separately. The number of dependencies should be reduced to avoid unnecessarily complicating the process of building OpenSim. Whether a dependency should be copied into the repository or built separately is a complex decision, and depends on the size of the dependency and the difficulty of building the dependency separately.

Developers adding new dependencies to OpenSim should ensure the following scenarios are supported on Windows, macOS, and Linux:

  • Building OpenSim from source
  • Building C++ plug-ins or extensions using OpenSim's binary software development kit (SDK).
  • Using OpenSim through Matlab
  • Using OpenSim's Python package (this requires special consideration because the Python package is often installed outside of OpenSim's installation).

Some dependencies may be used as static libraries or dynamic/shared libraries; typically, we use dynamic libraries, but using static libraries is permitted. Most of the following considerations are for dynamic libraries only; we use the terms "dynamic" (Windows) and "shared" (UNIX) somewhat interchangeably.

There are two types of dependencies: public, or those exposed through OpenSim's API (e.g., Simbody), and private, or those used internally by OpenSim (e.g., ezc3d):

  • private: OpenSim's binary distribution need only contain the dependency's dynamic libraries.
  • public: OpenSim's binary distribution must contain the dependency's dynamic libraries, CMake Config files, and header files, and Windows library (.lib files).

RPATH on UNIX systems

UNIX systems (macOS and Linux) provide mechanisms for shared libraries and executables to contain file system paths to help locate the shared libraries they need. This information is called an RPATH. By properly embedding RPATHs in OpenSim's shared libraries and executables, we avoid requiring the user from setting the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. See for details.

OpenSim provides the following CMake macros to set RPATHs:

  • OpenSimAddInstallRPATH()
  • OpenSimAddInstallRPATHSelf()
  • OpenSimAddInstallRPATHSimbody()

See cmake/OpenSimMacros.cmake for details.

Windows does not support RPATHs; it is for this reason that Windows users of OpenSim must set their Windows PATH environment variable to include OpenSim's bin directory.

Steps for adding a dependency to this repository

  1. Ensure the dependency can be built and installed using CMake, and that the dependency uses modern CMake practices to export its targets in its Package Configuration file; see Note: it's preferable that the dependency provides a CMake Config file instead of a Module file.
  2. Ensure the dependency provides an open-source license that is consistent with OpenSim's Apache License 2.0. If the license is not as permissive as Apache License 2.0, the dependency must be optional and disabled by default (see
  3. Ensure the layout of the dependency's installation conforms to OpenSim's layout as described in the section "CMake options for packaging a binary distribution" above.
  4. This step is for Linux and macOS. Ensure the dependency specifies an RPATH for its shared libraries (see description of RPATH above).
  5. In, add a description of the dependency to each "Get the dependencies" section.
  6. Add to dependencies/CMakeLists.txt a new call to AddDependency() to download, build, and install the dependency. Pass any necessary CMake flags, and attempt to reduce the time required to build the dependency by disabling examples, etc.
  7. If the dependency is optional, add a CMake option to CMakeLists.txt to control whether the dependency is used (e.g., OPENSIM_C3D_PARSER).
  8. Add to CMakeLists.txt a call to find_package(). Provide a hint (HINTS) that will help find_package() find the dependency if it was built with the superbuild (dependencies/CMakeLists.txt).
  9. If linking to the dependency using dynamic (shared) libraries, copy the dynamic libraries.
    1. Windows: Copy the dependency's dynamic libraries (DLLs) into OpenSim's build directory; this must be done so tests/examples that are run while building OpenSim can find the necessary DLLs. If OPENSIM_COPY_DEPENDENCIES is ON, ensure the DLLs will be installed in OpenSim's installation. Use the CMake macro OpenSimCopyDependencyDLLsForWin() to achieve copying into the build directory and the installation.
    2. UNIX: The shared libraries need not be copied into the build directory, but must be copied into OpenSim's installation if OPENSIM_COPY_DEPENDENCIES is ON.
  10. Copy shared libraries into the installed OpenSim Python package, if BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPING and OPENSIM_PYTHON_STANDALONE are ON. If these options are on, then we want the user to be able to use the installed OpenSim Python package without relying on any other OpenSim files. Use the CMake macro OpenSimInstallDependencyLibraries() to facilitate this.
  11. Add tests to ensure the functionality of the dependency can be accessed through the Java, Matlab, and Python interfaces, if such functionality should be exposed.

Note: the OPENSIM_PYTHON_STANDALONE=ON setting is experimental and is not tested regularly.

Perform the additional steps for a public dependency:

  1. In cmake/, add a section for finding the dependency, using either find_package() or find_dependency(), depending on the value of OPENSIM_COPY_DEPENDENCIES. See how cmake/ handles Simbody for an example.
  2. If OPENSIM_COPY_DEPENDENCIES is ON, ensure the dependency's headers and CMake Configuration files are copied into OpenSim's installation. On Windows, ensure library (.lib) files are installed. Ideally, the dependency's installation layout matches OpenSim's, so you can just copy the whole project into OpenSim's installation.

Miscellaneous notes

  • All dependencies should be built with the same CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (e.g., Release, RelWithDebInfo, Debug) as OpenSim. This must be enforced by users building OpenSim and its dependencies, not through CMakeLists.txt.
  • Dependencies should be optional, if possible. Dependencies make OpenSim much harder to build for those new to the project, and we can make the lives of newcomers easier by reducing the number of required dependencies.
  • For an example of adding a dependency to OpenSim, refer to the pull request that introduced ezc3d: