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Bare Metal IPI (Installer Provisioned Infrastructure) Overview

This document discusses the installer support for an IPI (Installer Provisioned Infrastructure) install for bare metal hosts. This includes platform support for the management of bare metal hosts, as well as some automation of DNS and load balancing to bring up the cluster.

The upstream project that provides Kubernetes-native management of bare metal hosts is

For UPI (User Provisioned Infrastructure) based instructions for bare metal deployments, see


Network Requirements

You have the choice of a single or dual NIC setup, depending on whether you would like to use PXE/DHCP-based provisioning or not. Please note that disabling the provisioning network means that host BMC's must be accessible over the external network which may not be desirable.

  • NIC #1 - External Network

    • This network is the main network used by the cluster, including API traffic and application traffic.
    • DHCP
      • External DHCP is assumed on this network. Hosts must have stable IP addresses, therefore you should set up DHCP reservations for each of the hosts in the cluster. The addresses assigned by DHCP need to be in the same subnet as the Virtual IPs discussed below.
      • A pool of dynamic addresses should also be available on this network, as the provisioning host and temporary bootstrap VM will also need addresses on this network.
    • NTP
      • A time source must be accessible from this network.
    • Reserved VIPs (Virtual IPs) - 2 IP addresses must be reserved on this network for use by the cluster. These Virtual IPs are managed using VRRP (v2 for IPv4 and v3 for IPv6). Specifically, these IPs will serve the following purposes:
      • API - This IP will be used to reach the cluster API.
      • Ingress - This IP will be used by cluster ingress traffic internal DNS requirements.
    • External DNS - While the cluster automates the internal DNS requirements, two external DNS records must be created in whatever DNS server is appropriate for this environment.
      • api.<cluster-name>.<base-domain> - pointing to the API VIP
      • *.apps.<cluster-name>.<base-domain> - pointing to the Ingress VIP
  • **NIC #2 - Provisioning Network (optional) **

    • A private network used for PXE based provisioning.
    • You can specify provisioningNetworkInterface to indicate which interface is connected to this network on the control plane nodes. If not specified the interface is derived from the bootMacAddress. If set, all the control plane nodes must have this interface.
    • The provisioning network may be "Managed" (default), "Unmanaged," or "Disabled."
    • In managed mode, DHCP and TFTP are configured to run in the cluster. In unmanaged mode, TFTP is still available but you must configure DHCP externally.
    • Addressing for this network defaults to, but is configurable by setting the provisioningNetworkCIDR option.
    • Two IP's are required to be available for use, one for the bootstrap host, and one as a provisioning IP in the running cluster. By default, these are the 2nd and 3rd addresses in the provisioningNetworkCIDR (e.g., and
    • To specify the name of the provisioning network interface, set the provisioningNetworkInterface option. This is the network interface on a master that is connected to the provisioning network.
  • Out-of-band Management Network

    • Servers will typically have an additional NIC used by the onboard management controllers (BMCs). These BMCs must be accessible and routed to the host.

When the Virtual IPs are managed using multicast (VRRPv2 or VRRPv3), there is a limitation for 255 unique virtual routers per multicast domain. In case you have pre-existing virtual routers using the standard IPv4 or IPv6 multicast groups, you can learn the VIPs the installation will choose by running the following command:

$ podman run vr-ids cnf10
APIVirtualRouterID: 147
DNSVirtualRouterID: 158
IngressVirtualRouterID: 2

Where TAG is the release you are going to install, e.g., 4.5. Let's see another example:

$ podman run vr-ids cnf11
APIVirtualRouterID: 228
DNSVirtualRouterID: 239
IngressVirtualRouterID: 147

In the example output above you can see that installing two clusters in the same multicast domain with names cnf10 and cnf11 would lead to a conflict. You should also take care that none of those are taken by other independent VRRP virtual routers running in the same broadcast domain.

Provisioning Host

The installer must be run from a host that is attached to the same networks as the cluster, as described in the previous section. We refer to this host as the provisioning host. The easiest way to provide a provisioning host is to use one of the hosts that is intended to later become a worker node in the same cluster. That way it is already connected to the proper networks.

It is recommended that the provisioning host be a bare metal host, as it must be able to use libvirt to launch the OpenShift bootstrap VM locally. Additionally, the installer creates a directory backed libvirt storage pool in the /var/lib/libvirt/openshift-images directory. Sufficient disk space must be available in the directory to host the bootstrap VM volume.

Supported Hardware

The architecture is intended to support a wide variety of hardware. This was one of the reasons Ironic is used as an underlying technology. However, so far development and testing has focused on PXE based provisioning using IPMI for out-of-band management of hosts. Other provisioning approaches will be added, tested, and documented over time.

Installation Process

Once an environment has been prepared according to the documented pre-requisites, the install process is the same as other IPI based platforms.

openshift-install create cluster

Note for baremetal the installer must be built with both libvirt and baremetal tags - in releases such a binary is included, named openshift-baremetal-install

The installer supports interactive mode, but it is recommended to prepare an install-config.yaml file in advance, containing all of the details of the bare metal hosts to be provisioned.

Install Config

The install-config.yaml file requires some additional details. Most of the information is teaching the installer and the resulting cluster enough about the available hardware so that it is able to fully manage it. There are additional customizations possible.

Here is an example install-config.yaml with the required baremetal platform details.

apiVersion: v1
  name: ostest
  - cidr:
- name: worker
  replicas: 1
  name: master
  replicas: 3
    baremetal: {}
      - name: openshift-master-0
        role: master
          address: ipmi://
          username: admin
          password: password
        bootMACAddress: 00:11:07:4e:f6:68
          minSizeGigabytes: 20
        bootMode: legacy
      - name: openshift-master-1
        role: master
          address: ipmi://
          username: admin
          password: password
        bootMACAddress: 00:11:07:4e:f6:6c
          minSizeGigabytes: 20
        bootMode: UEFI
      - name: openshift-master-2
        role: master
          address: ipmi://
          username: admin
          password: password
        bootMACAddress: 00:11:07:4e:f6:70
          minSizeGigabytes: 20
      - name: openshift-worker-0
        role: worker
          address: ipmi://
          username: admin
          password: password
        bootMACAddress: 00:11:07:4e:f6:71
          minSizeGigabytes: 20
pullSecret: ...
sshKey: ...

Required Inputs

Parameter Default Description
hosts Details about bare metal hosts to use to build the cluster. See below for more details.
defaultMachinePlatform The default configuration used for machine pools without a platform configuration.
apiVIP api.<clusterdomain> The VIP to use for internal API communication.
ingressVIP test.apps.<clusterdomain> The VIP to use for ingress traffic.
VIP Settings

The apiVIP and ingressVIP settings must either be provided or pre-configured in DNS so that the default names resolve correctly (see the defaults in the table above).

Describing Hosts

The hosts parameter is a list of separate bare metal assets that should be used to build the cluster. The number of assets must be at least greater or equal to the sum of the configured ControlPlane and compute Replicas.

Name Default Description
name The name of the BareMetalHost resource to associate with the details. It must be unique.
role Either master or worker.
bmc Connection details for the baseboard management controller. See below for details.
bootMACAddress The MAC address of the NIC the host will use to boot on the provisioning network. It must be unique.
rootDeviceHints How to choose the target disk for the OS during provisioning - for more details see upstream docs.
bootMode UEFI Choose legacy (BIOS) or UEFI mode for booting. Use UEFISecureBoot to enable UEFI and secure boot on the server. Only some drivers support UEFI secure boot (notably, IPMI does not).
networkConfig Yaml block describing the desired host networking settings. Must be compatible with NMState (for more details see

The bmc parameter for each host is a set of values for accessing the baseboard management controller in the host.

Name Default Description
username The username for authenticating to the BMC
password The password associated with username.
address The URL for communicating with the BMC controller, based on the provider being used. See BMC Addressing for details. It must be unique.
BMC Addressing

The address field for each bmc entry is a URL with details for connecting to the controller, including the type of controller in the URL scheme and its location on the network.

IPMI hosts use ipmi://<host>:<port>. An unadorned <host>:<port> is also accepted. If the port is omitted, the default of 623 is used.

Dell iDRAC hosts use idrac:// (or idrac+http:// to disable TLS).

Fujitsu iRMC hosts use irmc://<host>:<port>, where <port> is optional if using the default.

For Redfish, use redfish:// (or redfish+http:// to disable TLS). The hostname (or IP address) and the path to the system ID are both required. For example redfish://myhost.example/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1 or redfish://myhost.example/redfish/v1/Systems/1

To use virtual media instead of PXE for attaching the provisioning image to the host, use redfish-virtualmedia:// or idrac-virtualmedia://

Please note that when the provisioning network is disabled, the only supported BMC's are virtual media.

Known Issues

destroy cluster support

openshift-install destroy cluster is not supported for the baremetal platform.



General troubleshooting for OpenShift installations can be found here.


The bootstrap VM by default runs on the same host as the installer. This bootstrap VM runs the Ironic services needed to provision the control plane. Ironic being available is dependent on having successfully downloaded the machine OS and Ironic agent images. In some cases, this may fail, and the installer will report a timeout waiting for the Ironic API.

To login to the bootstrap VM, you will need to ssh to the VM using the core user, and the SSH key defined in your install config.

The VM obtains an IP address from your DHCP server on the external network. When using a development environment with dev-scripts, it uses the baremetal libvirt network unless an override is specified. The IP can be retrieved with virsh net-dhcp-leases baremetal. If the install is far enough along to have brought up the provisioning network, you may use the provisioning bootstrap IP which defaults to

Viewing the virtual machine's console with virt-manager may also be helpful.

You can view the Ironic logs by sshing to the bootstrap VM, and examining the logs of the ironic service, journalctl -u ironic. You may also view the logs of the individual containers:

  • podman logs coreos-downloader
  • podman logs dnsmasq
  • podman logs image-customization
  • podman logs ironic
  • podman logs ironic-ramdisk-logs
  • podman logs httpd

Control Plane

Once Ironic is available, the installer will provision the three control plane hosts. For early failures, it may be useful to look at the console (using virt-manager if emulating baremetal with vbmc, or through the BMC like iDRAC) and see if there are any errors reported.

Additionally, if the cluster comes up enough that the bootstrap is destroyed, but commands like oc get clusteroperators shows degraded operators, it may be useful to examine the logs of the pods within the openshift-kni-infra namespace.


You may want to examine Ironic itself and look at the state of the hosts. On the bootstrap VM there is a /opt/metal3/auth/clouds.yaml file which may be used with the Ironic baremetal client.

To interact with Ironic running on the cluster, it will be necessary to create a similar clouds.yaml using the content from the metal3-ironic secrets in the openshift-machine-api namespace, and the hostIP of the controlplane host running the metal3 pod.