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Releases: opendevshop/devshop

DevShop 0.9.0-rc1

15 Mar 23:08
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DevShop 0.9.0-rc1 Pre-release


DevShop 1.0.0-alpha2

27 Feb 23:03
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DevShop 1.0.0-alpha2 Pre-release

HotFix release:

  • devshop_stats.module was not included in 1.0.0-alpha1 makefile.

DevShop 1.0.0-alpha1

27 Feb 05:02
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DevShop 1.0.0-alpha1 Pre-release

First Alpha for 1.0.0!

257 commits to DevShop: 0.8.1...1.x
725 commits to DevMaster: opendevshop/devmaster@0.8.1...1.x

Hosting Drupal 8!

  • Upgraded devshop to use Aegir 3.x: Drupal 7 front-end, Drush 8, able to host Drupal 8.
  • There in an immense amount of work that went into this release. We will be putting together a master list for the
    first beta.
  • Mostly, this was a direct port. Most improvements done in this branch were already ported to 0.x branch and were released in the 0.x family.

More coming soon...

DevShop 0.8.1

17 Feb 14:45
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HotFix release.

7 commits to DevShop: 0.8.0...0.8.1
5 commits to DevMaster: opendevshop/devmaster@0.8.0...0.8.1

  • Fixed bug that prevented supervisor jobs from being setup.
  • Added more screenshots to the documentation.
  • If Git URLs have passwords, scrub them before showing in the web browser. (Thanks @llwp!)
  • A small typo fix in the (Thanks, @RealLukeMartin!)

DevShop 0.8.0

11 Feb 00:09
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307 commits to DevShop: 0.7.4...0.x
149 commits to DevMaster: opendevshop/devmaster@0.7.4...0.x

Newly Redesigned Tasks

  • Recreate Features button allows you to update some or all of your Features modules in one click. Yes, this is an old feature, but it needed some dusting off. We've decoupled the "recreate" process from the "commit" process, making it much easier to avoid mistakes.
  • Download Modules button allows you download and commit modules to git with the press of a button, or you can save your commit for the...
  • Commit button, in the Git Information panel. This task allows you to easily fill in a commit message and commit some or all of your changes. The name and user in DevMaster is automatically passed to git, so keep your devshop users accurate and you will have accurate git history.

These new features are not enabled by default, yet. To check them out, please enable aegir_features, aegir_download, and aegir_commit.

UI Improvements

  • Git Information tells you when you have untracked, modified, added or deleted files. It will indicate if the repo is ahead or behind. Click for a modal window showing you the current git status, last commit, and full git diff for every environment.
  • Git reference displayed on environments is now loaded in realtime.
  • Situational Indicators now tell you more about what is happening with your environments, especially when something failed.
  • Situational buttons now appear on failed tasks or disabled environments giving you easy access to your options, such as 'View Logs & Retry', or 'Destroy Environment'.
  • Improve devshop status command, it now fully bootstraps the devmaster site to ensure it is working and properly exits with a non-zero exit code if something fails.
  • Output devmaster drupal version and site URL in devshop status command.
  • Use devshop status and devshop login at end of install script, making it much more friendly.
  • Moved all commands to use devshop_drush_process() and our new logging system, making all task logs beautiful.
  • Added a theme('devshop_ascii', $string) function for easy beautiful ascii color in browser.
  • Fixed the problem of GitHub Pull Request Environments often causing the "Clone" task to fail, which would prevent the environment from being created. In addition, "Deploy" task would not run on Cloned sites. Now, new PR environments are exact clones of live, on the same git ref. After that, a new "Deploy" task is created that runs all appropriate deploy hooks.
  • Clones of locked environments are automatically unlocked, since they are assumed to be destructible. Be sure to check your environment settings if you need to lock environments.
  • Removing our special devshop_tests drupal page, and altering the menu to allow access to test tasks to users with the permission "access test logs". Now github links to the correct place to view tests in action!
  • Fixed the funky "Logs" page for environments, and removed devshop_logs.module altogether!
  • Added a Tour section to the documentation with screenshots.

System & DevShop Development Features

  • NGINX! You can now install NGINX + PHP-FPM on the devmaster server using the install script option --server-webserver=nginx.
  • Full test suite running on, on both repositories, for both NGINX and Apache, Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS7!. See and for more info.
  • Refactored travis tests and install scripts to allow testing of Pull Requests on devmaster repo.
  • DevShop Behat tests now run through entire project creation, even testing the environment was installed properly.
  • Created to launch a DevShop development environment in docker! See to remove the containers.
  • Adding a 'devshop devmaster:test` command to the CLI for easy Behat testing of the front-end.
  • Added command line options to script:
    • --server-webserver can be apache or nginx.
    • --hostname will pass a desired hostname to ansible, which will change the hostname on the system.
    • --makefile passes a different "build-devmaster.make" file, allowing for pull request testing.
    • --aegir_user_uid will pass to ansible variables, setting the aegir user to use the desired UID.

New Contributors!

We're so excited to welcome Andrew Rosborough (@arosboro) from, and Daniel Hesoyam (@hesoyam) to OpenDevShop as our newest contributors!

Andrew did immense work on tests, NGINX, and our 1.x branch upgrading devmaster to Drupal 7.

Daniel submitted a small patch fixing a warning in old versions of Vagrant.


DevShop 0.7.4

15 Jan 22:22
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1 commits to DevShop: opendevshop/devmaster@0.7.3...0.7.4
15 commits to DevMaster: opendevshop/devmaster@0.7.3...0.7.4

  • Fixed bug that blocked non-uid-1 users from cloning and forking environments.
  • Now runs apt-get update before installing git.
  • Added "Run Tests" to Project Settings "Default Deploy Hooks".
  • Improvements to the way devshop_get_tasks() works, improving dynamic task loading performance.
  • Major improvements to Environment status user interface. It now clearly states to the user what an environment is doing: "Creating environment", "Cloning Environment", "Deleting Environment", "Disabling Environment", "Clone failed", "Delete Failed", Etc. Added separate "Site Destroy" and "Platform destroy" indicators.
  • Major improvements to GitHub pull request environment interface. Now clearly shows PR number and environment name. Shows Pull request title as well.

DevShop 0.7.3

30 Dec 16:04
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22 commits to DevMaster: opendevshop/devmaster@0.7.2...0.7.3

  • Minor improvements to ajax task loader to improve performance: don't load deleted environments!
  • Removing a couple of PHP notices.
  • Separating node-site template to only affect sites that are in projects.
  • UI Improvements:
    • Don't show site-related links before there is a site.
    • Add "Aegir Site" and "Aegir Platform" links to the dropdown, if user has access.
    • Improving last task display: now displays text status. Much easier to tell the status, especially if you are color blind.
    • Improved "disabled" and "deleting" environment indicators.
  • Moved task icon/label/class determination to hook_load() so we don't have to do it in many places.
  • Properly load clone task on target environment.
  • Improve output for failed tasks, giving users buttons to take their next steps: "Retry" or "Destroy".
  • Blocking clone tasks from being retried because old tasks will fail due to unversioned task arguments.
  • Added "Project Messages" so we can inform the user of project wide problems (such as no deploy hooks configured.)
  • Added a "" and "" script to help make releases easier.

DevShop 0.7.2

24 Dec 02:15
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  • Fixing a slew of PHP notices.
  • Removing Hosting Task Jenkins from the default build. It requires composer install, and we can't run that inside of hostmaster-migrate at the moment.

DevShop 0.7.1

23 Dec 19:49
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Fixed a bug in the Install command when specifying a version.

DevShop 0.7.0

23 Dec 19:15
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71 commits to DevShop: 0.6.0...0.7.0
20 commits to Devmaster: opendevshop/devmaster@0.6.0...0.7.0

DevMaster Fixes

screenshot from 2015-12-23 21 58 38

  • Fixed "Last Task" bug that was causing inconsistent environment status displays.
  • Re-opening GitHub pull requests will recreate the environment.
  • Fixed "Login" modal window bug that prevented users from being able to log in to all environments.
  • Added "Environment Warnings" display that shows problems to the user, such as "No deploy hooks configured".
  • When a major problem is detected, such as "Installation failed", "Clone failed", we now show the user a message describing what happened, and offer Retry and Destroy buttons so they can take immediate action.
  • When an environment is being created, instead of saying "Verify" the first time, it says "Cloning codebase".
  • Adding a VERSION.txt file to the install profile to define the project's version. Once we go to Drupal 7 we can move this to the .info file.

DevShop CLI Fixes

screenshot from 2015-12-23 14 21 48

  • Fixed versioning issues!
    • Banished the /var/aegir/.devshop-version file.
    • Separated DevShop CLI and DevMaster versions in the status command.
    • Improved how devshop CLI interprets it's version. If on a branch, it now specifies the SHA as well.
  • Major CLI Improvements:
    • Added "self-update" command for the CLI that uses Git! Once Phar integration is complete self-update will update the phar as well.
    • Added our own Application and Command classes inspired by composer. Moving a lot of shared code to those classes.
    • Added a sweet new logo for the CLI.
    • Set the stage for packaging devshop CLI into a PHAR file: added box.json. We will not distribute the Phar file until we know self-update fully works.
    • Moved the executable from devshop to bin/devshop.


  • After installing this release (once you have the self-update command), always run devshop self-update before devshop upgrade. We will soon add code to enforce this by checking to see if devshop CLI is out of date before an upgrade.
  • We do not remove the old .devshop-version file for you automatically, but the devshop status command will warn you if it still exists. Please remove /var/aegir/.devshop-version manually.