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GitHub Label Standard for opendatahub-io organization

Date 2023-04-14
Status Accepted
Authors Landon LaSmith
Supersedes N/A
Superseded by: N/A
Other docs: none


This document will set the the organization standards for the core set of GitHub Issue Labels that should be supported by every repository in the opendatahub-io organziation.


opendatahub-io needs a unified Issue workflow that can support common queries for all Issue and Pull Request metadata from any repository in the opendatahub-io organization. To support this unified workflow, the required label names must match across all repositories.


  • Standardize an issue workflow that will be used to show the Issue lifecycle, ownership and category
  • Define the label name standard that covers the universal states and metadata that is relevant to the entire opendatahub-io organization
    • Type: Bug, Feature, Documentation, tracker
    • Status: To Do, In Progess, In Review, Closed
    • Priority
    • ODH Component: ODH Operator, Notebook Controller, Notebooks, Manifests, Data Science Pipelines, Model Serving, AI Explainability, ...
    • SIG: Platform, ML Ops, Developer Experience
    • Extra: Good First Issue
  • Use the opendatahub-community repository that will become the centralized Issue triaging location for ODH Component owners to triage new issues and/or transfer to the appropriate component repository


  • This ADR will only define the core set of labels that will be supported across all repositories in opendatahub-io. The labels outlined in this document will only be a subset of the available labels in any given repo and will not contain any labels that are isolatedj to an individual repostory workflow
  • This is not a mandate that every component or SIG must use the centralized opendatahub-community repository to manage the lifecyle of issues relevant to their workflow


Across all repositories in the opendatahub-io organization, we will create the labels below with the expectation that the workflows they outline will be universal across all opendatahub-io repositories

Label Description
tracker Non-completable ticket; used for tracking work - akin to a Jira Epic
untriaged Indicates the newly created issue has not been triaged yet
kind/bug Indicates an unexpected problem or unintended behavior
kind/enhancement New functionality request (existing augments or new additions)
kind/documentation Improvements or additions to documentation
kind/security Indicates that this is a security issue that should be addressed
needinfo Further information is requested to unblock any progress on the issue
priority/normal An issue with the product; fix when possible
priority/blocker Critical issue that needs to be fixed asap; blocks up coming releases
priority/low An issue with the product that doesn't impact the user much or not at all (ie tech debt)
priority/high Important issue that needs to be resolved asap. Releases should not have too many of these.
good-first-issue Good for newcomers
odh-component/* Name of the odh-component that owns this issue. This should be used as the indicator for which component should own this issue if located in the centralized opendatahub-community repository
sig/* Name of the Special Interest Group in charge of this subject matter
wg/* Name of the Working Group that should be assigned to this issue

Additional labels maybe reserved depending on certain bots or apps running in the organization.

It is assumed that all new issues will have the untriaged label until it is reviewed. Once an issue is triaged, a kind/* and priority/* label should be added and the issue will follow the issue worklow outlined in the component repo where it is located.


Alternative is to allow each SIG, WG, Maintainer, ... to use their own label naming system which would complicate attempts when querying or filtering on labels that have the same purpose but different name structure: kind/bug vs kind::bug vs bug

Stakeholder Impacts

Group Key Contacts Date Impacted?
Platform SIG 2023-05-31 yes
MLOps SIG 2023-05-31 yes
Developer Experience SIG 2023-05-31 yes



GitHub Approvals will function as reviews