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40 lines (36 loc) · 2.25 KB

File metadata and controls

40 lines (36 loc) · 2.25 KB

Changelog and Guidelines

[2022-09-02] Update to v0.6.0:

  • How to process data to support multi-frame training/testing on Waymo Open Dataset?
    • If you never use the OpenPCDet, you can directly follow the
    • If you have been using previous OpenPCDet (v0.5), then you need to follow the following steps to update your data:
      • Update your waymo infos (the *.pkl files for each sequence) by adding argument --update_info_only:
      python -m pcdet.datasets.waymo.waymo_dataset --func create_waymo_infos --cfg_file tools/cfgs/dataset_configs/waymo_dataset.yaml --update_info_only
      • Generate multi-frame GT database for copy-paste augmentation of multi-frame training. There is also a faster version with parallel data generation by adding --use_parallel, but you need to read the codes and rename the file after getting the results.
      python -m pcdet.datasets.waymo.waymo_dataset --func create_waymo_gt_database --cfg_file tools/cfgs/dataset_configs/waymo_dataset_multiframe.yaml 
      This will generate the new files like the following (the last three lines under data/waymo):
├── data
│   ├── waymo
│   │   │── ImageSets
│   │   │── raw_data
│   │   │   │── segment-xxxxxxxx.tfrecord
|   |   |   |── ...
|   |   |── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0
│   │   │   │── segment-xxxxxxxx/
|   |   |   |── ...
│   │   │── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_gt_database_train_sampled_1/
│   │   │── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_waymo_dbinfos_train_sampled_1.pkl
│   │   │── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_gt_database_train_sampled_1_global.npy (optional)
│   │   │── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_infos_train.pkl (optional)
│   │   │── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_infos_val.pkl (optional)
|   |   |── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_gt_database_train_sampled_1_multiframe_-4_to_0 (new)
│   │   │── waymo_processed_data_v0_5_0_waymo_dbinfos_train_sampled_1_multiframe_-4_to_0.pkl (new)
│   │   │──  (new, optional)
├── pcdet
├── tools