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BUG: Yank a file and paste bug #1449

3 tasks done
ThaiDuy12345 opened this issue Apr 26, 2024 · 0 comments
3 tasks done

BUG: Yank a file and paste bug #1449

ThaiDuy12345 opened this issue Apr 26, 2024 · 0 comments
bug Something isn't working


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Neovim Version (nvim -v)


Operating System / Version

Window 11 _ WSL Ubuntu 22.04

Describe the Bug

Yanking a file and paste in neotree with a new name make the whole neovim frozen and spamming debug log non-stop (see the video for clarify)

Screenshots, Traceback


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Make sure neotree config hide_root_node = true
  2. Open neotree, create file tsconfig.ts
  3. Hit y to yank the file, paste right after with p
  4. Enter a new name, for me it's

Expected Behavior

Should behave as normal as "created file" flow would normal do

Your Configuration

local config = {
      sources = {
      add_blank_line_at_top = true, -- Add a blank line at the top of the tree.
      auto_clean_after_session_restore = true, -- Automatically clean up broken neo-tree buffers saved in sessions
      close_if_last_window = true, -- Close Neo-tree if it is the last window left in the tab
      popup_border_style = require("utils").border,
      -- popup_border_style is for input and confirmation dialogs.
      -- Configurtaion of floating window is done in the individual source sections.
      -- "NC" is a special style that works well with NormalNC set
      default_source = "filesystem", -- you can choose a specific source `last` here which indicates the last used source
      enable_diagnostics = true,
      enable_git_status = true,
      enable_modified_markers = true, -- Show markers for files with unsaved changes.
      enable_opened_markers = true,   -- Enable tracking of opened files. Required for ``
      enable_refresh_on_write = true, -- Refresh the tree when a file is written. Only used if `use_libuv_file_watcher` is false.
      -- enable_normal_mode_for_inputs = false, -- Enable normal mode for input dialogs.
      git_status_async = true,
      -- These options are for people with VERY large git repos
      git_status_async_options = {
        batch_size = 1000, -- how many lines of git status results to process at a time
        batch_delay = 10,  -- delay in ms between batches. Spreads out the workload to let other processes run.
        max_lines = 10000, -- How many lines of git status results to process. Anything after this will be dropped.
        -- Anything before this will be used. The last items to be processed are the untracked files.
      hide_root_node = false, -- Hide the root node.
      retain_hidden_root_indent = true, -- IF the root node is hidden, keep the indentation anyhow. 
      -- This is needed if you use expanders because they render in the indent.
      log_level = "info", -- "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"
      log_to_file = false, -- true, false, "/path/to/file.log", use :NeoTreeLogs to show the file
      open_files_in_last_window = true, -- false = open files in top left window
      open_files_do_not_replace_types = { "Trouble", "qf", "edgy", "toggleterm" }, -- when opening files, do not use windows containing these filetypes or buftypes
      resize_timer_interval = 500, -- in ms, needed for containers to redraw right aligned and faded content
      -- set to -1 to disable the resize timer entirely
                                -- NOTE: this will speed up to 50 ms for 1 second following a resize
      sort_case_insensitive = false, -- used when sorting files and directories in the tree
      sort_function = nil , -- uses a custom function for sorting files and directories in the tree
      use_popups_for_input = true, -- If false, inputs will use vim.ui.input() instead of custom floats.
      use_default_mappings = true,
      -- source_selector provides clickable tabs to switch between sources.
      source_selector = {
        winbar = false, -- toggle to show selector on winbar
        statusline = false,
        show_scrolled_off_parent_node = true, -- this will replace the tabs with the parent path
        -- of the top visible node when scrolled down.
        sources = {
          { source = "filesystem" },
          { source = "git_status" },
        content_layout = "center", -- only with `tabs_layout` = "equal", "focus"
        --                start  : |/ 󰓩 bufname     \/...
        --                end    : |/     󰓩 bufname \/...
        --                center : |/   󰓩 bufname   \/...
        tabs_layout = "center", -- start, end, center, equal, focus
        --             start  : |/  a  \/  b  \/  c  \            |
        --             end    : |            /  a  \/  b  \/  c  \|
        --             center : |      /  a  \/  b  \/  c  \      |
        --             equal  : |/    a    \/    b    \/    c    \|
        --             active : |/  focused tab    \/  b  \/  c  \|
        truncation_character = "", -- character to use when truncating the tab label
        tabs_min_width = nil, -- nil | int: if int padding is added based on `content_layout`
        tabs_max_width = nil, -- this will truncate text even if `text_trunc_to_fit = false`
        padding = 0, -- can be int or table
        --padding = { left = 0, right = 0 },
        -- separator = "▕", -- can be string or table, see below
        --separator = { left = "▏", right= "▕" },
        -- separator = { left = "/", right = "\\", override = nil },     -- |/  a  \/  b  \/  c  \...
        -- separator = { left = "/", right = "\\", override = "right" }, -- |/  a  \  b  \  c  \...
        -- separator = { left = "/", right = "\\", override = "left" },  -- |/  a  /  b  /  c  /...
        -- separator = { left = "/", right = "\\", override = "active" },-- |/  a  / b:active \  c  \...
        separator = "",                                              -- ||  a  |  b  |  c  |...
        separator_active = nil, -- set separators around the active tab. nil falls back to `source_selector.separator`
        show_separator_on_edge = true,
        --                       true  : |/    a    \/    b    \/    c    \|
        --                       false : |     a    \/    b    \/    c     |
        highlight_tab = "NeoTreeTabInactive",
        highlight_tab_active = "NeoTreeTabActive",
        highlight_background = "NeoTreeTabInactive",
        highlight_separator = "NeoTreeTabSeparatorInactive",
        highlight_separator_active = "NeoTreeTabSeparatorActive",
      event_handlers = {
        --  {
        --    event = "before_render",
        --    handler = function (state)
        --      -- add something to the state that can be used by custom components
        --    end
        --  },
        --  {
        --    event = "file_opened",
        --    handler = function(file_path)
        --      --auto close
        --      require("neo-tree.command").execute({ action = "close" })
        --    end
        --  },
        --  {
        --    event = "file_opened",
        --    handler = function(file_path)
        --      --clear search after opening a file
        --      require("neo-tree.sources.filesystem").reset_search()
        --    end
        --  },
        --  {
        --    event = "file_renamed",
        --    handler = function(args)
        --      -- fix references to file
        --      print(args.source, " renamed to ", args.destination)
        --    end
        --  },
        --  {
        --    event = "file_moved",
        --    handler = function(args)
        --      -- fix references to file
        --      print(args.source, " moved to ", args.destination)
        --    end
        --  },
        --  {
        --    event = "neo_tree_buffer_enter",
        --    handler = function()
        --      vim.cmd 'highlight! Cursor blend=100'
        --    end
        --  },
        -- {
        --   -- FIX: fixing neotree buffer not closing when leaving the buffer
        --   event = 'neo_tree_buffer_leave',
        --   handler = function()
        --     local shown_buffers = {}
        --     for _, win in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_wins()) do
        --       shown_buffers[vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win)] = true
        --     end
        --     for _, buf in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do
        --       if not shown_buffers[buf] and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(buf, 'buftype') == 'nofile' and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(buf, 'filetype') == 'neo-tree' then
        --         vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, {})
        --       end
        --     end
        --   end,
        -- },
        -- {
        --   event = "neo_tree_window_before_open",
        --   handler = function(args)
        --     print("neo_tree_window_before_open", vim.inspect(args))
        --   end
        -- },
        -- {
        --   event = "neo_tree_window_after_open",
        --   handler = function(args)
        --     vim.cmd("wincmd =")
        --   end
        -- },
        -- {
        --   event = "neo_tree_window_before_close",
        --   handler = function(args)
        --     print("neo_tree_window_before_close", vim.inspect(args))
        --   end
        -- },
        -- {
        --   event = "neo_tree_window_after_close",
        --   handler = function(args)
        --     vim.cmd("wincmd =")
        --   end
        -- }
      default_component_configs = {
        container = {
          enable_character_fade = true,
          width = "100%",
          right_padding = 0,
        diagnostics = {
          symbols = {
            hint = require("utils").sign_icons.hint,
            info = require("utils"),
            warn = require("utils").sign_icons.warning,
            error = require("utils").sign_icons.error,
          highlights = {
            hint = "DiagnosticSignHint",
            info = "DiagnosticSignInfo",
            warn = "DiagnosticSignWarn",
            error = "DiagnosticSignError",
        indent = {
          indent_size = 2,
          padding = 1,
          -- indent guides
          with_markers = true,
          -- indent_marker = "│",
          -- last_indent_marker = "└",
          indent_marker = " ",
          last_indent_marker = " ",
          highlight = "NeoTreeIndentMarker",
          -- expander config, needed for nesting files
          with_expanders = true, -- if nil and file nesting is enabled, will enable expanders
          -- expander_collapsed = "",
          -- expander_expanded = "",
          expander_collapsed = " ",
          expander_expanded = " ",
          -- expander_collapsed = "",
          -- expander_expanded = "",
          -- expander_collapsed = "󰁙",
          -- expander_expanded = "󰁊",
          expander_highlight = "NeoTreeExpander",
        icon = {
          folder_closed = "",
          folder_open = "",
          folder_empty = "",
          folder_empty_open = "",
          default = "*",
          highlight = "NeoTreeFileIcon"
        modified = {
          symbol = "",
          highlight = "NeoTreeModified",
        name = {
          trailing_slash = false,
          highlight_opened_files = true, -- Requires `enable_opened_markers = true`. 
          -- Take values in { false (no highlight), true (only loaded), 
          -- "all" (both loaded and unloaded)}. For more information,
          -- see the `show_unloaded` config of the `buffers` source.
          use_git_status_colors = true,
          highlight = "NeoTreeFileName",
        git_status = {
          symbols = {
            -- Change type
            -- added     = "✚", -- NOTE: you can set any of these to an empty string to not show them
            -- deleted   = "✖",
            -- modified  = "",
            -- renamed   = "󰁕",
            -- -- Status type
            -- untracked = "",
            -- ignored   = "",
            -- unstaged  = "󰄱",
            -- staged    = "",
            -- conflict  = "",
            added     = "", -- NOTE: you can set any of these to an empty string to not show them
            deleted   = "󰅗",
            modified  = "󱗜",
            renamed   = "󰛂",
            -- Status type
            untracked = "󰞋",
            ignored   = "󱎙",
            unstaged  = "󰄱",
            staged    = "",
            conflict  = "",
          align = "right",
        -- If you don't want to use these columns, you can set `enabled = false` for each of them individually
        file_size = {
          enabled = true,
          required_width = 64, -- min width of window required to show this column
        type = {
          enabled = true,
          required_width = 110, -- min width of window required to show this column
        last_modified = {
          enabled = true,
          required_width = 88, -- min width of window required to show this column
        created = {
          enabled = true,
          required_width = 120, -- min width of window required to show this column
        symlink_target = {
          enabled = true,
      renderers = {
        directory = {
          { "indent" },
          { "icon" },
          { "current_filter" },
            content = {
              { "name", zindex = 10 },
                zindex = 10,
                highlight = "NeoTreeSymbolicLinkTarget",
              { "clipboard", zindex = 10 },
              { "diagnostics", errors_only = true, zindex = 20, align = "right", hide_when_expanded = true },
              { "git_status", zindex = 10, align = "right", hide_when_expanded = true },
              { "file_size", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "type", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "last_modified", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "created", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
        file = {
          { "indent" },
          { "icon" },
            content = {
                zindex = 10
                zindex = 10,
                highlight = "NeoTreeSymbolicLinkTarget",
              { "clipboard", zindex = 10 },
              { "bufnr", zindex = 10 },
              { "modified", zindex = 20, align = "right" },
              { "diagnostics",  zindex = 20, align = "right" },
              { "git_status", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "file_size", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "type", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "last_modified", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
              { "created", zindex = 10, align = "right" },
        message = {
          { "indent", with_markers = false },
          { "name", highlight = "NeoTreeMessage" },
        terminal = {
          { "indent" },
          { "icon" },
          { "name" },
          { "bufnr" }
      nesting_rules = {},
      -- Global custom commands that will be available in all sources (if not overridden in `opts[source_name].commands`)
      -- You can then reference the custom command by adding a mapping to it:
      --    globally    -> `opts.window.mappings`
      --    locally     -> `opt[source_name].window.mappings` to make it source specific.
      -- commands = {              |  window {                 |  filesystem {
      --   hello = function()      |    mappings = {           |    commands = {
      --     print("Hello world")  |      ["<C-c>"] = "hello"  |      hello = function()
      --   end                     |    }                      |        print("Hello world in filesystem")
      -- }                         |  }                        |      end
      -- see `:h neo-tree-custom-commands-global`
      commands = {}, -- A list of functions

      window = { -- see for
        -- possible options. These can also be functions that return these options.
        position = "left", -- left, right, top, bottom, float, current
        width = 40, -- applies to left and right positions
        height = 15, -- applies to top and bottom positions
        auto_expand_width = false, -- expand the window when file exceeds the window width. does not work with position = "float"
        popup = { -- settings that apply to float position only
          size = {
            height = "80%",
            width = "50%",
          position = "50%", -- 50% means center it
          -- you can also specify border here, if you want a different setting from
          -- the global popup_border_style.
        same_level = false, -- Create and paste/move files/directories on the same level as the directory under cursor (as opposed to within the directory under cursor).
        insert_as = "child", -- Affects how nodes get inserted into the tree during creation/pasting/moving of files if the node under the cursor is a directory:
        -- "child":   Insert nodes as children of the directory under cursor.
        -- "sibling": Insert nodes  as siblings of the directory under cursor.
        -- Mappings for tree window. See `:h neo-tree-mappings` for a list of built-in commands.
        -- You can also create your own commands by providing a function instead of a string.
        mapping_options = {
          noremap = true,
          nowait = true,
        mappings = {
          ["<space>"] = {
            nowait = true, -- disable `nowait` if you have existing combos starting with this char that you want to use
          ["<2-LeftMouse>"] = "open",
          ["<cr>"] = "open",
          -- ["<cr>"] = { "open", config = { expand_nested_files = true } }, -- expand nested file takes precedence
          ["<esc>"] = "cancel", -- close preview or floating neo-tree window
          ["P"] = { "toggle_preview", config = { use_float = true, use_image_nvim = true } },
          ["l"] = "focus_preview",
          ["S"] = "open_split",
          -- ["S"] = "split_with_window_picker",
          ["s"] = "open_vsplit",
          -- ["s"] = "vsplit_with_window_picker",
          ["t"] = "open_tabnew",
          -- ["<cr>"] = "open_drop",
          -- ["t"] = "open_tab_drop",
          ["w"] = "open_with_window_picker",
          ["C"] = "close_node",
          ["z"] = "close_all_nodes",
          --["Z"] = "expand_all_nodes",
          ["R"] = "refresh",
          ["a"] = {
            -- some commands may take optional config options, see `:h neo-tree-mappings` for details
            config = {
              show_path = "none", -- "none", "relative", "absolute"
          ["A"] = "add_directory", -- also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options.
          ["d"] = "delete",
          ["r"] = "rename",
          ["y"] = "copy_to_clipboard",
          ["x"] = "cut_to_clipboard",
          ["p"] = "paste_from_clipboard",
          ["c"] = "copy", -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options
          ["m"] = "move", -- takes text input for destination, also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options
          ["e"] = "toggle_auto_expand_width",
          ["q"] = "close_window",
          ["?"] = "show_help",
          ["<"] = "prev_source",
          [">"] = "next_source",
      filesystem = {
        window = {
          mappings = {
            ["H"] = "toggle_hidden",
            ["/"] = "fuzzy_finder",
            ["D"] = "fuzzy_finder_directory",
            --["/"] = "filter_as_you_type", -- this was the default until v1.28
            ["#"] = "fuzzy_sorter", -- fuzzy sorting using the fzy algorithm
            -- ["D"] = "fuzzy_sorter_directory",
            ["f"] = "filter_on_submit",
            ["<C-x>"] = "clear_filter",
            ["<bs>"] = "navigate_up",
            ["."] = "set_root",
            ["[g"] = "prev_git_modified",
            ["]g"] = "next_git_modified",
            ["i"] = "show_file_details",
            ["o"] = { "show_help", nowait=false, config = { title = "Order by", prefix_key = "o" }},
            ["oc"] = { "order_by_created", nowait = false },
            ["od"] = { "order_by_diagnostics", nowait = false },
            ["og"] = { "order_by_git_status", nowait = false },
            ["om"] = { "order_by_modified", nowait = false },
            ["on"] = { "order_by_name", nowait = false },
            ["os"] = { "order_by_size", nowait = false },
            ["ot"] = { "order_by_type", nowait = false },
          fuzzy_finder_mappings = { -- define keymaps for filter popup window in fuzzy_finder_mode
            ["<down>"] = "move_cursor_down",
            ["<C-n>"] = "move_cursor_down",
            ["<up>"] = "move_cursor_up",
            ["<C-p>"] = "move_cursor_up",
        async_directory_scan = "auto", -- "auto"   means refreshes are async, but it's synchronous when called from the Neotree commands.
        -- "always" means directory scans are always async.
        -- "never"  means directory scans are never async.
        scan_mode = "shallow", -- "shallow": Don't scan into directories to detect possible empty directory a priori
        -- "deep": Scan into directories to detect empty or grouped empty directories a priori.
        bind_to_cwd = true, -- true creates a 2-way binding between vim's cwd and neo-tree's root
        cwd_target = {
          sidebar = "tab",   -- sidebar is when position = left or right
          current = "window" -- current is when position = current
        check_gitignore_in_search = true, -- check gitignore status for files/directories when searching
        -- setting this to false will speed up searches, but gitignored
        -- items won't be marked if they are visible.
        -- The renderer section provides the renderers that will be used to render the tree.
        --   The first level is the node type.
        --   For each node type, you can specify a list of components to render.
        --       Components are rendered in the order they are specified.
        --         The first field in each component is the name of the function to call.
        --         The rest of the fields are passed to the function as the "config" argument.
        filtered_items = {
          visible = false, -- when true, they will just be displayed differently than normal items
          force_visible_in_empty_folder = false, -- when true, hidden files will be shown if the root folder is otherwise empty
          show_hidden_count = true, -- when true, the number of hidden items in each folder will be shown as the last entry
          hide_dotfiles = true,
          hide_gitignored = true,
          hide_hidden = true, -- only works on Windows for hidden files/directories
          hide_by_name = {
            -- ".DS_Store",
            -- "thumbs.db"
          hide_by_pattern = { -- uses glob style patterns
          always_show = { -- remains visible even if other settings would normally hide it
          never_show = { -- remains hidden even if visible is toggled to true, this overrides always_show
          never_show_by_pattern = { -- uses glob style patterns
        find_by_full_path_words = false,  -- `false` means it only searches the tail of a path.
        -- `true` will change the filter into a full path
        -- search with space as an implicit ".*", so
        -- `fi init`
        -- will match: `./sources/filesystem/init.lua
        --find_command = "fd", -- this is determined automatically, you probably don't need to set it
        --find_args = {  -- you can specify extra args to pass to the find command.
        --  fd = {
        --  "--exclude", ".git",
        --  "--exclude",  "node_modules"
        --  }
        ---- or use a function instead of list of strings
        --find_args = function(cmd, path, search_term, args)
        --  if cmd ~= "fd" then
        --    return args
        --  end
        --  --maybe you want to force the filter to always include hidden files:
        --  table.insert(args, "--hidden")
        --  -- but no one ever wants to see .git files
        --  table.insert(args, "--exclude")
        --  table.insert(args, ".git")
        --  -- or node_modules
        --  table.insert(args, "--exclude")
        --  table.insert(args, "node_modules")
        --  --here is where it pays to use the function, you can exclude more for
        --  --short search terms, or vary based on the directory
        --  if string.len(search_term) < 4 and path == "/home/cseickel" then
        --    table.insert(args, "--exclude")
        --    table.insert(args, "Library")
        --  end
        --  return args
        group_empty_dirs = false, -- when true, empty folders will be grouped together
        search_limit = 500, -- max number of search results when using filters
        follow_current_file = {
          enabled = true, -- This will find and focus the file in the active buffer every time
          --               -- the current file is changed while the tree is open.
          leave_dirs_open = true, -- `false` closes auto expanded dirs, such as with `:Neotree reveal`
        update_focused_file = {
          enable = true,
        hijack_netrw_behavior = "open_default", -- netrw disabled, opening a directory opens neo-tree
        -- in whatever position is specified in window.position
        -- "open_current",-- netrw disabled, opening a directory opens within the
        -- window like netrw would, regardless of window.position
        -- "disabled",    -- netrw left alone, neo-tree does not handle opening dirs
        use_libuv_file_watcher = true, -- This will use the OS level file watchers to detect changes
        -- instead of relying on nvim autocmd events.
      buffers = {
        bind_to_cwd = true,
        follow_current_file = {
          enabled = true, -- This will find and focus the file in the active buffer every time
          --              -- the current file is changed while the tree is open.
          leave_dirs_open = true, -- `false` closes auto expanded dirs, such as with `:Neotree reveal`
        update_focused_file = {
          enable = true,
        group_empty_dirs = true,  -- when true, empty directories will be grouped together
        show_unloaded = true,    -- When working with sessions, for example, restored but unfocused buffers
        -- are mark as "unloaded". Turn this on to view these unloaded buffer.
        terminals_first = true,  -- when true, terminals will be listed before file buffers
        window = {
          mappings = {
            ["<bs>"] = "navigate_up",
            ["."] = "set_root",
            ["bd"] = "buffer_delete",
            ["i"] = "show_file_details",
            ["o"] = { "show_help", nowait=false, config = { title = "Order by", prefix_key = "o" }},
            ["oc"] = { "order_by_created", nowait = false },
            ["od"] = { "order_by_diagnostics", nowait = false },
            ["om"] = { "order_by_modified", nowait = false },
            ["on"] = { "order_by_name", nowait = false },
            ["os"] = { "order_by_size", nowait = false },
            ["ot"] = { "order_by_type", nowait = false },
      git_status = {
        window = {
          mappings = {
            ["A"] = "git_add_all",
            ["gu"] = "git_unstage_file",
            ["ga"] = "git_add_file",
            ["gr"] = "git_revert_file",
            ["gc"] = "git_commit",
            ["gp"] = "git_push",
            ["gg"] = "git_commit_and_push",
            ["i"] = "show_file_details",
            ["o"] = { "show_help", nowait=false, config = { title = "Order by", prefix_key = "o" }},
            ["oc"] = { "order_by_created", nowait = false },
            ["od"] = { "order_by_diagnostics", nowait = false },
            ["om"] = { "order_by_modified", nowait = false },
            ["on"] = { "order_by_name", nowait = false },
            ["os"] = { "order_by_size", nowait = false },
            ["ot"] = { "order_by_type", nowait = false },
      document_symbols = {
        follow_cursor = true,
        client_filters = "first",
        renderers = {
          root = {
            {"icon", default="C" },
            {"name", zindex = 10},
          symbol = {
            {"indent", with_expanders = true},
            {"kind_icon", default="?" },
              content = {
                {"name", zindex = 10},
                {"kind_name", zindex = 20, align = "right"},
        window = {
          mappings = {
            ["<cr>"] = "jump_to_symbol",
            ["o"] = "jump_to_symbol",
            ["A"] = "noop", -- also accepts the config.show_path and config.insert_as options.
            ["d"] = "noop",
            ["y"] = "noop",
            ["x"] = "noop",
            ["p"] = "noop",
            ["c"] = "noop",
            ["m"] = "noop",
            ["a"] = "noop",
            ["/"] = "filter",
            ["f"] = "filter_on_submit",
        custom_kinds = {
          -- define custom kinds here (also remember to add icon and hl group to kinds)
          -- ccls
          -- [252] = 'TypeAlias',
          -- [253] = 'Parameter',
          -- [254] = 'StaticMethod',
          -- [255] = 'Macro',
        kinds = {
          Unknown = { icon = "?", hl = "" },
          Root = { icon = "", hl = "NeoTreeRootName" },
          File = { icon = "󰈙", hl = "Tag" },
          Module = { icon = "", hl = "Exception" },
          Namespace = { icon = "󰌗", hl = "Include" },
          Package = { icon = "󰏖", hl = "Label" },
          Class = { icon = "󰌗", hl = "Include" },
          Method = { icon = "", hl = "Function" },
          Property = { icon = "󰆧", hl = "@property" },
          Field = { icon = "", hl = "@field" },
          Constructor = { icon = "", hl = "@constructor" },
          Enum = { icon = "󰒻", hl = "@number" },
          Interface = { icon = "", hl = "Type" },
          Function = { icon = "󰊕", hl = "Function" },
          Variable = { icon = "", hl = "@variable" },
          Constant = { icon = "", hl = "Constant" },
          String = { icon = "󰀬", hl = "String" },
          Number = { icon = "󰎠", hl = "Number" },
          Boolean = { icon = "", hl = "Boolean" },
          Array = { icon = "󰅪", hl = "Type" },
          Object = { icon = "󰅩", hl = "Type" },
          Key = { icon = "󰌋", hl = "" },
          Null = { icon = "", hl = "Constant" },
          EnumMember = { icon = "", hl = "Number" },
          Struct = { icon = "󰌗", hl = "Type" },
          Event = { icon = "", hl = "Constant" },
          Operator = { icon = "󰆕", hl = "Operator" },
          TypeParameter = { icon = "󰊄", hl = "Type" },

          -- ccls
          -- TypeAlias = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Type' },
          -- Parameter = { icon = ' ', hl = '@parameter' },
          -- StaticMethod = { icon = '󰠄 ', hl = 'Function' },
          -- Macro = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Macro' },
      example = {
        renderers = {
          custom = {
            {"icon", default="C" },
        window = {
          mappings = {
            ["<cr>"] = "toggle_node",
            ["<C-e>"] = "example_command",
            ["d"] = "show_debug_info",
@ThaiDuy12345 ThaiDuy12345 added the bug Something isn't working label Apr 26, 2024
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bug Something isn't working
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1 participant