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107 lines (92 loc) · 4.86 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (92 loc) · 4.86 KB

## Time-stamp: <2017-12-26 16:21:59 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode:


Current status

Done. If you find any errors do not hesitate to contact us.

Data Source

Any Android smartphone logs your phone calls. Various software tools let you backup those call logs to your computer.

This module takes call logs from the backup app Call Logs Backup & Restore and puts it into your Agenda - right where it belongs to.

Example Phonecall XML Backup File

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="calls.xsl"?>
<calls count="8">
  <call number="+4388812345678" duration="0" date="1303378237194" type="3" readable_date="2011/21/04 11:30:37" contact_name="Peter Foobar" />
  <call number="+4388812345678" duration="55" date="1303378253988" type="2" readable_date="2011/21/04 11:30:53" contact_name="Peter Foobar" />
  <call number="+4388812345678" duration="76" date="1303378592397" type="2" readable_date="2011/21/04 11:36:32" contact_name="Peter Foobar" />
  <call number="+4388845177123" duration="66" date="1303378683441" type="2" readable_date="2011/21/04 11:38:03" contact_name="Big Boss" />
  <call number="+4388812345678" duration="49" date="1303383053407" type="2" readable_date="2011/21/04 12:50:53" contact_name="Peter Foobar" />
  <call number="-1" duration="373" date="1303385176064" type="1" readable_date="2011/21/04 13:26:16" contact_name="(Unknown)" />
  <call number="+4388812345678" duration="16" date="1303410146890" type="1" readable_date="2011/21/04 20:22:26" contact_name="Peter Foobar" />
  <call number="+438889876543" duration="110" date="1303758829585" type="2" readable_date="2011/25/04 21:13:49" contact_name="My Voicemail" />

Example Invocation


/path/to/Memacs/bin/ -f /path/to/phonecalls-xml-file.xml -o /home/user/orgmode/memacs/phonecalls.org_archive


/path/to/Memacs/bin/ --file /path/to/phonecalls-xml-file.xml --output /home/user/orgmode/memacs/phonecalls.org_archive --columns-header "%29ITEM %20NAME %20NUMBER %4DURATION"

For more options see the help page: -h

Example Org-mode entries

Following Org-mode file will be generated from the example data above:

## -*- coding: utf-8 mode: org -*-
## this file is generated by bin/ Any modification will be overwritten upon next invocation!
## To add this file to your org-agenda files open the stub file  ( not this file(file.org_archive) with emacsand do following: M-x org-agenda-file-to-front
* Memacs for phonecalls          :Memacs:phonecalls:
** <2011-04-21 Thu 09:30:53>-<2011-04-21 Thu 09:31:48> Phonecall to [[contact:Peter Foobar][Peter Foobar]]
   :DURATION:   55
   :NUMBER:     +4388812345678
   :NAME:       Peter Foobar
   :ID:         83958506b4be48a231325cb5f02c4478bfa02338


** <2011-04-21 Thu 09:36:32>-<2011-04-21 Thu 09:37:48> Phonecall to [[contact:Peter Foobar][Peter Foobar]]
   :DURATION:   76
   :NUMBER:     +4388812345678
   :NAME:       Peter Foobar
   :ID:         d451756cb8944f869bf940218252c75e1a055fa1


** <2011-04-21 Thu 09:38:03>-<2011-04-21 Thu 09:39:09> Phonecall to [[contact:Big Boss][Big Boss]]
   :DURATION:   66
   :NUMBER:     +4388845177123
   :NAME:       Big Boss
   :ID:         d7a258ec013febd62727e8092400d051826ec005


** <2011-04-21 Thu 10:50:53>-<2011-04-21 Thu 10:51:42> Phonecall to [[contact:Peter Foobar][Peter Foobar]]
   :DURATION:   49
   :NUMBER:     +4388812345678
   :NAME:       Peter Foobar
   :ID:         30e8413a188a025f90d61c0fbfb826d9a1a3f397


** <2011-04-21 Thu 11:26:16>-<2011-04-21 Thu 11:32:29> Phonecall from Unknown
   :DURATION:   373
   :NUMBER:     Unknown Number
   :NAME:       (Unknown)
   :ID:         75d5b67cddbea7e24da0bf6a9122644e26639c94


** <2011-04-21 Thu 18:22:26>-<2011-04-21 Thu 18:22:42> Phonecall from [[contact:Peter Foobar][Peter Foobar]]
   :DURATION:   16
   :NUMBER:     +4388812345678
   :NAME:       Peter Foobar
   :ID:         928413407ddc09829670de700f9bce34816c9407


** <2011-04-25 Mon 19:13:49>-<2011-04-25 Mon 19:15:39> Phonecall to [[contact:My Voicemail][My Voicemail]]
   :DURATION:   110
   :NUMBER:     +438889876543
   :NAME:       My Voicemail
   :ID:         b660c2934b2860f900f21b61d69d67dbe5bf7ad4


* successfully parsed 7 entries by bin/ at [2013-04-10 Wed 16:05:24] in ~0.003216s .