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Markwon sample app

Collection of sample snippets showing different aspects of Markwon library usage. Includes source code of samples, latest stable/snapshot version of the library and search functionality. Additionally can check for updates. Can be used to preview markdown documents from the


Sample app is distributed via special parent-less branch sample-store. Inside the app, under version badges, tap CHECK FOR UPDATES to check for updates. Sample app is not attached to main libraries versions and can be released independently.

Application is signed with keystore.jks, which fingerprints are:

  • SHA1: BA:70:A5:D2:40:65:F1:FA:88:90:59:BA:FC:B7:31:81:E6:37:D9:41
  • SHA256: 82:C9:61:C5:DF:35:B1:CB:29:D5:48:83:FB:EB:9F:3E:7D:52:67:63:4F:D2:CE:0A:2D:70:17:85:FF:48:67:51

Download latest APK


Sample app handles special markwon scheme:

  • markwon://sample/{ID} to open specific sample given the {ID}
  • markwon://search?q={TEXT TO SEARCH}&a={ARTIFACT}&t={TAG}

Please note that search deeplink can have one of type: artifact or tag (if both are specified artifact will be used).

To test locally:

adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.ACTION_VIEW -d markwon://sample/ID

Please note that you might need to url encode the -d argument


When adding/removing samples most likely a clean build would be required. First, for annotation processor to create samples.json. And secondly, in order for Android Gradle plugin to bundle resources referenced via symbolic links (the sample.json itself and* directory)

./gradlew :app-s:clean :app-s:asDe

Sample id

Sample id is generated manually when creating new sample. A Live Template can be used to simplify generation part (for example mid shortcut with a single variable in Java and Kotlin scopes):

groovyScript("new Date().format('YYYYMMddHHmmss', TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))")


This app uses Robolectric(v3.8) for tests which is incompatible with JDK > 1.8. In order to run tests from command line with IDEA-bundled JDK - a special argument is required:

./gradlew :app-s:testDe"{INSERT BUNDLED JDK PATH HERE}"

To obtain bundled JDK:

  • open Project Structure...
  • open SDK Location
  • copy contents of the field under JDK Location