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This react native library provides a way of efficiently and dynamically rendering components based on a device's screen size and/or orientation irrespective of the platform. It achieves this by providing a new declarative syntax for applying different values of the same props to different devices based on their current orientation and/or screen size.


Yarn: yarn add react-native-responsive-component

Npm: npm install react-native-responsive-component --save


Basic Usage - Example 1



import { View } from "react-native";
import RComponent from "react-native-responsive-component";
  render$={() => View}
  style$sm={{ flexDirection: "row", backgroundColor: "red" }}
  style$md-lnd={{ flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "center" }}
  style$lg-ptr={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: "blue" }}

The RComponent above will render the View component with it's style prop set to {flexDirection:"row", backgroundColor:"red"} on small devices ($sm), {flexDirection:"column", justifyContent:"center"} on medium devices ($md-lnd) with the landscape orientation and {flex:1, backgroundColor:"blue"} on large devices with the portrait orientation ($lg-ptr).

There are currently 3 break points for various screen sizes as shown by the table

Screen Size Break Point Label
Small ⩽ 640px sm
Medium > 640px and ⩽ 1007px md
Large > 1007px lg

Prop Commands

The prop command is what is used by RComponent to determine what prop to apply to the rendered component based on the device. A prop command always begins with a dollar ($) symbol after the prop name. Here are all the available prop commands that could be used.

Prop Command Scope
$sm small devices in both portrait and landscape modes
$sm-ptr small devices in portrait modes only
$sm-lnd small devices in landscape modes only
$md medium devices in both portrait and landscape modes
$md-ptr medium devices in portrait modes only
$md-lnd medium devices in landscape modes only
$lg large devices in both portrait and landscape modes
$lg-ptr large devices in portrait modes only
$lg-lnd large devices in landscape modes only
$ptr any device in portrait mode
$lnd any device in landscape mode

Multiple prop commands could be chained to extend it's scope. For example $sm$md-lnd will match for small devices in both portrait and landscape mode and medium devices in landscape mode only. e.g

  render$={() => Text}
  style$md-ptr$sm-lnd={{ fontSize: 20 }}
  style$lg-lnd$md$sm={{ fontSize: 25 }}
  style={{ fontSize: 35 }}

The above example will apply the style prop with {fontSize:20} for medium devices in portrait mode ($md-ptr) and small devices in landscape mode ($sm-lnd). It will equally apply the style prop with {fontSize:25} for large devices in landscape mode($lg-lnd), medium devices in both portrait and landscape modes ($md) and small devices in both portrait and landscape modes ($sm). For any other case, the style prop with {fontSize:35} will be applied.

Please note that if two prop commands conflict for the same prop, the prop command that is most specific to the device is applied. for example;

  render$={() => View}
  style$md={{ flex: 1 }}
  style$md-ptr={{ flex: 2 }}

In the case above, there's a conflict between the two style prop when on a medium device in portrait mode because the $md and $md-ptr prop commands both matches for this mode. In such a scenario, only the style prop with {flex:2} will be applied because it's prop command ($md-ptr) is more specific to the device and its current mode. One last thing to note is that if a prop command is not specified, it always matches (although with the least precedence in case of conflict).

Other Properties

Prop Description
visible$<prop-command> Displays the component only if the prop command matches for the device and mode
hidden$<prop-command> Hides the component only if the prop command matches for the device and mode
render$<prop-command> A callback which returns a component to be rendered when the prop command matches

More Use cases

Owing to the frequent use of the View, Text and Image components, react-native-responsive-components also provides precompiled RView, RText and RImage components so that the render$ method could be ommited while using them. for example:

import {RView, RText} from "react-native-responsive-component";
   style$ptr = {{flexDirection:"row"}}
   style$lnd = {{flexDirection:"column"}}>

There are equally helper/utility functions provided by the RUtil object of the library.

import {RUtils} from "react-native-responsive-component";
  //do something when in landscape mode
else if (RUtils.isSmallScreen()){
  //do something for small devices.

The table below shows a list of available functions.

Function Description
isLandscapeMode A function that returns true if devices is in landscape mode and false otherwise.
isPortraitMode A function that returns true if device is in portrait mode and false otherwise.
isSmallScreen returns true if is a small device (i.e ⩽ 640px) and false otherwise
isMediumScreen returns true if is a medium device (i.e > 640px and ⩽ 1007px) and false otherwise
isLargeScreen returns true if is a large device (i.e > 1007px ) and false otherwise
getDeviceLabel returns the device label i.e. "sm" for small devices, "md" for medium devices and "lg" for large devices
getDeviceSpecificLabel returns the device label coupled with the current mode of the device i.e. "sm-ptr" for small devices in portrait mode, "sm-lnd" for small devices in landscape mode, "md-ptr" for medium devices in portrait mode, "md-lnd" for medium devices in landscape mode, "lg-ptr" for large devices in portrait mode and "lg-lnd" for large devices in landscape mode,
getDeviceMode returns the device's current mode, i.e "lnd" if device is in landscape mode or "ptr" if device is in portrait mode
registerOrientationChangedListener this function accepts a callback as an argument which is invoked every time the orientation of the device is changed. The callback takes as arguments a javascript object of the form {"width":Number, "height":Number, "orientation":"LANDSCAPE"|"PORTRAIT"}
removeAllListeners Removes all orientation change listeners that have been registered.
removeListener Removes a particular orientation change listener. It takes as argument the listener that is to be removed.


If you love this library, consider contributing to make it better. Thanks