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CORD-19 Information Aggregator

by Graham Neubig, Emma Strubell, Zhengbao Jiang, Zi-Yi Dou and others at the Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute

View the extracted information here

This is a tool to browse answers the scientific literature may provide regarding various questions about the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. Click the questions below to see a list of answers with links to the sources that provided them.

We are looking for help improving this tool! If you are familiar with reading the medical literature and could give fine-grained feedback please contact us at Or, if you are a programmer and could help please feel free to contribute to this repository!

Information extraction script

See the extraction directory.


Data extraction

Our data is based on the CORD-19 dataset. Ask the authors of this repository for access if you're interested.

  • text-only/*.oie

    Each line has <sub, rel, obj> triplets extracted from the corresponding sentence in text-only/*.sent. Triplets are separated by \t and each triplet is of the format subject|||relation|||object, e.g. he#0,2|||'s on#3,8|||outside#13,20. Subjects, relations, and objects are continuous spans of tokens in the format of text#start_char,end_char, e.g. he#0,2. Note that text of the span might only be a substring of the string spanning from start_char to end_char.