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Migration instruction

0.4.4 Release

No migration matters.

0.4.3 Release

No migration matters.

0.4.2 Release

It should be noted that in this version, we have limited the maximum value of the field limit in PaginationRequest, and changed the original too large range of u64 to u16::MAX(65535).

0.4.1 Release

No migration matters.

0.4.0 Release

Mercury 0.4 is a big break change compared to 0.3. The changes are focused on making Mercury rpc more generic, and removing hard bindings to specific locking scripts/type scripts(especially cheque script), which means better extensibility and compatibility in the future.

In addition, Mercury enhances the consistency of the rpc interface:

  • the json integer type is uniformly replaced by hex string
  • the type enumeration values ​​are unified into the capitalized style of the first letter

To explain these break changes, there will be 2 parts: the first part focuses on changes to custom types, and the second part focuses on the changes in the rpc methods.

Part I: RPC Types Breaking Change

Uint32, Uint64, Uint128, BlockNumber

The integer types in the input and output of all RPCs are unified into the following 4 types according to the situation:

For example, 3418141 is changed to "0x4eabe1".

Please see the Mercury RPC README.

Type ScriptGroup

ScriptGroup is completely redesigned, it replaces the SignatureAction in 0.3 version and earlier. They are structures used to sign raw transactions, and each raw transaction that Mercury builds is paired with an array of this type to provide information for subsequent signatures.

The problem with SignatureAction is that it enumerates the known signature algorithm names and hash algorithm names to guide subsequent signatures, but for new signature algorithms or hash algorithms, it needs to be manually extended.

Unlike SignatureAction, ScriptGroup is more general, it describes all script groups that need to be verified in a transaction. Users only need to find the script corresponding to their private key and sign it.

ScriptGroup fields:

  • script (Type: Script): Describes the lock script and type script for a cell.
  • group_type (Type: "Lock"|"Type"): Group type.
  • input_indices (Type: Array<Uint32>): All input indices within this group.
  • output_indices (Type: Array<Uint32>): All output indices within this group.

Type Balance

Balance fields:

  • ownership (Type: string): An address which represents the ownership of the balance.
  • asset_info (Type: AssetInfo: Specify the asset type of the balance.
  • free (Type: Uint128): Specify the amount of freely spendable assets.
  • occupied (Type: Uint128): Specify the amount of CKB that provides capacity.
  • frozen (Type: Uint128): Specify the amount of locked assets.
  • The type of the field ownership is changed from the Ownership(in 0.3 version and earlier) to string representing an address.
  • The types of fields free, occupied and frozen are changed from string to Uint128, which is a 128-bit unsigned integer type encoded as the 0x-prefixed hex string in JSON. For example, "56800000000" is changed to "0xd398b3800".
  • The field claimbale in version 0.3 and earlier has been removed, this field is specially used to describe the UDT amount locked by cheque lock. In version 0.4, the amount of udt will be counted in the free field.

Type Record

Record fields

  • out_point (Type: OutPoint): Specify the transaction out point of the record.
  • ownership (Type: string): An address which represents the ownership of the record.
  • io_type (Type: "Input"|"Output"): Specify record io type.
    • Input when the record is spent, and Output when the record is new.
  • amount (Type: Uint128): Specify the amount changes.
  • occupied (Type: Uint64): Specify the amount of CKB that provides capacity.
  • asset_info (Type: AssetInfo: Specify the asset type of the record.
  • extra (Type: ExtraFilter``|null): Specify extra information of the record.
  • block_number (Type: BlockNumber): Block number.
  • epoch_number (Type: Uint64): Epoch value encoded.
  • The type of the field ownership is changed from the Ownership(in 0.3 version and earlier) to string representing the address.
  • Added io_type field to indicate whether Record is Input or Output, in 0.3 version and earlier it is represented by the sign of amount.
  • The type of the amount field is changed from the BigInt to Uint64, and it is always a positive integer.
  • The field "status" in 0.3 version and earlier has been removed, which is also a specialization of cheque script.

Type ExtraFilter

ExtraFilter fields

  • type (Type: "Dao"|"Cellbase"|"Frozen"): Specify the type of extra filter.
  • value (Type: DaoInfo|null|null) : Specify the value of extra filter.
  • for the enumeration value in type filed, rename Freeze to Frozen, and CellBase to Cellbase.

Type PaginationRequest

PaginationRequest fields

  • cursor (Type:Uint64 | null ): Specify the beginning cursor for the query.
    • Start from the biggest cursor for descending order
    • Start from the smallest cursor for ascending order
  • order (Type: "Asc" | "Desc"): Specify the order of the returning data.
  • limit (Type: Uint64 | null ): Specify the entry limit per page of the query.
  • return_count (Type: bool): Specify whether to return the total count.
  • The type of cursor is changed from Array<Int8> (array size is 8) to Uint64.
  • The enumeration values ​​of order are unified in the style of capital letters.

Type TxRichStatus

TxRichStatus fields

  • status (Type: Status): The transaction status, allowed values: "Pending", "Proposed", "Committed", "Unknown" and "Rejected".
  • block_hash (Type: H256 | null): > Specify the block hash of the block which has committed this transaction in the canonical chain.
  • reason (Type: string | null): Specify the reason why the transaction is rejected.
  • timestamp (Type: Uint64 | null): Specify the timestamp of the block in which the transaction is packaged.
  • The values ​​enumerated in the status field are unified in the style of capital letters.

Type BurnInfo

BurnInfo fields

  • udt_hash (Type: string): Specify the type of burned assets.
  • amount (Type: Uint128): Specify the amount of burned asset.
  • The amount type is unified from string to Uint128.

Type SyncProgress

SyncProgress fields

  • current(Type: string): current number synchronized at the current stage.
  • target(Type: string): target number at the current stage.
  • progress(Type: string): Percentage of progress calculated based on current and target.
  • For human readability, the current and target fields are changed from integer to string.

Types deprecated

The following types that existed in 0.3 and earlier are deprecated:

  • Source
  • Ownership
  • Status
  • From
  • To
  • SignatureLocation

Part II: RPC Methods Breaking Change

Method build_transfer_transaction

  • build_transfer_transaction(asset_info, from, to, output_capacity_provider, pay_fee, fee_rate, since)
    • asset_info: AssetInfo
    • from: Array<JsonItem>
    • to: Array<ToInfo>
    • output_capacity_provider: "From"|"To"|null
    • pay_fee: "From"|"To"|null
    • fee_rate: Uint64|null
    • since: SinceConfig|null
  • result
  • output_capacity_provider field replaces the mode filed in To type in 0.3 version and earlier, user can use output_capacity_provider field to implement the same transfer behavior supported by 0.3 and earlier versions, the corresponding methods as follows:

    AssetType transfer behavior of 0.3 version and earlier the same transfer behavior by 0.4
    CKB Mode::HoldByFrom: build a new output cell without type script that is the same as the lock of to, and has the capacity of the transferred amount. OutputCapacityProvider::From: same as left
    CKB Mode::HoldByTo: try to find the live acp cell corresponding to the to address(Mercury needs to know this correspondence), if it exists, put it in the input of the transaction, and let it receive the CKB of the transferred amount as an output cell in an unsigned manner OutputCapacityProvider::To or None: let to be the same acp address (Need to be built in advance, Mercury will not check), then the behavior will be the same as the left
    UDT Mode::HoldByFrom: newly build cheque cell as output cell, its capacity is just enough, and its udt amount is the transfer amount, the cheque lock args sender part comes from from, and the receiver part comes from to OutputCapacityProvider::From: just let to be the same cheque address (Need to be built in advance, Mercury will not check), then the behavior will be the same as the left
    UDT Mode::HoldByTo: try to find the acp cell corresponding to the to address(Mercury needs to know this correspondence), if it exists, put it in the input of the transaction, and let it receive the UDT of the transferred amount as an output cell in an unsigned manner OutputCapacityProvider::To or None: let to be the same acp address (Need to be built in advance, Mercury will not check), then the behavior will be the same as the left
    UDT Mode::PayWithAcp: build a new acp cell corresponding to the to address(Mercury needs to know this correspondence), its capacity is just enough, and its udt amount is the transfer amount, this means that from not only needs to pay fee but also the capacity to create this cell OutputCapacityProvider::From: let to be the same acp address (Need to be built in advance, Mercury will not check), then the behavior will be the same as the left
  • compared with "0.3 and earlier versions, pay_fee field is no longer a third-party address, but can be set to pay fee by "From" or "To", the default is "From", this option is only valid when transferring CKB.

    from pays the fee: alice transfers 200 to bob, alice pays fee 0.1, the final balance of alice is -200.1, and the balance of bob is +200.

    from: alice
    to: bob
    amount: 200
    pay_fee: "From"

    to pays the fee: alice transfers 200 to bob, bob pays fee 0.1, the final balance of alice is -200, the balance of bob is +199.9

    from: alice
    to: bob
    amount: 200
    pay_fee: "To"
  • removed the change filed.

Method build_dao_withdraw_transaction

  • build_dao_withdraw_transaction(from, fee_rate)
    • from: Array<JsonItem>
    • fee_rate: Uint64|null
  • result
  • from field changed from type JsonItem to Array<JsonItem>, this allows more items to be passed in at the same time.

  • the pay_fee field in 0.3 and earlier versions has been removed, which is a third-party address

    When we want to withdraw a deposit cell and need an address to pay fee, we can do the following:

    "id": 42,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "build_dao_withdraw_transaction",
    "params": [{
        "from": [
            "type": "OutPoint",
            "value": {
                "tx_hash": "0x1b9757e95346d4782767c579f1d1131ead18043154229762911f82b75119f1d6", 
                "index": "0x0"
        }, {
            "type": "Address",
            "value": "ckt1qyqr79tnk3pp34xp92gerxjc4p3mus2690psf0dd70"
        "fee_rate": null

Method build_dao_claim_transaction

  • build_dao_claim_transaction(from, to, fee_rate)
    • from: Array<JsonItem>
    • to: string|null
    • fee_rate: Uint64|null
  • result
    • from field changed from type JsonItem to Array<JsonItem>, this allows more items to be passed in at the same time.

Method build_sudt_issue_transaction

  • build_sudt_issue_transaction(owner, from, to, output_capacity_provider, fee_rate, since)
    • owner: string
    • from: Array<JsonItem>
    • to: Array<ToInfo>
    • output_capacity_provider: "From"|"To"|null
    • fee_rate: Uint64|null
    • since: SinceConfig|null
  • result
  • added from field, which specify the providers for capacity and fee, which must contain owner item. In this way, more items can participate in pooling ckb.
  • output_capacity_provider field replaces the mode filed in to field in 0.3 version and earlier, user can use output_capacity_provider field to implement the same transfer behavior supported by 0.3 and earlier versions, usage is similar to rpc method build_transfer_transaction subsection
  • the pay_fee field in 0.3 and earlier versions has been removed , which is a third-party address.
  • the change filed in 0.3 and earlier versions has been removed.

Method register_addresses

  • register_addresses(addresses)
    • addresses: Array<string>
  • result
    • A list of lock script hash of the registered addresses.


This rpc is currently used very rarely and will be removed in a future version.

0.3.1 Release

No migration matters.

0.3.0 Release

Mercury 0.3.0 has a breaking change that modifies 3 structures in the rpc and is not fully compatible with the current sdk:

  • in the JsonItem type, the enum value OutPoint replaces Record
  • in the Record type, the out_point field replaces the id field
  • in the Balance type, renamed the freezed field to frozen

0.2.5 Release

No migration matters.

0.2.4 Release

This release has two new features:

  • build_transfer_transaction rpc supports a new mode PayWithAcp to transfer UDT assets
  • a new rpc get_account_info is used to get account information

If you are using SDK to connect to mercury, you need to upgrade the SDK version to the new corresponding version.

0.2.3 Release

Mercury 0.2.3 should be paired with the latest configuration file, which has a Breaking Change: it adds the configuration for the pw lock script.

In this version of the database creation script create_tabel.sql, the creation of three indexes has been removed, which greatly improves the database query performance:

  • namely index_indexer_cell_table_type_hash
  • index_live_cell_table_type_hash
  • index_cell_table_type_hash

For the database that has been established, we recommend that the above three index items be deleted manually.

Another suggestion to improve performance is to downgrade the version of the PostgreSQL database from version 14 to version 10. We found that the database query performance will also be improved.

0.2.2 Release

No migration matters.

0.2.1 Release

No migration matters.

0.2.0 Release

Starting from 0.2.0, any address in the return value of mercury such as SignatureAction and RecordID will be encoded as new format full address. Meanwhile, the short address and old format full address will be deprecated.

From earlier than v0.2.0-beta.4

All versions, except for v0.2.0-beta.4, need to clear the database and resynchronize the data.

From v0.2.0-beta.4

Upgrading from v0.2.0-beta.4 version do not need to resynchronize data. However, it should be noted that the extra_filter field of Record strcuture add a new Freezed type.

If you are using SDK to connect to mercury, you only need to upgrade the SDK version to v0.101.1, otherwise you need to adapt the Record structure.