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Project Deployment Tutorial

:tw-2705: Currently only verified by Centos7 .
:tw-274c: Centos8/9 is still being verified and will be updated after verification

Docker environment inspection

Check the Docker version (return version information indicating that the Docker is installed)

docker --version
docker-compose --version

Note: Please ensure that the Docker is installed before proceeding with the next steps


Download the docker-compose.yml configuration file, which is the core of Docker Compose and is used to define services, networks, and data volumes. If no modifications are made, execute the startup command directly

Docker composite -f docker composite.yml up -d # -f for executing the specified yml, -d for executing in the background and returning

The container service will be installed by default:

Container Service Name Default Host Port Starting Container Service Dependency Access Address Container Service Start Stop Command Description
neatlogic-db 3306 - - Start:/app/databases/neatlogicdb/scripts/neatlogicdb start
Stop:/app/databases/neatlogicdb/scripts/neatlogicdb stop
MySQL database
neatlogic-collectdb 27017 - - Start:/app/databases/collectdb/bin/mongod -- config/app/databases/collectdb/conf/mongodb.conf
mongo uadmin - p u1OPgeInMhxsNKnl<EOF
db. shutdownServer()< br>exit;< EOF
mongodb, if using cmdb for automatic collection, automation, inspection, and publishing, this service is required
neatlogic-runner 8084, 8888 - - Start: deployadmin - s autoexec-runner - a startall
Stop: deployadmin - s autoexec-runner - a stopall
Executor, if using publish, patrol, automation, or agent, this service is required
neatlogic-app 8282 neatlogic-db
- Start: deployadmin - s neatlogic - a startall
Stop: deployadmin - s neatlogic - a stopall
Backend service
netlogic-web 8090, 8080, 9099 netlogic app HostIP:8090/TenantName #Front End Page
HostIP:9099 #Tenant Management Page Login Account: admin Password: 123456
Restart:/app/systems/nginx/sbin/nginx - s reload
Stop: kill xx
Front End Service
neatlogic-nacos 8848 neatlogic-db Start:/app/systems/nacos/bin/ - m standalone nacos Backend service config


Because the startup of the Docker container service is asynchronous, the completion of the startup command mentioned above does not mean that the service has started normally
We still need to wait a few minutes before accessing the front-end service: http://HostIP:9099/ If a login page appears, congratulations on the successful deployment of the service
If the prompt indicates that the tenant does not exist, you need to check the logs, which may indicate that the service is still waiting to start

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs -f neatlogic-app

If there is an error in the log, please contact us Neatlogic in Slack

Modify the configuration Docker Compose.yml as needed

Common scenarios that require modification:

1. Data persistence Persistence is not configured by default. If necessary, please refer to the following configuration modifications: neatlogic-db

- /app/logs/neatlogicdb/:/app/logs/neatlogicdb/
- type: volume
source: db_data
target:/app/databases/natlogicDb/# Host path


- /app/logs/collectdb/:/app/logs/collectdb/
- type: volume
source: collectdb_data
Target:/app/databases/collectdb/# Host path


- /app/logs/neatlogic-runner/:/app/logs/autoexec-runner/
- type: volume
source: autoexec_data
target:/app/autoexec/data/# Host path

2. Host Port Conflict Simply modify the ports field. For example, if there is a conflict with the 8080 port on the neatlogic-web, you need to change the host port on the left to a non occupied port. If I want to change it to 8081:

- "8090:8090"
- "8081:8080"
- "9099:9099"

3. Do not use the built-in container service If a container service is not needed, simply delete the corresponding container service configuration and modify the environment attribute of the dependent container service
If there is no need for neatlogic-db, as neatlogic-db is dependent on neatlogic-app and neatlogic-nacos, both neatlogic-app and neatlogic-nacos need to modify the MYSQL of the environment_SERVICE_HOST、MYSQL_SERVICE_PORT、MYSQL_SERVICE_USER、MYSQL_SERVICE_PASSWORD, such as:
Customized use of external mysqldb, account/password: app/123456

#MySQL configuration for connections



Create a container based on yml and start all container services

Docker composite -f docker composite. yml up -d # -f for executing the specified yml, -d for executing in the background and returning

If you only need to process a certain container service, simply add the container service name after the command, such as:

Docker composite -f docker composite. yml up -d neatlogic-app # Recreate and start the neatlogic-app service separately

View logs

View logs of all container services

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs

If you only need to view the logs of a certain container service, simply add the container service name after the command, such as:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs neatlogic-app

Real time viewing of logs

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs -f

View containers that have successfully started

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml ps

Start stop container

Open container

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml start

Stop container

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop 

If you only need to start a certain container, simply add the container service name after the command, such as:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml start neatlogic-app

Entering container service

Non essential users do not need to enter the container service, such as the neatlogic-app container service:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml exec neatlogic-app sh

Stop and remove containers, networks, mirrors, and volumes

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down