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Luigi sample and e2e test application written in Angular


This is the Angular-based sample application which runs with Luigi framework.

NOTE: The authorization flow mockAuth in this application is a mock implementation for local development. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!


Use Lerna to link the dependencies and bundle scripts within the packages.

To have this application running, follow these steps:

  1. Install Lerna globally.

    npm install -g lerna
  2. Install dependencies by running the following command in the root luigi folder.

    # The `lerna bootstrap --force-local` command executes the npm package manager installation and links cross-dependencies.
    lerna bootstrap --force-local
  3. Bundle Luigi Core by running the following command in the luigi/core folder.

    # Lerna runs the bundle script in every package where the script exists.
    lerna run bundle
  4. Start the example application from the luigi/test/e2e-test-application folder.

    The src/luigi-config/extended folder contains the default configuration that includes all available features. If you want to try out a simpler example, change the configuration reference in the index.html file to <script src="/assets/basicConfiguration.bundle.js"></script>. You can edit the basicConfiguration.bundle.js file here.

    You can use hash-based routing or path-based routing in your application:

    • To run Luigi with hash-based routing, set the routing.useHashrouting configuration to true.
    • To run Luigi with path-based routing, set the routing.useHashrouting configuration to false.

    Run the server with the following command:

    npm run start
  5. Go to http://localhost:4200/ to start the application.

  6. Optional: Reflect the changes introduced to the Luigi Core code in the sample application.

    • Allow the Luigi Core to bundle every change you apply to it. The easiest approach is to open the Luigi root folder in another tab of your terminal window and run the following command:

      lerna run bundle-develop
    • The Luigi Client is not bundled, so you can update it without bundling.

    • The auto-reload of your application updates only the application. Type CMD + R to reflect the changes in the linked Luigi Core and Luigi Client modules on the website.


Run the sample application to perform the tests. When the application is ready:

  • Run npm run e2e:run to start tests in the headless browser.
  • Run npm run e2e:open to start tests in the interactive mode.

How to use OpenID Connect

To run OpenID Connect (OIDC) with a mock server, follow these steps:

  1. Start the oidc-mockserver in scripts/oidc-mockserver with docker-compose up
  2. Set Luigi.config.auth.use to openIdConnect
  3. Run using npm run start
  4. Open localhost:4200
  5. Default login credentials are:
    • username: Luigi
    • password: pwd