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title author header-includes abstract
Abstract Algebra by Pinter, Chapter 20
Amir Taaki
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Chapter 20 on Integral Domains

A. Characteristic of an Integral Domain


Let $a$ be any nonzero element of $A$. If $n \cdot a = 0$, where $n \neq 0$, then $n$ is a multiple of the characteristic of $A$.

$$n \cdot a = 0 \implies n \cdot 1 = 0$$ but $\char(A) \cdot 1 = 0$, so $n$ is a multiple of the characteristic of $A$.


If $A$ has characteristic zero, $n \neq 0$, and $n \cdot a = 0$, then $a = 0$.

$$n \neq 0$$ $$n \cdot a = 0$$ $$n \cdot 1 \cdot a = 0$$ but $n \cdot 1 \neq 0$ because characteristic is zero. $$a = 0$$ by cancellation property.


If $A$ has characteristic $3$, and $5 \cdot a = 0$, then $a = 0$.

$$3 \cdot a = 0$$ $$5 \cdot a = 3 \cdot a + 2 \cdot a = 2 \cdot a$$ $$2 \cdot a = 0 \implies a = 0$$


If there is a nonzero element $a$ in $A$ such that $256 \cdot a = 0$, then $A$ has characteristic $2$.

$$256 = 2^8$$ characteristic is prime. $$\char(A) = 2$$


If there are distinct nonzero elements $a$ and $b$ in $A$ such that $125 \cdot a = 125 \cdot b$, then $A$ has characteristic

$$125 \cdot a = 125 \cdot b$$ $$5 \times 5 \cdot 1 \cdot (a - b) = 0$$ $$a \neq b \implies a - b \neq 0$$ $$5 \cdot 1 = 0$$ $$\char(A) = 5$$


If there are nonzero elements $a$ and in $A$ such that $(a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2$, then $A$ has characteristic $2$.

Theorem 3: $(a + b)^p = a^p + b^p$

$$(a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2$$ $$\char(A) = 2$$


If there are nonzero elements $a$ and $b$ in $A$ such that $10a = 0$ and $14b = 0$, then $A$ has characteristic $2$.

$$2 \times 5 \cdot 1 \cdot a = 0$$ $$2 \times 7 \cdot 1 \cdot a = 0$$ $$2 \cdot 1 \cdot (5a + 7a) = 0$$ $$\char(A) = 2$$

B. Characteristic of a Finite Integral Domain


If $A$ has characteristic $q$, then $q$ is a divisor of the order of $A$.

By Lagrange's theorem, any subgroup divides the group order.

$1 + \cdots + 1 = 0$ and so forms a subgroup which divides the group order. The order of this subgroup is the characteristic of $A$.

See this question.


If the order of $A$ is a prime number $p$, then the characteristic of $A$ must be equal to $p$.

From above the characteristic must divide the order, but the order is prime so the characteristic must equal $p$.


If the order of $A$ is $p^m$ , where $p$ is a prime, the characteristic of $A$ must be equal to $p$.

The characteristic is prime and divides the order, hence $\char(A) = p$.


$81 = 3 \times 3 \times 3 \times 3$, so by above $\char(A) = 3$.


If $A$, with addition alone, is a cyclic group, the order of $A$ is a prime number.

$$A = \langle 1, + \rangle$$ $$\ord(1) = |A|$$ $$\ord(1) \cdot 1 = 0 = |A| \cdot 1$$ but $$\char(1) \cdot 1 = 0$$ Hence $\char(1)| |A|$ But $\ord(1)$ is the smallest $n$ such that $\ord(1)\cdot 1 = 0$ so $\ord(1) | \char(1)$ by Lagrange, and $\ord(1) = |A|$

Thus $|A|$ is prime since $|A| = \char(1)$ which is also prime.

See this question

C. Finite Rings


Prove every nonzero element of $A$ is either a divisor of zero or invertible.

$$A = { 0, 1, a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n }$$ $$|A| = n + 2$$

$$a_i 0, a_i 1, a_i a_2, \dots, a_i a_n$$

The size of this subgroup divides $|A|$.

If its size is less than $|A|$, then there exists $a_i x = 0$ where $x \neq 0$. So $a_i$ is a divisor of zero.

Otherwise if its size equals $|A|$, then only $a_i 0 = 0$ and so $a_i x = 1$ meaning $a_i$ is invertible.


Prove: If $a \neq 0$ is not a divisor of zero, then some positive power of $a$ is equal to $1$.

$a \neq 0$ is not a divisor of zero $\implies \ord(a) = |A| \implies A = \langle a \rangle$

But $1 \in A$, so for some $x$, $a^x = 1$


If $a$ is invertible, then $a^{-1}$ is equal to a positive power of $a$.

If $a$ is invertible, $ax = 0 \implies (a^{-1} \cdot a) x = 0 \implies x = 0$.

Therefore $a$ is not a divisor of zero.

$$\ord(a) = |A|$$ $$A = \langle a \rangle$$ So $a^{-1} = a^k$

D. Field of Quotients of an Integral Domain


\begin{align*} [a, b] = [r, s] &\implies as = br \ [c, d] = [t, u] &\implies cu = dt \end{align*} \begin{align*} [a, b] + [c, d] &= [ad + bc, bd] \ [r, s] + [t, u] &= [ru + st, su] \end{align*}

$$[ad + bc, bd] = [ru + st, su] \implies (ad + bc)su = bd(ru + st)$$ $$adsu + bcsu = bdru + bdst$$ $$as \cdot du + cu \cdot bs = br \cdot du + dt \cdot bs$$

Since $as = br$ and $cu = dt$ $$br \cdot du + dt \cdot bs = br \cdot du + dt \cdot bs$$ So $$[a, b] + [c,d] = [r, s] + [t, u]$$


\begin{align*} [a, b] \cdot [c,d] &= [ac, bd] \ [r, s] \cdot [t, u] &= [ru, su] \end{align*}

$$[ac, bd] = [rt, su] \implies acsu = bdrt$$ $$as \cdot cu = br \cdot dt$$

But $as = br$ and $cu = dt$ Thus $$[a,b] \cdot [c, d] = [r, s] \cdot [t, u]$$


$$(u, v) \sim (a, b) \text{ and } (u, v) \sim (c, d) \implies (a, b) \sim (c, d)$$

\begin{align*} (u, v) \sim (a, b) &\implies av = bu \ (u, v) \sim (c, d) &\implies cv = du \end{align*}

$$v = c^{-1}du$$ $$av = ac^{-1}du = bu$$

$$ad = bc$$ $$(a, b) \sim (c, d)$$


\begin{align*} [a, b] + ([c, d] + [e, f]) &= [a, b] + [cf + de, df] \ &= [adf + bcf + bde, bdf] \ ([a, b] + [c, d]) + [e, f] &= [ad + bc, bd] + [e, f] \ &= [adf + bcf + bde, bdf] \end{align*}

$$[a, b] + [c, d] = [c, d] + [a, b]$$


\begin{align*} [a, b] \cdot ([c, d] \cdot [e, f]) &= [a, b] \cdot [ce, df] \ &= [ace, bdf] \ ([a, b] \cdot [c, d]) \cdot [e, f] &= [ac, bd] \cdot [e, f] \ &= [ace, bdf] \end{align*}

$$[a, b] \cdot [c, d] = [c, d] \cdot [a, b]$$


\begin{align*} [a, b] \cdot ([c, d] + [e, f]) &= [a, b] \cdot [cf + de, df] \ &= [acf + bde, bdf] \ [a, b] \cdot [c, d] + [a, b] \cdot [e, f] &= [ac, bd] + [ae, bf] \ &= [acbf + bdae, bdbf] \end{align*}

Both are equivalent so distributive.


$$\phi(a) = [a, 1]$$ \begin{align*} \phi(ab) &= [ab, 1] \ &= \phi(a) \phi(b) = [a, 1] \cdot [b, 1] = [ab, 1] \end{align*} \begin{align*} \phi(a + b) &= [a + b, 1] \ &= \phi(a) + \phi(b) = [a, 1] + [b, 1] \ &= [a + b, 1] \end{align*}

E. Further Properties of the Characteristic of an Integral Domain


$$p \cdot a = 0$$ $$n = p\cdot m + r$$ \begin{align*} n \cdot a &= pm \cdot a + r \cdot a \\ &= m(p \cdot a) + r \cdot a \\ &= r \cdot a \end{align*} but $n \cdot a = 0$ and $r \neq 0$ because $p$ does not divide $n$ $$r \cdot a = 0 \implies a = 0$$


Characteristic is prime and since $a \neq 0$ then the characteristic must be $p$.


$p^m$ is a multiple of $p$. So the characteristic is $p$.


$$f(ab) = a^p b^p = f(a)f(b)$$ $$f(a + b) = (a + b)^p = a^p + b^p = f(a) + f(b)$$


Order is prime and group is cyclic because $$A \cong \mathbb{Z}_p$$

For any $a \in A : p \neq 0$ $$A = \langle a \rangle$$


\begin{align*} (a + b)^{p^2} &= [(a + b)^p]^p = [a^p + b^p]^p \ &= a^{p^2} + b^{p^2} \end{align*} Assume true for $n = k$ \begin{align*} (a + b)^{p^k} &= a^{p^k} + b^{p^k} \ (a + b)^{p^{k + 1}} &= [(a + b)^{p^k}]^p \ &= [a^{p^k} + b^{p^k}]^p \ &= a^{p^{k + 1}} + b^{p^{k + 1}} \end{align*}

\begin{align*} (a_1 + a_2 + \cdots + a_r)^{p^n} &= [(a_1 + a_2 + \cdots) + a_r]^{p^n} \ &= (a_1 + a_2 + \cdots)^{p^n} + a_r^{p^n} \ &= (a_1 + a_2 + \cdots)^{p^n} + a_{r-1}^{p^n} + a_r^{p^n} \ &= a_1^{p^n} + a_2^{p^n} + \cdots + a_r^{p^n} \end{align*}


$1 \in A$ and $1 \in B$ $n \cdot 1 = 0$ is true both in $A$ and $B$ $$\implies \char(A) = \char(B)$$

F. Finite Fields


A finite field has order prime $p$ and so is isomorphic to the cyclic group (see E5).

That is $$A = \langle 1, + \rangle$$

Since $A$ is finite order, $\char(A) \neq 0$


$$f(a) = a^p$$ To show injective(onto): $$f(x) = f(y) \implies x = y$$ From 18F7, the domain of $f$ is a field and so $f$ is injective.

This can also be shown by $$f(a) = a^p = f(b) = b^p$$ $$\implies a^p - b^p = 0$$ $$\implies (a - b)^p = 0$$ $$\implies a = b$$

$f$ is injective. $A$ has $p$ elements, so the image of $f$ has at least $p$ elements. But the image of $f$ is contained in $A$, so it has at most $p$ elements.

Therefore $f$ is surjective.