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Notebooks as Markdown

MyST Markdown

MyST (Markedly Structured Text) is a markdown flavor that "implements the best parts of reStructuredText". It provides a way to call Sphinx directives and roles from within Markdown, using a slight extension of CommonMark markdown. MyST-NB and Jupyter Book builds on this markdown flavor, to offer direct conversion of Jupyter Notebooks into Sphinx documents.

Similar to the jupytext Markdown format, MyST Markdown uses code blocks to contain code cells. The difference though, is that the metadata is contained in a YAML block:

```{code-cell} ipython3
  more: true
tags: [hide-output, show-input]


The ipython3 here is purely optional, as an aide for syntax highlighting. In the round-trip, it is copied from notebook.metadata.language_info.pygments_lexer.

Also, where possible the conversion will use the short-hand metadata format (see the MyST guide):

```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: [hide-output, show-input]


Raw cells are also represented in a similar fashion:

:raw_mimetype: text/html

<b>Bold text<b>

Markdown cells are not wrapped. If a markdown cell has metadata, or directly proceeds another markdown cell, then a block break will be inserted above it, with an (optional) single line JSON representation of the metadata:

+++ {"slide": true}

This is a markdown cell with metadata


This is a new markdown cell with no metadata

See for instance how our World population.ipynb notebook is represented in the myst format.

Note: The myst format requires Python >= 3.6

Tip: You can use the myst-highlight VS Code extension to provide better syntax highlighting for this format.


Quarto is a scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. If you have quarto installed, Jupytext lets you edit .qmd documents as notebooks in Jupyter, and pair .ipynb notebooks with .qmd notebooks.

The conversion from .ipynb to .qmd and back directly calls quarto convert, and consequently requires an installation of Quarto v0.2.134 or higher.

Note that the round trip of .ipynb to .qmd to .ipynb has the effect of concatenating consecutive Markdown cells and turning raw cells into Markdown cells (since .qmd files represent all content as either Markdown or code cells).

R Markdown

R Markdown is RStudio's format for notebooks, with support for R, Python, and many other languages.

Jupytext's implementation of R Markdown is very similar to that of the Markdown format. The major difference is on code cells, which use R Markdown's convention, i.e. the language and options are surrounded by curly brackets, and the cell metadata are encoded as R objects. For instance our cell with the parameters tags would be represented as:

```{python tags=c("parameters")}
param = 5

Python and R notebooks represented in the R Markdown format can run both in Jupyter and RStudio. Note that you can change the default Python environment in RStudio with RETICULATE_PYTHON in a .Renviron file, see here.

See how our World population.ipynb notebook in the demo folder is represented in R Markdown.

Jupytext Markdown

Jupytext can save notebooks as Markdown documents. This format is well adapted to tutorials, books, or more generally notebooks that contain more text than code. Notebooks represented in this form are well rendered by most Markdown editors or renderers, including GitHub.

Like all the Jupytext formats, Jupytext Markdown notebooks start with an (optional) YAML header. This header is used to store selected notebook metadata like the kernel information, together with Jupytext's format and version information.

      extension: .md
      format_name: markdown
      format_version: '1.1'
      jupytext_version: 1.1.0
    display_name: Python 3
    language: python
    name: python3

You can add custom notebook metadata like author or title under the jupyter: section, it will be synchronized with the notebook metadata. And if you wish to export more metadata from the notebook, have a look at the paragraph on metadata filtering.

In the Markdown format, markdown cells are inserted verbatim and separated with two blank lines.

If you'd like that cell breaks also occurs on Markdown headers, add a split_at_heading: true entry in the jupytext section in the YAML header, or if you want that option to be the default for all Markdown documents in Jupyter, activate the option in the jupytext.toml configuration file:

split_at_heading = true

Code cells are encoded using the classical triple backticks, followed by the notebook language. Cell metadata are appended after the language information, with a key=value syntax, where value is encoded in JSON format. For instance, in a Python notebook, a simple code cell with a parameters tag is represented as:

```python tags=["parameters"]
param = 5

Code snippets are turned into code cells in Jupyter as soon as they have an explicit language, when that language is supported in Jupyter. Thus, you have a code snippet that you don't want to execute in Jupyter, you can either

  • remove the language information,
  • or, start the code snippet with a triple tilde, e.g. ~~~python, instead of ```python
  • or, add an active="md" cell metadata, or a .noeval attribute after the language information, e.g. ```python .noeval
  • or, surround the code snippet with explicit Markdown cell markers (see below).

Raw cells are delimited with HTML comments, and accept cell metadata in the same key=value format:

<!-- #raw -->
raw text
<!-- #endraw -->

<!-- #raw key="value"-->
raw cell with metadata
<!-- #endraw -->

Markdown cells can also have explicit markers: use one of <!-- #md --> or <!-- #markdown --> or <!-- #region --> and the corresponding <!-- #end... --> counterpart. Note that the <!-- #region --> and <!-- #endregion --> cells markers are foldable in VS Code, and that you can also insert a title there, e.g. <!-- #region This is a title for my protected cell -->. Cell metadata are accepted in the format key="value" ("value" being encoded in JSON) as for the other cell types.

For a concrete example, see how our World population.ipynb notebook in the demo folder is represented in Markdown.

Pandoc Markdown

Pandoc, the Universal document converter, can read and write Jupyter notebooks - see Pandoc's documentation.

In Pandoc Markdown, all cells are marked with pandoc divs (:::). The format is therefore slightly more verbose than the Jupytext Markdown format.

See for instance how our World population.ipynb notebook is represented in the md:pandoc format.

If you wish to use that format, please install pandoc in version 2.7.2 or above, with e.g. conda install pandoc -c conda-forge.