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Google Cloud Bigtable Client for Java

Java idiomatic client for Cloud Bigtable.

Kokoro CI Maven Codacy Badge

Note: This client is a work-in-progress, and may occasionally make backwards-incompatible changes.


If you are using Maven, add this to your pom.xml file


If you are using Gradle, add this to your dependencies

compile ''

If you are using SBT, add this to your dependencies

libraryDependencies += "" % "google-cloud-bigtable" % "0.107.0"


See the Authentication section in the base directory's README.

Getting Started


For this tutorial, you will need a Google Cloud Platform Console project with the Cloud Bigtable API enabled. You will need to enable billing to use Google Cloud Bigtable. Follow these instructions to get your project set up. You will also need to set up the local development environment by installing the Google Cloud SDK and running the following commands in command line: gcloud auth login.

About Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Bigtable is Google's NoSQL Big Data database service. It's the same database that powers many core Google services, including Search, Analytics, Maps, and Gmail.

Be sure to activate the Cloud Bigtable API and the Cloud Bigtable Admin API under APIs & Services in the GCP Console to use Cloud Bigtable from your project.

See the Bigtable client library documentation (Admin API and Data API) to learn how to interact with Cloud Bigtable using this Client Library.


Cloud Bigtable is composed of instances, clusters, nodes and tables.


Instances are containers for clusters.


Clusters represent the actual Cloud Bigtable service. Each cluster belongs to a single Cloud Bigtable instance, and an instance can have up to 4 clusters. When your application sends requests to a Cloud Bigtable instance, those requests are actually handled by one of the clusters in the instance.


Each cluster in a production instance has 3 or more nodes, which are compute resources that Cloud Bigtable uses to manage your data.


Tables contain the actual data and are replicated across all of the clusters in an instance.


The Cloud Bigtable API consists of:

Data API

Allows callers to persist and query data in a table. It's exposed by BigtableDataClient.

Admin API

Allows callers to create and manage instances, clusters, tables, and access permissions. This API is exposed by: BigtableInstanceAdminClient for Instance and Cluster level resources.

See BigtableTableAdminClient for table management.

See BigtableDataClient for the data client.

See BigtableInstanceAdminClient for the instance admin client.

See BigtableTableAdminClient for the table admin client.

Calling Cloud Bigtable

The Cloud Bigtable API is split into 3 parts: Data API, Instance Admin API and Table Admin API.

Here is a code snippet showing simple usage of the Data API. Add the following imports at the top of your file:


Then, to make a query to Bigtable, use the following code:

// Instantiates a client
String projectId = "my-project";
String instanceId = "my-instance";
String tableId = "my-table";

// Create the client.
// Please note that creating the client is a very expensive operation
// and should only be done once and shared in an application.
BigtableDataClient dataClient = BigtableDataClient.create(projectId, instanceId);

try {
  // Query a table
  Query query = Query.create(tableId)
      .range("a", "z")

  for (Row row : dataClient.readRows(query)) {
} finally {

The Admin APIs are similar. Here is a code snippet showing how to create a table. Add the following imports at the top of your file:

import static;

Then, to create a table, use the following code:

String projectId = "my-instance";
String instanceId = "my-database";

BigtableTableAdminClient tableAdminClient = BigtableTableAdminClient
  .create(projectId, instanceId);

try {
} finally {

Opencensus Tracing

Cloud Bigtable client supports Opencensus Tracing, which gives insight into the client internals and aids in debugging production issues. By default, the functionality is disabled. To enable, you need to add a couple of dependencies and configure an exporter. For example to enable tracing using Google Stackdriver:

If you are using Maven, add this to your pom.xml file


If you are using Gradle, add this to your dependencies

compile 'io.opencensus:opencensus-impl:0.18.0'
compile 'io.opencensus:opencensus-exporter-trace-stackdriver:0.18.0'

If you are using SBT, add this to your dependencies

libraryDependencies += "io.opencensus" % "opencensus-impl" % "0.18.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.opencensus" % "opencensus-exporter-trace-stackdriver" % "0.18.0"

Then at the start of your application configure the exporter:

import io.opencensus.exporter.trace.stackdriver.StackdriverTraceConfiguration;
import io.opencensus.exporter.trace.stackdriver.StackdriverTraceExporter;


By default traces are sampled at a rate of about 1/10,000. You can configure a higher rate by updating the active tracing params:

import io.opencensus.trace.Tracing;
import io.opencensus.trace.samplers.Samplers;



To get help, follow the instructions in the shared Troubleshooting document.


Bigtable uses gRPC for the transport layer.

Java Versions

Java 7 or above is required for using this client.


This library follows Semantic Versioning.

It is currently in major version zero (0.y.z), which means that anything may change at any time and the public API should not be considered stable.


Contributions to this library are always welcome and highly encouraged.

See CONTRIBUTING for more information on how to get started and DEVELOPING for a layout of the codebase.


Apache 2.0 - See LICENSE for more information.