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Code of Conduct for MtconnectTranspiler.Sinks.ScribanTemplates

Our Pledge

In the spirit of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we, as contributors and maintainers, pledge to make participation in the MtconnectTranspiler.Sinks.ScribanTemplates project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. This commitment extends to participants regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Core Values

Innovation through Collaboration

We believe in the transformative power of collaboration to bring forth innovative solutions in the domain of software development. This project serves as a platform for collective creativity, enabling us to tackle complex challenges and push the boundaries of what's possible with the MtconnectTranspiler framework and Scriban templating engine.

Diversity in Application

The MtconnectTranspiler.Sinks.ScribanTemplates project acknowledges the vast potential for applying the Scriban templating engine across different domains and projects. We are committed to fostering a versatile tool that can adapt to a wide array of use cases, encouraging contributions that broaden our perspectives and capabilities.

Template-Driven Customization

At the heart of this project is the pursuit of a "Template-Driven" approach to software development. By leveraging the Scriban templating engine, we aim to provide a flexible and efficient means of generating diverse outputs from SysML models. Contributions that innovate or enhance our templating capabilities are highly valued.

Encouraged Behaviors

  • Creativity and Problem-Solving: We encourage contributions that demonstrate creative problem-solving and innovation, particularly those that enhance the templating capabilities of this project.
  • Inclusivity and Respect: All interactions within the project should be conducted with respect and consideration for fellow contributors, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.
  • Openness and Constructive Feedback: Embrace the exchange of ideas and feedback as essential elements of growth and improvement for both individuals and the project as a whole.

Discouraged Behaviors

  • Actions that undermine the principles of inclusivity, respect, and constructive collaboration.
  • Disrespectful or harmful communication that detracts from a positive community environment.
  • Reluctance to engage in constructive dialogue or accept feedback regarding contributions.

Reporting Guidelines

If you encounter or witness behavior contrary to this Code of Conduct, or have concerns about contributions not aligning with these principles, please report it to the project team at All reports will be confidentially reviewed and addressed in a manner that upholds the values of fairness and respect.


By participating in the MtconnectTranspiler.Sinks.ScribanTemplates project, you agree to support and uphold these standards, contributing to a community that values inclusivity, respect, and collaborative innovation. Together, we can harness the power of templating to redefine the possibilities of software development within the manufacturing sector and beyond.