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Author: Ian Korf


GUMPy is a quick introduction to the tools of the trade for the emerging bioinformatics programmer: GitHub, Unix, Markdown, and Python. Most of this document is about Unix. Most of the accompanying coursework is Python.

Here's the overall path through the document

  1. Get a GitHub account, create and fork repos
  2. Install Unix/Linux
  3. Learn some basics of the Unix/Linux command line
  4. Learn about files and Markdown formatting
  5. Interact with GitHub using the CLI
  6. Create your first Python program
  7. Learn about file permissions and paths

GitHub Account

If you want people to believe you're a programmer, you have to act like one. That starts with you having a GitHub account. Your repositories and activity are part of your CV. If you don't have a GitHub account, it's time to point your web browser to and create your account.

Choose a username. It's okay to be clever, but don't be silly. Remember, this will be part of your CV. I use my full name. After setting your email and password, choose the free plan and then answer a few questions about your interests to create your account. Go to your email to verify your email address.

Create a Repository

It's time to create your first repository, which we often shorten to repo. Before we begin, we need to talk a little about ownership, privacy, and security.

When you create a repo, you own it. You can read it, write to it, or even delete it. Later, you can invite collaborators who can join you in your efforts, but by default, only you can make edits.

When a repo is created, it can be either Public or Private. A Public repository allows other people to download a copy of your repo. This is called cloning. There is no security risk in cloning a Public repository (unless you put sensitive info in there). If people modify their clones, it does not affect your files. If you invite them as collaborators and give them write permission, they can modify the files in your repo.

A Private repository is invisible to everyone but you. You can add collaborators to Public or Private repos and specify what kinds of permissions each collaborator may have. As the owner, you can change a repo from Public to Private and back.

Now let's go make a repo. Go to the GitHub website and click on the green "New" button to create a new repo. Name this homework because this is where you'll be submitting your homework. You can make this Public or Private as you like. If you make it Private, you'll need to do some extra steps later to give your instructor and TA permission to view your files. Click the boxes to initialize with a README, add a .gitignore and add a license. Scroll through the .gitignore options until you get to "Python". Choose whichever license you like. I generally use MIT. Click the "Create Repository" and you will be transported to your new mostly empty repo.

If you made your repo Private, you need to give your instructors permission to view your repo. Go to the "Settings" link in your repo and then click on "Manage access" on the left. Click on the green "Add People" button to add your instructor and TA (you'll have to ask them for their GitHub handles).

Forking a Repository

The next step is to fork the MCB185-2022 repo. Point your browser to and then click on the "Fork" button in the upper left.

A fork is different from a clone. When a person clones a repo, they do not own the repo. As such, they cannot make permanent changes to it. When a person forks a repo, they own a copy of that. Meaning that they can make permanent changes to their copy (but not yours). Here's a biological analogy. A fork is like mitosis. After forking/mitosis, each cell is independent. Changes made to one cell have no effect on the other. When cloning, everyone is working on the same cell. Changes made in a clone go back to the original cell (but again, only if they have permission). If you make changes to a clone when you don't have permission, I guess that's a bit like editing an RNA: it doesn't affect the genome. OK, it's not a great analogy.

You need to fork the MCB185-2022 repo because you'll want to be able to edit some of the files inside. I need to clone your homework repo so I can see your files (I don't need to edit your files).

Unix/Linux Environment

Most professional bioinformatics is done in a Unix/Linux environment. You don't have to love Unix/Linux, but you do have to be good at it.

What's the deal with Unix vs. Linux?

Most people about to embark on an adventure in bioinformatics programming will be using some flavor of Linux (e.g. Debian, Fedora, LinuxLite, Mint, Ubuntu, etc.) and not actually Unix. Is there a difference between Linux and Unix? Practically, no, but philisophically, yes. Linux was designed to behave just like Unix, so they are supposed to be very similar. However, Unix has its roots as a commercial product and Linux has its roots in open source free software. In this document, the terms Linux and Unix are used somewhat interchangeably.

Where do I get Linux?

Before we begin, you need a command line Linux environment on your computer. Why a CLI (command line interface) rather than a GUI (graphical user interface)? When it comes to automating tasks, it's easier to automate text commands than mouse clicks. Also, most computer clusters run Linux because it's free and robust. For these reasons, most professional bioinformatics is done with a Linux CLI. If you have any aspirations of becoming a bioinformatics programmer, you need to become comfortable with the Linux CLI. But before we get to that, you need Linux.

Unix on Mac

If your computer is a Mac, you already have Unix installed, and your specific flavor of Unix is called Darwin. You can get to the CLI with the Terminal application. However, you might not have git and other developer tools installed by default. To install these, type the following in your terminal:

xcode-select --install

This will bring up a dialog box that will prompt you through the install. You may want to install other Linux CLI software. For this, there is the project. This works similarly to other Linux package managers. To install homebrew, type the following in your termins:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

In addition to the Mac's built-in Unix, you may like to run a Linux virtual machine because compatibility is always best in Linux. See the Virtual Machine section below for more information.

Linux on PC

If your computer is a PC currently running Windows, you will have to install Linux somehow and you have several choices. Each of these has advantages and disadvantages, which are described in more detail below.

  • Virtual machine - recommended
  • Install Linux on a PC - best if you have a spare PC
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux - official Microsoft solution
  • Cygwin - may be useful for advanced users
  • Git bash - may be useful for advanced users

Virtual Machine

This is the current recommendation for Linux on a Windows computer.

A virtual machine (VM) is a fictional computer running inside your normal Windows operating system. The virtualization host software (e.g. VirtualBox) running on Windows tricks the new guest operating system (Linux) into thinking it is attached to its own motherboard, CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.

The upside of virtualization is that it's safe and inexpensive. It's hard to destroy data on your computer and you don't have to buy any new hardware. VirtualBox is free software that works very well. Other popular virtualization products include VMware and Parallels. If you want commercial support, you may like those.

The downside of a VM is that your virtual machines will take up some RAM, CPU, and storage. RAM is the most critical resource because it isn't easily shared. If you have 8 GB RAM, you could set up your VM with half. But that means both your real and virtual machines are running on 4 GB each. Computers run more efficiently with more RAM, especially if you're the type of person to have 20 browser tabs open. Adding more RAM to your computer will improve your VM experience. You can also run a VM with less RAM if you use a lightweight Linux distribution like Lubuntu or LinuxLite.

On the CPU side, your programs running in a VM will run slower than they could. The difference is pretty negligible though. We're talking 1-10% slower. You will also have to dedicate about 5-10 GB of hard disk space. Even with the downsides, VMs are a great way to run Linux on your PC.

There are many distributions of Linux. The most obvious differences among them is the desktop Graphical User Interface (GUI). Some look like old-school Windows while others look like Mac OS, and still others offer their own unique look and feel. As bioinformatics programmers, we're more interested in the CLI than the GUI, so I don't concern myself too much with what the desktop looks like. Here are some recommendations for setting up your VM.

  • Linux: Lubuntu
  • VM Memory: 2 GB
  • Disk: use default types, 40G variable size

Make sure you read the installation directions fully. There are some post-install customizations you might need to do. On VirtualBox these include:

  • Install the Guest Additions "CD"
  • Switch the virtual video card if you can't resize the screen
  • Set up a shared folder if you want Linux and Windows to share files

If you're having problems with the install or post-install, ask help from the instructor or TA.

Install Linux on PC

This is the best way to run Linux, but it may change your PC permanently.

There are a variety of ways you can install Linux on a hard disk. This could be an external hard disk you plug in when you want to run Linux (e.g. a flash drive), or you can split your current hard disk into multiple partitions, or you can wipe Windows and install Linux instead. All of these methods will give you Linux with all of the RAM and CPU. Each one is slightly destructive, however, and you may accidentally wipe your Windows partition even if you didn't intend to. For these reasons, if you only have 1 computer, I don't recommend installing Linux directly. Use VirtualBox, WSL, or Cygwin instead. However if you do have a spare computer, installing Linux will give you that fully immersive experience that helps you learn Linux faster.

You can sometimes pick up old PCs for $50. Old Macs make great Linux boxes. I have a 2015 iMac and 2012 Mac Mini that are too old to work with the current MacOS, but both continue to work flawlessly as Linux machines.

Windows Subsystem for Linux

The official Microsoft solution for running Linux is called the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). There are two types of WSL, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is older. It is also compatible with virtual machines like VirtualBox. If you want to run both WSL and VBox on the same machine, you should use WSL Type 1.

If you want to be more up-to-date, then use WSL Type 2. Unfortunately, installing WSL2 will stop VirtualBox from running. You can have WSL2 and VBox on the same computer, but not running at the same time; you will have to edit some settings and restart to switch between the two. This is a pain, so don't do it.

The upside of WSL is that it is the official Microsoft product. Most of the time it works great. It uses less resources than a VM, so your actual and virtual computers will be faster with WSL. The downside of WSL is the Windows and Linux filesystems do not play well together. When Windows programs save files in the Linux filesystem, some permissions may get reset (meaning you can't read or write files until until you chmod). It can be annoying. As WSL matures, it may become the best way to run Linux on Windows, but as of now I don't recommend it.

From WSL, your Windows C drive is conveniently mounted at /mnt/c. Finding your Linux filesystem root from Windows is not so easy.

Cygwin on Windows

Cygwin is a terminal with Unix commands. In use, it feels similar to WSL.

Cygwin is not an entire operating system but rather a terminal with POSIX commands (POSIX is a standard for portable Unix). It does not come pre-installed with Python, so you will have to run the Cygwin Setup.exe to install it and possibly other programming tools. For basic Python programming, I've found Cygwin to work great. However, when I tried to do a pip3 install numpy it did not work out of the box. If you have a lot of previous Unix experience and don't mind troubleshooting software installs, Cygwin can be great. If you're more of a novice, use something else.

Your Windows C drive is mounted at /cygdrive/c. Your Cygwin root depends on where you chose to install it (probably C:\cygdrive).

Git Bash on Windows

Git Bash is another terminal with Unix commands.

Git Bash is software intended for running git commands on Windows PCs using a command line interface. It can be used for more tasks, such as Python programming. Some programming languages are built-in (e.g. Perl) but Python is not by default. Git Bash feels very similar to Cygwin but software installation is slightly more complex. Like Cygwin, experts may like Git Bash, but it's not for novices.

Remote Login

Another way to work with Linux is to use your computer as a terminal to another computer located somewhere on the Internet. This might be part of a larger cloud computing service (e.g. Google, Amazon, etc.) or a computer located at your school. The downside here is that you'll need a network connection.

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is an inexpensive ($50-100) single board computer that is about the size of a deck of cards. You can also get one built into a slim keyboard. They use Linux as their OS. You just need to provide a mouse and monitor. They work great as a learning platform, but can be limiting as some useful bioinformatics software isn't compiled for the Pi.

Linux on Chromebook

Chromebooks are some of the least expensive computers you can buy. Conveniently, Linux is built right in. Select the time from the lower right corner and then go to Settings->Advanced->Developers.

Scroll down to "Linux development environment" and turn it on. It takes a few minutes to install. To get to the Linux CLI, use the Terminal application. This takes a little while to launch the first time.

I don't really recommend Chromebooks because it's not a popular platform for professional bioinformatics work. However, if that's all you have, it will work fine for this course.

Linux on Tablet

I don't have any experience with Linux on tablets. I've seen it done, and it seems to work okay, but I expect there will be some issues with precompiled binaries as there are with the other cellphone-chip-based solutions (Pi, Chromebook).

Terminal, Command Line, and Shell

To interact with Linux at the CLI you use a terminal application. There are many flavors of terminals, each with its own name. Most of them have the word 'term' in them somewhere. For example, xterm, qterm, or just Terminal.

Once you launch a terminal application, you are presented with a command prompt where you type stuff. This environment is actually called a shell. There are several flavors of shell, each one generally has 'sh' in the name. Examples include sh, bash, csh, ksh, tcsh, and zsh.

Are you confused by terminals and shells? That would be normal. Let's have an analogy to clear this up.

A terminal is like a word processor. The default applications on Mac and Windows are Pages and Word. But just because those are the defaults, doesn't mean you can't install Open Office.

The terminal gives you access to the shell. Here is another place you have a choice. Whatever form of Unix you're using will have a default shell. That may be bash or zsh but you can switch from one to another easily. This is sort of like changing the language preferences in your word processor from US English to UK English. Some of the spellings and punctuation change, but there are more similarities than differences.

Terminal Basics

Launch the terminal application (the name of this will differ from one operating system to another and even within a particular OS you will have several options). Run the date command by typing in the terminal and ending with the return key.


Congratulations, you just made your first Unix statement. You type words on the command line (in this case just one) and then hit return to execute the command. date is but one of many Unix commands you have at your fingertips (literally). Like most Unix commands, date does more than simply output the current date in the format you just witnessed. You can choose any number of formats and even set the internal clock to a specific time. Let's explore this a tiny bit. Commands can take arguments. Let's tell the date program that we want the date to be formatted as year-month-day and with hours-minutes-seconds also. The syntax below will seem arcane, but the various abbreviations should be make sense. Type the command below and observe the output.

date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

Manual Pages

If you want to learn more information about what date can do, you can either look online or use the Unix built-in manual pages. For a quick refresher on a command, the manual pages are often easiest. But if you have no idea what the command does, than you might want to look for assistance online where you might find questions, answers, and examples. To read the manual pages for date you use the man command.

man date

You can page through this with the space bar and exit with q. In the above statement, man was the command and date was the argument. The program that let you page through the documentation was another Unix command that you didn't intentionally invoke, it just happens automatically when you execute the man command.

Injury Prevention

Typing is bad for your health. Seriously, if you type all day, you will end up with a repetitive stress injury. Don't type for hours at a time. Make sure you schedule breaks. Unix has several ways to save your fingers. Let's go back and run the date program again. Instead of typing it in, use the up arrow on your keyboard to go backwards through your command history. If you scroll back too far, you can use the down arrow to move forward through your history (but not into the future, Unix isn't that smart).

date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

You can use the left arrow and right arrow to position the cursor so you can edit the text on the command line.

To see your entire history of commands in this session, use the history command.


Probably the most important finger saver in Unix is tab completion. When you hit the tab key, the shell completes the rest of the word for you if it can guess what you want next. For example, instead of typing out history you can instead type his followed by the tab key, the rest of the word will be completed. If you use something less specific, you can hit the tab key a second time and the shell will show you the various legal words. Try typing h and then the tab key twice. Those are all the commands that begin with the letter h. You should use tab completion constantly. Not only does it save you key presses and time, it also ensures that your spelling is correct. Try misspelling the history command to observe the error it reports.



The shell defines various variables which are called shell variables or environment variables. For example, the USER variable contains your user name. You can examine the contents of a variable with the printenv command.

printenv USER

Another way to print the contents of an environment variable is to use the echo command to dereference the $USER variable.

echo Hello $USER, your shell is $SHELL

We won't use variables much, but it's important to know they exist because some programs use them for configuration. If you want to see all your environment variables, you can use the printenv command without any arguments.


Don't worry if you find the topic of environment variables to be a little confusing at this time. We will revisit the topic a little later when it matters more.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Depending on the specific flavor of your operating system, you may have various folders in your home directory. For example, Mac, Windows, and Linux generally have Desktop, Documents, and Downloads folders. These are default locations for your point-n-click files. Let's set up a folder to do our programming and bioinformatics work. Open a terminal and type the following command.


The cd command is used to "change directory". If you don't give it any specific place to go, it will take you to your home directory. There are two other ways to get to your home directory: tilde and $HOME. Both of these commands do the same thing.

cd ~
cd $HOME

To examine the exact path to your home directory, use the pwd command, which stands for "print working directory".


To see the other files in your home directory, type the ls command.


You should see your Documents, Downloads, and other folders created by default by the operating system. Now it's time to create a new working directory for all of your bioinformatics programming stuff. Let's call it Work.

mkdir Work

Note that all of the directories given to you by default were a single word starting with a capital letter (e.g. Downloads). We followed this convention when we chose Work. However, the typical Unix world is all lowercase. So once we enter the Work directory, we'll follow Unix standards and go all lowercase. Let's make another directory inside the Work directory called bin. Then cd to Work and have a look around with the ls command.

mkdir Work/bin
cd Work

You should see bin and nothing else. Let's create another directory in here called lib.

mkdir lib

Now you should see two things, bin and lib. We won't be using these directories right away, but we will be using them soon.

Creating and Viewing Files

(For the this exercise and others that follow, it may be useful to have your graphical desktop displaying the contents of your Work directory. That way you can see that typing and clicking are related. You won't actually be using the mouse though.)

There are a number of ways to create a file. The touch command will create a file or change its modification time (Unix records when the last time a file was edited) if it already exists. Let's first make sure we are in our Work directory. Here you can see why we use the tilde to represent our home directory: it saves typing.

cd ~/Work
touch foo

The file foo doesn't contain anything at all. It is completely empty. If your graphical file browser was open to your Work directory, when you typed you would have seen the file magically appear in the file browser. Now lets create a file with some content in it.

ls /bin > bar

This command listed the /bin directory and redirected the output to a file named bar. The greater-than sign allows you to send a stream of characters to a file. Those characters can be streamed from the ls command as was done here, or you could type them at the keyboard. Let's try putting some content into foo with the keyboard.

cat > foo

After you type the line above, the shell appears to hang. It's waiting for you to start typing. Go ahead and write a few lines of poetry. To close the stream of data and save the file, type ^D. What the heck is ^D? In Unix parlance, that means hit the control key followed by the d key. This is sometimes written as control-D. Note that even though ^D and control-D have a capital D in them, you don't actually use the shift key. So go ahead and type ^D.

The most useful ways to view a file are with head, tail, more, and less. head shows you the first 10 lines of a file, while tail shows you the last 10. Of course there are command line options to change the number of lines. Let's try them out.

head foo
tail foo
head -5 bar
tail -5 bar

If you want to view a whole file you can do that with cat or less. We just saw how cat could be used to create a file, but it can also be used to view them.

cat bar

This isn't very useful for viewing large files unless you're a speed reader. A more useful way to look at files is with a pager. The more and less commands let you see a file one terminal page at a time. This is what you used before when viewing the manual page for the date command. Use the spacebar to advance by one page, the b key to go backwards by one page, and when you're done, hit q to quit. more and less do more or less the same thing, but oddly enough less does more than more. There are a lot of silly jokes in Unix culture.

less bar

Editing Files

Let's try editing a file with nano, which is a terminal-based editor.

nano foo

This changes the entire look of your terminal. No longer are you typing commands at a prompt. Now you're editing a file and can change the random text you just wrote. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor around. Add some text by typing. Remove some text with the delete key. At the bottom, you can see a menu that uses control keys. To save the file you hit the ^O key (control and then the letter o). You will then be prompted for the file name, at which point you can overwrite the current file (bar) or make a new file with a different name. To exit nano, hit ^X. Note, you don't need to give nano a file name when you start it up.

Unix file names often have the following properties:

  • all lowercase letters
  • no spaces in the name (use underscores or dashes instead)
  • an extension such as .txt

Navigating Directories

Whenever you are using a terminal, the shell's command line is focused on a particular directory. The files you just created above were in a specific directory (~/Work). To determine what directory you are currently in, use the pwd command (print working directory). Let's make sure you're in your home directory and examine its path.


Your home directory should be listed below based on your operating system.

  • MacOS - /Users/your_name
  • Ubuntu - /home/your_name
  • Lubuntu - /home/your_name
  • WSL - /home/your_name

A path that begins with a / is called an absolute path (we saw this before when we did ls /bin). Your location also has a relative path, which is simply the dot . character. Your full name is like an absolute path while pronouns are like a relative path. So "Ian Frederick Korf" describes the author absolutely, while "me" describes me more relatively. If I want to reference other people, I can use an absolute or relative path. "Mario Takechi Korf" describes my brother in absolute terms while "twin brother" describes him in relative terms.

If you want to know what files are in your home directory, you can do that with an absolute path regardless of where your shell is currently focused. You can type out the path you found above, or you can dereference the HOME environment variable.

echo $HOME
ls $HOME

You can also list your home directory using a relative path. Read the dot as "here" so the following command is "list here".

ls .

ls will list your current directory if you don't give it an argument, so an equivalent statement is simply:


Notice that ls reports both the files and directories in your current directory. Without icons it's a little difficult to figure out which names correspond to file and which to directories. So let's add a command line option to the ls command that will decorate directories with a special character.

ls -F

This command adds a character to the end of the file names to indicate what kind of files they are. A forward slash character indicates that the file is a directory. These directories inside your working directory are called sub-directories. They are below your current location. There are also directories above your current focus. There is at most one directory immediately above you. We call this the parent directory, which in Unix is called .. (that wasn't a typo, it's two dots). You can list your parent directory as follows:

ls ..

The ls command has a lot of options. Try reading the man pages and trying some of them out. Now is a good time to experiment with a few command line options. Note that you can specify them in any order and collapse them if they don't take arguments (some options have arguments).

man ls
ls -a
ls -l
ls -l -a
ls -a -l
ls -la
ls -al

There are two ways to specify a directory: relative path and absolute path. The command ls .. listed the directory above the current directory. The command nano bar edited the file bar in the current directory. You could also have written nano ./bar. What if you want to list some directory somewhere else or edit a file somewhere else? We actually did that before with ls /bin > foo. To specify the absolute path, you precede the path with a forward slash. For example, to list the absolute root of the Unix file system, you would type the following:

ls /

To list the contents of /usr/bin you would do the following:

ls /usr/bin

This works exactly the same from whatever your current working directory is because /usr/bin is an absolute path. However, if you do ls bin it only works if you happen to have a directory or file called bin in your current focus.

To change your working directory, use the cd command. Try changing to the root directory

cd /

Now return to your home directory by executing cd without any arguments.


Now go back to the root directory and create a file in your Work directory. That is, your shell will have its focus on the root directory, but the files you create will be in your Work directory. Open your GUI file browser to your Work directory before you begin these commands.

cd /
touch $HOME/Work/file1
touch ~/Work/file2
ls ~/Work

Moving and Renaming Files

Your home directory is starting to fill up with a bunch of crap. Let's organize that stuff. First off, let's create a new directory for stuff using the mkdir command.

cd ~/Work
mkdir stuff

Let's move some files into that new directory with the mv (move) command.

mv foo stuff

The file foo is now inside the directory stuff. You can observe this by listing the current directory, which no longer contains foo, and stuff, where it now resides.

ls .
ls stuff

The weird thing about the mv command is that it not only moves files into directories, it can also rename them. Let's try renaming bar to bark.

mv bar bark

The difference between mv foo stuff and mv bar bark is that in the former case there was a directory called stuff and in the latter there wasn't. This is the key to mv command. If the last argument exists, it tries moving the first argument (the file) into the last argument (the directory). What if you try moving a file onto an already existing file? Let's do that with the previously created file and file2.

mv file1 file2
ls .

Whoops. file1 just got renamed to file2. In other words, the contents of file2 just got permanently deleted. For this reason, sometimes people use the -i flag to turn on interactive mode. Let's recreate the previous files and try this again.

touch file1 file2
mv -i file1 file2

Now you get a warning before doing any destructive activities!

mv can move and rename a file at the same time. Let's put bark into the stuff directory and change its name back to bar.

mv bark stuff/bar
ls stuff

mv can move multiple things at the same time. Let's move both file1 and file2 into the stuff directory.

mv file1 file2 stuff
ls stuff


One of the most useful time-saving tricks in the shell is the use of the * character as a wildcard. The * character matches missing characters if it can. If we want to list the files in stuff that start with the letter f we do the following:

ls stuff/f*

A very common use of the wildcard is to match all files with a specific file extension. Let's try that.

touch a.txt b.txt
ls *.txt
mv *.txt stuff

Copying and Aliasing

The cp command copies files. Let's say you wanted to make a copy of bar which is currently in your Work directory. You have to tell cp where you want that copy to exist. It can't exist in the exact same location. You'll either have to give it a different location or change its name. Let's first try giving it a new location.

cp stuff/bar .

The previous command reads as "copy the bar file from the stuff directory to my current location". We could also copy the file without changing its location, but we have to give it a new name.

cp stuff/bar stuff/bark
ls stuff

Deleting Files

You delete files with the rm command. Be careful, because once gone, files are gone forever. If you want a safer, interactive version of rm use it with the -i flag (we saw this earlier with mv).

ls stuff
rm stuff/file1
ls stuff
rm -i bar

As a reminder, you didn't type those file names completely, right? You used tab completion, right?

You can delete multiple files at once too and even whole directories. Watch out though, that can get dangerous. If you want to completely remove everything in the stuff directory, you could do the following (but please don't):

rm stuff/*

That will still leave the stuff directory intact, but without any files. If you want to remove the directory, you use the rmdir command. You can try this, but it won't work because the directory isn't empty. rmdir only removes empty directories.

rmdir stuff

If you want to remove a directory and everything it contains, you can use the -r flag to recursively delete everything inside and the -f flag to force delete of protected files. This is highly, highly destructive, so maybe don't do it.

rm -rf stuff

The worst possible thing you could do is unintentionally use the wildcard * with the rm command with slightly incorrect syntax. Here, let me show you how to destroy everything. Maybe don't type this...

rm -rf stuff *

You may have wanted to do rm -rf stuff/* but the space between stuff and * means that * matches EVERYTHING. So that's how you delete everything in your current directory. If you happen to be in your home directory, you just deleted everything you own. Ask me how I know.

Since mv, cp, and rm can be so dangerous, many people create aliases that force each command to be interactive. We'll see how to do this a little farther below when we get to the more advanced Unix section.

Markdown and Files

Most of the files we work with in Linux are plain text files. Many things change in this world, but not the format of text files. Got some old poetry you wrote in WriteNow? Well, that software doesn't exist anymore, so good luck viewing it. However, any text file since the dawn of Unix still works just fine. Markdown files, like this one, are plain text files. However, there are Markdown processors that will turn you Markdown files into beautiful PDF, HTML, etc.

Text vs Binary

There are two main types of files you will encounter: text and binary. You can view text files with less and edit them with nano, for example. All of the programs we will write will be text files. You can also view and edit binary files but they look like gobledygook, not English. If you want to see what a binary file looks like, try the following.

less /bin/ls

You're looking at the machine code for the ls program. It's not meant to be human-readable. These are machine-specific instructions designed for machines, not humans. So what makes a file text or binary? To answer that, we need to delve into the world of bits and bytes.

Bits, Bytes, and ASCII

A bit is a single binary digit representing a 0 or 1. The number "1" is just 1 as we know it. The number "10" is 2 in decimal notation. There is a "1" in the 2s place and a 0 in the "1s" place, so 2 + 0 = 2. Similarly, the number "11" in binary is 3 in decimal and the number "101" in binary is "5" in decimal (1 four, 0 two, 1 one).

A byte is 8 bits. Computers usually deal in bytes. So we don't normally talk about a number like "101" to represent 5 but rather the 8-digit version of that "00000101". So what number is "10000000"? Well that depends if you're working in base 2, decimal, or something else entirely. In order to clarify these things, people often put two characters at the front to signify the base when it's not base-10. Prepending the numerals with "0b" tells people "I'm using binary". So "0b10000000" means 128 and not ten million.

We actually use the "byte" more frequently than you might guess. However, when we do so, it's usually in hexidecimal notation. In base 2, there are 2 symbols: 0 and 1. In base 10 (ordinary decimal) there are 10 symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , and 9. In base 16 (hexidecimal), there are 16 symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F. So the symbol "B" in hexidecimal means "11" in decimal. To specify that a number is in hex, it is proceeded with "0x". Therefore "0x10" is 16 (1 value in the 16s and nothing in the 1s).

Have you ever seen internet addresses of the form Ever wondered what those 4 numbers are? Each one is a byte. So each one can have a value from "0b00000000" to "0b11111111". In other words, each value can be from "0x00" to "0xFF". Or more familiarly, from 0 to 255. These same byte notations are used all over the place in computers. For example, you may have had to dig up the MAC (media access control) address of your network adapater, which may have looked like "f0:18:98:e9:f2:be". Each of those number-like things separated by a colon is a byte in the range of 00-ff (upper and lowercase don't matter in hexidecimal).


Another place you may have seen hexidecimal notation is to represent colors. In a computer, color is made by mixing three colors of light: red, green, and blue. Each of those colors can have an intensity from 0 to 255, which in hex is 00-FF. For example, if you want to make bright red, you use FF in the red channel, 00 in the green channel, and 00 in the blue channel. The most efficient way to write this is to mash them all together as FF0000. This can also be written as 0xFF0000 or even #FF0000.

Here are some common colors:

  • FF0000 Red (only the red channel)
  • 00FF00 Green (only the green channel)
  • 0000FF Blue (only the blue channel)
  • 000000 Black (all channels off)
  • FFFFFF White (all channels on)
  • 808080 Gray (all channels at half)

If you think about the color spectrum, yellow is halfway between red and green. So how do we make a color halfway between the two? By turning on those two channels. Similarly, halfway between green and blue is cyan. If you think of the spectrum as a circle rather than a line, then halfway between blue and red is magenta.

  • FFFF00 Yellow
  • 00FFFF Cyan
  • FF00FF Magenta

What about the other colors, such as orange? Orange isn't halfway between any of the channels. However, it is halfway between red and yellow. To make orange, we have to decrease the green channel so that the average is closer to red. How about we cut the green in half? FF8000 = Orange.

At this point, you're probably asking yourself, "but what about all of that stuff I learned in art class where red + green = brown?". Paints are pigments, not sources of life. You have to think about those in the absorption spectrum. Red pigment block green and blue, allowing red to come through. Similarly, green pigment blocks red and blue, allowing green to come through. When you mix pigments, you average the absorptive properties of the two. So red + green pigments completely block the blue spectrum and allow about half of the red and green to come through. If we were to express that in hex it would look like 808000, which is a dark yellow, which might as well be brown.

Back to Binary

So now it's time to understand the difference between text and binary files. A text file typically uses only the 7 bits defined by ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). That is, each byte is confined to the range from 0 to 127. In binary that's "0b00000000" to "0b01111111". In hex, that's "0x00" to "0x7F". All of the numbers equal to or greater than than "0b10000000" or "0x80" or 128 are outside the ACSII space. Any file using values outside of ASCII is binary.

In a plain text file, every symbol (e.g letter or punctuation) has a corresponding value in the range of 0-127. For example, captial "A" is "0b01000001" or "0x41" or 65 (decimal). Similarly, capital "B" is "0b01000010" or "0x42" or 66. The numbers from 0-9 are in ASCII slots 48-57, the capital letters are 65-90, the lowercase letters are 97-122, and other symbols are in various places (32-47, 58-64, 91-96, 123-127). Everything below 32 is invisible.

At this point you may be wondering about other alphabets and how they get encoded in a computer. Surely you can't fit all of the symbols in known human language into the range of 0-127. You can't. However, there are multi-byte encodings that offer many more symbols. But for now, we are only considering ASCII.

Formatting Plain Text

Text files are incredibly simple. There are no choices of ruler settings, font family, font style, lists, or tables you expect to find in a word processing document. However, sometimes you want part of a text file to look like a heading, or boldface, or a list. There are lots of ways you can imagine doing that from the use of capital letters to punctuation. Markdown is a global standard for writing text files. If you follow the standard, you can turn your plain text documents into beautifully formatted HTML or PDF that has actual headings, hyperlinks, font styles, lists, etc.

To find out how to write Markdown, check out the website linked below. This is the official home of vanilla Markdown. There are a few customizations of Markdown that add a few more things like tables.

Another way to learn Markdown is to compare an HTML or PDF file to its original Markdown plain text source document. If you're viewing this document on GitHub, you're viewing it formatted as HTML. You can also look at the raw text either on the website or in your forked repo.

Let's create our first Markdown document in nano.


Now let's enter some content.

To Do List

Here are some of the things I'm working on this week.

+ Learn some Unix commands
+ Learn how to write in Markdown **now**
+ Learn how to program in Python
+ Get my code into GitHub like all _professional_ developers

As you can see, even without the use of headings, font sizes, type faces, rulers, etc. we are able to communicate document structure and emphasis. "To Do List" is clearly the title. The plus signs are clearly a bulleted list. The use of asterixes and underscores clearly show emphasis. Follow a few simple Markdown rules and you'll end up with beautiful documents that are easy to write and a pleasure to read as text, HTML, PDF, etc.

GitHub CLI

Personal Access Token

When you interact with the GitHub website, you use a username and password. When you interact with GitHub using the Linux CLI, you cannot use your website password. Instead you have to use a "personal access token" (PAT). So the first thing we need to do is to generate a PAT.

Log into GitHub and then click on the icon in the top right corner. This will drop down a menu where you will find "Settings". Follow that link and you will get to your various account settings. Scroll down to the bottom to find "Developer Settings". On the next page you will see "Personal access tokens". Click on the link to "Generate a personal access token".

In the "Note" you might put in "programming" or something. It doesn't matter.

For "Expiration" you can use any of the values. If you don't want to do this again, use the "No expiration" option.

Click on the "repo" checkbox, which will also check the subordiante boxes.

Your personal access token is given to you once. Copy it and save it somewhere safe. You can never get to this PAT again. Ever. However, you can generate a new one anytime you like, so if you lose your PAT, you can just generate a new one. I put my PAT in a personal message to myself in Slack. I also keep it in a file on Dropbox.

Cloning Your Repos

Your current repos are locatd on GitHub, but are not in your Linux computer. It's time to get them. You'll need a good place to keep all of your GitHub repos. I use a directory called "Work" in my home directory. If you want to be like me, open a terminal and do the following (substituting YOUR_GITHUB_HANDLE for whatever your username is on GitHub).

cd ~/Work
git clone

You should now see your homework directory. Go get your fork of MCB185-2022.

git clone

You should see both your homework and MCB185-2022 directories.

Git Commands

Enter your homework repository and check its status.

cd homework
git status

You will see that git reports that your repository is up to date. Let's modify a file and see what happens. Edit the file so that it has a little more information. For example, you might add your name and someting about your learning goals.


After saving your changes, check your repository status again.

git status

This shows that has been changed. In order to put those changes back into GitHub, you'll need to add, commit, and push.

git add
git commit -m "update"
git push

The add argument tells git we intend to put this file in our repo. Not all files in your current directly need to go into your repo. For example, you may have some temporary program outout you were using for debugging.

The commit tells git we are done with edits, and the -m provides a short message about what work was done. The message might be as simple as "update" or "edit" or "new", but might be more complex such as "finally squashed the formatting bug".

The push tells git to upload the file back to GitHub.

When git prompts you for your username, use your GitHub username. For the password, copy-paste your GitHub personal access token.

The general workflow with git is the following.

  1. Create a file
  2. git add
  3. git commit -m "something"
  4. git push
  5. Time passes...
  6. git pull
  7. Edit files
  8. Go back to step 2

Python: Hello World

It's time to write your first Python program. We're going to do this with nano. Start nano by typing the command name followed by the file you want to create.

cd ~/Work/homework

Now type the following line:

print('hello world')

Hit ^O (that's the command key plus the o key) to save the file and the ^W to exit nano. Now let's try running the command from the shell.


If everything worked okay, you should have seen 'hello world' in your terminal. If not, don't go on. Ask for help fixing your computing environment.

Now it's time to add your new file to your repository. First let's check the status of your repo.

git status

This shows that is not currently being tracked. So let's add, commit, and push it.

git add
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push

Check the GitHub website. You'll see that your changes to are there as well as the new file

It might seem like git is a lot of effor just to upload your code to a website. If that's all git did, it would be too much effort, but git allows you to do a lot more. Git tracks every change you make to a file, allowing you to rewind it to any point in time. Git allows you to make a branch of related work and then later merge it back in with the main trunk if desired. More importantly, git allows multiple developers to work simultaneously on the same project without destroying each others work. We aren't using those advanced features yet. Right now, our focus is on backing up our code and logging our programming activity to the GitHub website.

Unix Permissions and Paths

Unix file permissions are critical to understand, but a little obscure. To understand how they work, we're going to turn our program into a proper executable. Be patient in this section, it's complex.

Previously, when we wanted to run the program we had to proceed that with the command python3. Most of the programs you've seen so far, like date or ls did not require anything other than the name of the program. We can change to work in the same manner. While this isn't really necessary, it's very important to understand how permissions work, so we're going to modify to be just like ls.

Go to your homework repot and use nano to edit the file.


Now modify it so that it looks like the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print('hello world')

Line 1 has the "hash bang" interpreter directive. The first line of a text file tells Unix which language to use. Make sure the first character of the file is # and that there are no additional leading spaces. Line 2 is what you had before. Save this file and then push the changes back to your repo. We're not done yet. This is just the first step.


In order for a text file to function as a program it needs 3 things.

  1. An interpreter directive on the first line (we just did this)
  2. Permission to be executed
  3. Located in the executable path

File Permissions

A file can have 3 kinds of permissions: read, write, and execute. These are abbreviated as rwx. If a file has read permissions, you can view it. If it has write permissions, you can edit it, which includes deleting it. If it has execute permissions, you can run it as a program.

Directories are special kinds of files that also have the same permissions. Here, read means you can view the files in the directory. Write means you can add or delete files in the directory. Execute means you can enter the directory.

Generally, you would like to be able to read, write, and execute the directories you own. But this isn't always true of files. You may have downloaded some important data and want to make sure you can't modify or delete it. Permissions allow you to modify what actions can be taken by whom.

In addition to having 3 types of permissions (read, write, execute), every file also has 3 types of people that can access it: the owner (you), the group you belong to (e.g. a laboratory), or the public (everyone else who has access to the computer).

Let's examine the file permissions on the directories and files you currently have.

cd ~/Work
ls -lF

You should see something like the following:

drwxr-xr-x  2 ian ian 4096 Feb 7 10:01 bin/
drwxr-xr-x  2 ian ian 4096 Feb 7 10:01 lib/
drwxr-xr-x  2 ian ian 4096 Feb 7 10:11 homework/

Let's break down what's happening with the first arcane set of symbols. The first letter is d which indicates that the file is a directory. We can also see this because of the trailing slash from the ls -F. The next 9 characters are 3 triplets.

  • rwx the first triplet are your permissions
  • r-x the second triplet are group permissions
  • r-x the third triplet are public permissions

You may read, write, and execute the directory. That is, you have permission to ls the directory, rm files in the directory, and cd into the directory. Users who belong to your group can also read and enter your directories, but they can't modify their contents.

Let's take a look at the permissions of

cd homework
ls -l

On Ubuntu, this is what I found, however the default permissions for your Linux distribution may be different.

-rw-r--r-- 1 ian ian 44 Feb 7 11:00

After the leading dash, there are 3 triplets of symbols. The first triplet shows user permissions rw-. I have read and write permission but not execute. The next triplets are for group and public. Both have read permission, but not write or execute. Let's first turn on all permissions for everyone using the chmod command and then list again.

chmod 777
ls -l

Notice that you can now see rwx for owner, group, and public. Does it make sense for everyone to be able to edit your files? Probably not. It also doesn't make sense for plain text files with your shopping list to have executable permissions. So turning everything on isn't a good idea.

The chmod command has two different syntaxes. The more human readable one looks like this.

chmod u-x
ls -l

This command says: "change the user (u) to remove (-) the execute (x) permission from file". You add permissions with +.

chmod u+x
ls -l

The less readable chmod format assigns all parameters in octal format simultaneously. Once you understand how it works, it's much easier.

  • 4 is read permission
  • 2 is write permission
  • 1 is execute permission
  • 0 is no permissions

Every number from 0 to 7 results in a unique set of permission.

Read Write Exec Sum Meaning
4 0 0 4 only reading allowed
4 2 0 6 reading and writing allowed
4 2 1 7 reading, writing, and executing allowed
4 0 1 5 reading and executing allowed
0 0 0 0 nothing allowed

Here are some useful permission sets:

  • 600 your private diary (only you can read and write)
  • 644 your source code (you can read and write, others can read)
  • 755 your programs (like above, but executable)
  • 444 data files (everyone can read, nobody can write)

Let's set the permissions on to the most appropriate set using the octal format.

chmod 755

Making Executable

Now that your program has execute permissions, you can use it like a Unix program. That is, you don't have to type python3 before the program name.


But what's with the ./ before the program name. You don't have to type that when you run the ls command or the chmod command, for example. That's because those programs are in your executable path and is not. We'll fix that in a sec.

Files on Flash Drives

Most flash drives are formatted to be compatible with Windows machines. Each operating system has a different idea about how to store filesystem metadata such as permissions. Because of this, most files on flash drives end up with all permission set. In octal, that would be 777 (read, write, execute) for owner, group, and public. This is the most permissive setting and can be a little dangerous. After copying files from a flash drive to your Unix machine, it's probably a good idea to change the permissions to something more sensible.

Customizing Your Shell

In order to simplify a few things, we need to customize your shell. First, we have to figure out which shell you're running. Your shell is in your SHELL environment variable. Here are two ways of seeing that.

printenv SHELL
echo $SHELL

If your shell is /bin/bash then check if you have a file called .profile or .bash_profile or .bashrc in your home directory. If you already have one of those files, edit it with nano. If not, create a .profile with nano.

If your shell is /bin/zsh then check if you have a file called .zshrc. If it exists, edit it with nano. If not, create it with nano.

Now enter the following 2 lines into the file you're editing.

alias ls="ls -F"
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Work/bin

The first line makes it so that whenever you use the ls command, you're actually invoking ls -F which displays the file type by appending a * to executable files and a / to directories.

The second line adds your Work/bin directory to the executable path. Now, any script you put into Work/bin can be run like any other program.

To protect yourself from accidentally overwriting or removing files, you might want to add interactive mode for a few commands.

alias rm="rm -i"
alias mv="mv -i"
alias cp="cp -i"


Just like your shell needs to know where your programs live, Python needs to know where your libraries live. It's going to be a while before we are writing our own libraries, but we should set things up for that later. It looks very similar to the PATH setup you just did.


Finally a Program

It's finally time to make work like ls and such. Where were we with what we needed to do?

  1. An interpreter directive on the first line (we did this before)
  2. Permission to be executed (we did this recently)
  3. Located in the executable path

We have a few options here:

  1. Move the file from homework to ~/Work/bin
  2. Copy the file from homework to ~/Work/bin
  3. Alias the file from homework to ~/Work/bin

We don't want to move the file because then it's no longer in our repo. We also don't want to copy the file because then we'll have 2 files running around and edits in one won't be reflected in the other. The best thing is to use an alias so that the shortcut in ~/Work/bin points to the original file. While we're at it, let's change the name of the program from 00helloworld.p to helloworld.

cd ~/Work/bin
ln -s ../homework/ ./helloworld

That's it, you're done. Now you can type helloworld in your terminal and the program runs just like ls or any other proper CLI program. Note that you generally don't need to do this. There's nothing wrong with python3 to invoke your python programs.

Editors and IDEs

It's time to stop using nano. While it is useful for very small tasks, it's not a great programming editor. Most of us are more efficient navigating documents with a mouse than a keyboard. All of the files you have been editing with nano could have been edited with Atom, BBEdit, Geany, Gedit, Jedit, Notepad++, Sublime, etc.

Some people prefer programming in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Popular IDEs for Python include IDLE, PyCharm, Spyder and Eclipse. IDEs can make debugging easier as they automatically place your cursor at lines with bugs and let you manually inspect variable contents. While IDEs may make your Python programming more efficient, they separate you from Unix. Since one of the reasons you are taking this course is to learn some Unix, I don't recommend using an IDE at this time.

So which programming/text editor should you use? Whatever is installed by default in your Linux distribution should be fine. I use Geany on Linux, BBEdit on Mac, and Notepad++ on Windows.

Useful Unix Commands

The wc program counts the characters, words, and lines in text files. You could counts the words in this document, for example.


One of the most useful programs is grep. This prints out lines that match specific strings or patterns. For example, if you wanted to print out all the lines with the word Unix you would do the following:

grep Unix

To count how many lines that was, you could either use the -c flag to grep or pipe the output to wc.

grep -c Unix
grep Unix | wc

When working with tabular data, you will find that sort is very useful, as it let's you sort the lines on different columns.

When monitoring the progress of programs that take a long time to run, you will find time useful for timing how long a program runs and top or htop for monitoring how much RAM or other resources a program is taking.

To see how much free space you have on your file system, use the df (disk free) command with the -h option to make it more human-readable (try it both ways).

df -h

Another useful command is du (disk usage) which shows how much space each of your files and directories uses.

du -h

Unix Quick Reference

Token Function
. your current directory (see pwd)
.. your parent directory
~ your home directory (also $HOME)
^C send interrupt signal
^D send end-of-file character
tab tab-complete names
* wildcard - matches everything
| pipe output from one command to another
> redirect output to file
Command Example Intent
cat cat > f create file f and wait for keyboard (see ^D)
cat f stream contents of file f to STDOUT
cat a b > c concatenate files a and b into c
cd cd d change to relative directory d
cd .. go up one directory
cd /d change to absolute directory d
chmod chmod 644 f change permissions for file f in octal format
chmod u+x f change permissions for f the hard way
cp cp f1 f2 make a copy of file f1 called f2
date date print the current date
df df -h . display free space on file system
du du -h ~ display the sizes of your files
git git add f start tracking file f
git commit -m "message" finished edits, ready to upload
git push put changes into repository
git pull retrieve latest documents from repository
git status check on status of repository
grep grep p f print lines with the letter p in file f
gzip gzip f compress file f
gunzip gunzip f.gz uncompress file f.gz
head head f display the first 10 lines of file f
head -2 f display the first 2 lines of file f
history history display the recent commands you typed
kill kill 1023 kill process with id 1023
less less f page through a file
ln ln -s f1 f2 make f2 an alias of f1
ls ls list current directory
ls -l list with file details
ls -la also show invisible files
ls -lta sort by time instead of name
ls -ltaF also show file type symbols
man man ls read the manual page on ls command
mkdir mkdir d make a directory named d
more more f page through file f (see less)
mv mv foo bar rename file foo as bar
mv foo .. move file foo to parent directory
nano nano use the nano text file editor
pwd pwd print working directory
rm rm f1 f2 remove files f1 and f2
rm -r d remove directory d and all files beneath
rm -rf / destroy your computer
rmdir rmdir d remove directory d
sort sort f sort file f alphabetically by first column
sort -n f sort file f numerically by first column
sort -k 2 f sort file f alphabetically by column 2
tail tail f display the last 10 lines of file f
tail -f f as above and keep displaying if file is open
tar tar -cf ... create a compressed tar-ball (-z to compress)
tar -xf ... decompress a tar-ball (-z if compressed)
time time ... determine how much time a process takes
top top display processes running on your system
touch touch f update file f modification time (create if needed)
wc wc f count the lines, words, and characters in file f