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197 lines (172 loc) · 6.3 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (172 loc) · 6.3 KB


Workflow to perform cheminformatics analysis of a database instance on linux server containing in vitro toxicological data. This workflow queries the databases (invitrodb [prod_internal_invitrodb_v3_3], dsstox[ro_20191118_dsstox], qsar[ro_rlougee_qsar] )

If you would like to copy the modeling datasets and their results to the database(ro_rlougee_qsar), please go to the "database_option" branch

Workflow steps : 0) Clone this repo in a new directory

  1. Access invitrodb v3_3 database through R-package (tcpl) to get a list of "assay_component_endpoint_id" or "aeid" and obtain the DTXSID_hitc table for each aeid.
  2. Access DSSTOX database using python package "database"
  3. Reformat DTXSID_hitc (CSV) tables to DTXCID_hitc (tsv)
  4. Convert substance DTXSID to structure identifier DTXCID using python module chemidconvert
  5. Clean DTXCID_hitc files using bash commands
  6. Access and query sbox_rlougee_qsar to add fingerprint(ToxPrint) columns to each DTXCID_hitc table
  7. Run the prepared files as input to the chemotype enrichment analysis workflow (repo: mshobair/cheminf ; branch= main) to generate enrichment table
  8. Combine the enrichment tables into one flat file. This is the baseline global enrichment table

Next steps: 9) Modify the tcpl query to add filters using the "burst" functions, such as tcpl_cytopt, to change the DTXCID_hitc matrices.

  1. New directory and clone this to it
mkdir new_directory
cd new_directory
git clone
cd invitro_cheminformatics
  1. ACCESS - Within the EPA network, log to or other server with R installed, which can be accessed remotely from via ssh.

Within shell terminal in a new directory:


Install tcpl if it is not installed using this command:


In R-prompt, load tcpl package, setup the database access parameters and query the assay_component_endpoint table.

 # load tcpl
# set database parameters (invitrodb v3_3); which is publically available
tcplConf(drvr="MySQL", user="_dataminer", pass="pass", db="prod_internal_invitrodb_v3_3", host="")
# get list of aeids
aeid_table <- tcplLoadAeid()
# write table of aeids
write.csv(aeid_table, "aeid_table.csv", row.names = F)
  • Obtain input files programmatically from invitrodb v3_3
# loop through each aeid and write the mc5 table
for(i in aeid_table$aeid[1:2]){ # substitute "2" in "[1:2]" with total number of aeids {total; 1:length(aeid_table$aeid)}
mc5 <- tcplSubsetChid(tcplPrepOtpt(tcplLoadData(lvl=5, fld ="aeid", val = i))) # getting level 5 data for binary hitcall (hitc)
mc5_sub <- mc5[, c("dsstox_substance_id", "hitc")] # selecting the relevant columns DTXSID(dsstox_substance_id) and hitcall (hitc)
mc5_sub_name <- paste0("mc5_", i, ".csv") # saving the DTXSID_hitc table for a specific aeid (i) and naming it by the aeid (mc5_1.csv)
write.csv(mc5_sub, mc5_sub_name, row.names = F) # writing the table to a CSV file (mc5_1.csv) in the current directory

Exit R : ctrl + D Y

  1. ACCESS - Connect to the res1 databases and sandboxes. Let's start a virtual environment, so that we can install python dependencies and modules to prepare the input files. We will make a virtual environment "test_env", activate it and install python modules in it to use as python scripts or Command-Line-Interface (CLI) tool. If virtualenv is not installed, consult with the IT team.
rm -r test_env
rm *.clean
mkdir test_env
python3 -m virtualenv test_env
source test_env/bin/activate
pip install pandas
pip install mysql-connector

Go to database directory, and install

cd database
pip install -e .
cd ../
  1. REFORMAT - Clean the files to be compatible with the chemotype enrichment analysis workflow.
  • remove lines with "NA" or "-1"
mkdir clean
for file in mc*; do sed '/-/d'  $file | sed '/NA/d' >  clean/"$file.clean" ; done
  • Convert CSV to TSV using
    • copy all the mc5* files into a new directory (csvtotsv)
cp clean/*.clean csvtotsv
  • run the CSV to TSV conversion and copy to TSV to new directory (TSV)
# update the directory paths in
cp csvtotsv/*tsv tsv
  1. Convert substance DTXSID to structure identifier DTXCID using python module Chemical_ID_Convert

install the Chemical_ID_Convert module

cd  Chemical_ID_Convert
pip install -e .
cd ..

run the chemid convert on the TSV

cd tsv
nohup sh -c 'for file in *; do chemidconvert DTXSID DTXCID $file -e > "$file.dtxcid" ; done' >> out &  
cd ../

copy converted files into a new directory (dtxcid)

cp tsv/*dtxcid dtxcid
  1. skip if no errors
  2. Query descriptor table to get the ToxPrint fingerprints. Install FillFingerprints module.
cd FillFingerprints
pip install -e .
cd ../

Generate fingerprint tables

cd dtxcid
nohup sh -c 'for file in *dtxcid; do fillfp $file -o "$file.fp.tsv" ; done' >> out &

cd ../

copy fingerprint files to a new directory (fp)

cp dtxcid/*fp.tsv fp
  1. Generate enrichment table install Enrichment_Table_Generator dependencies
cd Enrichment_Table_Generator
python install
cd ../

run enrichment for each file

cd fp
nohup sh -c 'for file in *.fp.tsv; do python ../Enrichment_Table_Generator/ -i $file -o $file.enrich ; done' >> out &
cd ../
  1. Prepare enrichment tables
cp fp/*enrich enrich
cd enrich
  1. Create global baseline enrichment table

    • add column "file" referencing file with mc5 table from invitrodb to get aeid
for file in *.enrich ; do awk 'NR == 1 {print $0 "\t" "file_name"; next;}{print $0 "\t" FILENAME;}' $file > $file.aeid ; done  
  • copy header and create a file for global table and dump all enrichment tables into it
head -n 1 mc5_2.tsv.dtxcid.fp.tsv.enrich.aeid > header
cp header global
rm global_temp
cat *.aeid >> global_temp
  • remove sconsensus lines
sed -i '/CONSENSUS/d' global_temp
  • remove duplicate header
sed -i '/Finger/d' global_temp
  • generate clean global table
cat global_temp >> global 
  • add column "aeid" to global from "file_name" column
echo aeid > aeid
grep -oP '(?<=mc5_).+?(?=.tsv)' global > aeid_values
cat aeid_values >> aeid
paste global aeid > global_complete