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Releases: mongodb/node-mongodb-native


11 May 21:49
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.5.0 of the mongodb package!


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


04 May 19:45
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.4.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

ChangeStream.tryNext Typescript fix

We have corrected the tryNext method on ChangeStream to use the TChange schema generic instead of the untyped Document interface. This may increase strictness for existing usages but aligns with the rest of the methods on the change stream class to accurately reflect the type returned from the driver.


The db.command() API has a number of options deprecated that were incorrectly included in the typescript interface the method reportedly accepts. A majority of the options relate to fields that must be attached to the command directly: readConcern, writeConcern, and comment.

Additionally, the collStats helper has been deprecated in favor of using database aggregations to get the same result:

​​NOTE: This release includes some experimental features that are not yet ready for production use. As a reminder, anything marked experimental is not a part of the stable driver API and is subject to change without notice.

Features and Deprecations

Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


18 Apr 17:42
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.3.0 of the mongodb package!


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


18 Apr 17:55
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.16.0 of the mongodb package!


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


04 Apr 18:06
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.2.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

This release includes driver support for automatically obtaining Azure credentials when using automatic client side encryption. You can find a tutorial for using Azure and automatic encryption here: Use Automatic Queryable Encryption with Azure

Additionally, we have a number of minor bug fixes listed below.

NOTE: This release includes some experimental features that are not yet ready for use. As a reminder, anything marked experimental is not a part of the stable driver API and is subject to change without notice.


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


04 Apr 17:39
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.15.0 of the mongodb package!


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


23 Feb 18:58
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.1.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

Support for JavaScript bigints in the driver

The driver now supports automatic serialization of JavaScript bigints to BSON.Longs. It also supports deserializing of BSON.Long values returned from the server to bigint values when the useBigInt64 flag is passed as true.

import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';

(async () => {
  const client = new MongoClient('<YOUR CONNECTION STRING>');
  const db = client.db('test');
  const coll = db.collection('bigints');

  await coll.insertOne({ a: 10n }); // The driver automatically serializes bigints to BSON.Long before being sent to the server

  const docBigInt = await coll.findOne({ a: 10n }, { useBigInt64: true }); // Must provide the useBigInt64 flag to specify that bigints get returned
  // { _id: ObjectId(...), a: 10n }
  const doc = await coll.findOne({ a: 10n }); // Must provide the useBigInt64 flag to specify that bigints get returned
  // { _id: ObjectId(...), a: 10 }
  await client.close();


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


07 Feb 18:08
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.0.1 of the mongodb package!

This release reverts a fix that unintentionally caused a leak of internal driver resources.

Bug Fixes

  • NODE-5027: revert "ensure that MessageStream is destroyed when connections are destroyed" (#3552) (2d178d0)


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


07 Feb 18:20
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 4.14.0 of the mongodb package!


Bug Fixes


We invite you to try the mongodb library immediately, and report any issues to the NODE project.


31 Jan 21:10
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The MongoDB Node.js team is pleased to announce version 5.0.0 of the mongodb package!

Release Highlights

Node.js driver v5 emphazises the modernization of our API.

Farewell to Callbacks

Most notably, we have removed support for callbacks in favor of a Promise-only public API.
To ease the migration to a Promise-only approach when using the Node.js driver, callback support is available via the mongodb-legacy package. You can read more about this change in the Optional callback support migrated to mongodb-legacy section of the migration guide.

Dot Notation No Longer Enabled by Default

Version 4.3.0 of the Node.js driver introduced strict type checking on Filter queries that used dot notation. This functionality was enabled by default and proved to be a barrier for users upgrading to later versions of the Node.js v4.x driver. In order to ease the migration to v5.0.0, type strictness on queries that use dot notation has been removed from the CRUD API. The type checking capabilities are still available in an experimental type called StrictFilter. You can read more about this change in the Dot Notation TypeScript Support Removed By Default section of the migration guide.


This release also adopts all the changes in BSON v5.0.0 (see the release notes).
The driver now exports a BSON namespace that also has BSON.EJSON APIs available.
When working in projects where both the driver and bson are used, we recommend importing BSON types (ObjectId, Long, etc.) and BSON APIs from the driver instead of from BSON directly to ensure consistency when serializing and deserializing instances of the BSON types.

Other Notable Changes

@aws-sdk/credential-providers has now been moved to an optional peer dependency.
Consequently, in v5.0.0 or later versions of the driver, the AWS credential provider module must be installed manually to enable the use of the native AWS SDK for authentication.

Collection.insert, Collection.update, and Collection.remove methods have been removed in favor of their non-deprecated counterparts. You can read more about this and other changes in our Driver v5 Migration Guide.




We invite you to try the mongodb library and report any issues to the NODE project.