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Upgrading v11 to v12

Table v12 cleans up the API for features introduced in v11, allowing developers to use the Table component with no exports directly from @tanstack/react-table.

For example, what used to be:

import {
} from '@tanstack/react-table';

const table = useLeafyGreenTable<Person>({
  containerRef: tableContainerRef,
  getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
  getPaginationRowModel: getPaginationRowModel(),

is now simply:

const table = useLeafyGreenTable<Person>({
  containerRef: tableContainerRef,
  withPagination: true,

Other props dependent on various row models (e.g. getSortingRowModel, getExpandedRowModel, etc. are now also baked into useLeafyGreenTable.)

Given this change, the package no longer exports all exports from @tanstack/react-table. The only exports from v12 are types/interfaces and flexRender (Source), which allows for rendering dynamic values by column and is used heavily throughout our examples.

Upgrading v10 to v11

Table v11 introduces a large set of new features and API changes including virtualized scrolling, sticky header rows, and a composition-based API. For a functional overview, refer to the project brief.


Most notably, we have updated the table API to make use of composition, exporting a set of UI components that wrap HTML Table elements (i.e. <thead> equates to the <TableHead> component). This should improve the DX of creating basic tables, as it feels more similar to the DX of building HTML tables.

For more complex features, v11 exports the useLeafygreenTable hook which leverages the react-table and react-virtual libraries.

As of v11.0.0, the hook supports:

  • virtualized scrolling
  • nested rows
  • expanded content
  • sortable rows
  • selectable rows

MongoDB developers should not utilize other react-table features that are not specified in LeafyGreen's Storybook, as other features may not follow our design guidelines.

Other changes

  • Alternating row colors (or "zebra striping") are no longer applied by default for data sets over 10 rows. Use the shouldAlternateRowColor prop on the Table component to achieve the same effect. Note that we are not supporting usage of zebra stripes in conjunction with nested rows or expandable content as the new gray background of nested rows will make striped rows less legible.

  • Disabled cells are no longer supported. We recommend applying styles that match our disabled rows if you would like to disable specific cells.

  • Multi-row headers are no longer supported. Reach out to the Design Systems team if this prop is crucial to your team's needs.


The V11Adapter was created to allow developers to upgrade to v11 without needing to refactor all tables to the new API.

Given the two versions' significant differences in API, the adapter makes several assumptions about the v10 Table's usage:

  • The v10 Table component must be the first (and only?) child of the adapter
  • Column definitions will be read from the v10 Table columns prop's labels. If the key of the cells' data does not correspond to the v10 column's label, the user is expected to pass in the labels through the headerLabels prop.
  • Currently only supports up to one layer of nested rows.


Name Description Type Default
shouldAlternateRowColor Determines whether alternating rows will have dark backgrounds. The V11Adapter will apply this behavior by default for Tables with >10 rows to replicate v10 styling behavior unless overridden by this prop. boolean false
useVirtualScrolling Determines whether the table will utilize virtual scrolling boolean false
hasSelectableRows Determines whether the table will render its rows with selection behavior boolean false
headerLabels V11Adapter will infer column's keys from the v10 columns' labels. If the key of the cells' data does not correspond to the v10 column's label, the user is expected to pass in the labels through the headerLabels prop. { [key: string]: string} -

Sample Usage

import {
} from '@leafygreen-ui/table';

<V11Adapter hasSelectableRows useVirtualScrolling>
  <Table {...args}>
        { string) => (
          <HeaderCell key={columnName} columnName={columnName} />
      { LeafygreenTableRow<T>) => (
          {Object.keys(row).map((cellKey: string, index: number) => {
            return <Cell key={`${cellKey}-${index}`}>{row[cellKey]}</Cell>;

Refer to the Leafygreen Storybook deployment for more use cases.