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thine is the kingdom
  • reference
  • note

This is a reference to the Lord's Prayer, specifically the translation in the King James Bible: "[... And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. [...]". The author is likening J.K. Rowling to God with this phrase.

Your dad is almost as awesome as my dad.
  • title-quote

This is a flash-forward to later in the chapter when Harry is talking to Draco.

It's like she's afraid she'll never see me again, the thought popped
into Harry's head. He knew the thought was true but he didn't know why
Mum was so afraid.
  • speculation

Harry thinks his mom is worried that magic will come between them, but he doesn't consider that his mom might instead be worried about how her sister died in a magical war 10 years ago (although it's unclear how much she knows about the circumstances of her sister's death in this universe).

There were no questions about his father accompanying him to the
magical side of King's Cross Station. Dad had trouble just looking at
Harry's trunk directly. Magic ran in families, and Michael
Verres-Evans couldn't even walk.
  • spoiler

Remember that the trunk is walking around on its own.

This is a very confusing comment, as it's later claimed that genetic predisposition to magic is basically discrete -- you're muggle, squib, or wizard, depending on how many copies of a recessive gene you have, with nothing in-between (23/either you have two stones or you don't. Either you're a wizard or not.). It's possible that his father simply has a psychological block.

"Maybe she was distracted," Harry said without thinking.
  • callback

McGonagall was distracted by Harry having deduced that Voldemort still lives, and his subsequent leveage of that information to blackmail her.

the Incident with the Science Project
  • speculation
  • noodle-incident

The Incident with the Science Project is never directly explained, but it is speculated to have something to do with a model volcano and fire engines. TODO: references.

"That's just wrong. That violates every possible rule of game
design. Look, the rest of this game souds like it might make sense,
sort of, for a sport I mean, but you're basically saying that catching
te Snitch overwhelms almost any ordinary point spread. The two Seekers
are up there flying around lookng for the Snitch and usually not
interacting with anyone else, spotting the Snitch first is going tobe
mostly luck -"
  • original

In the original series, Quidditch played a central role several times, especially because Harry was nturally good at it. This comment by Harry is not only a shot at the terribly-designed game, but alsoa hint that Quidditch will not be so important in this series.

"They won't change the game just 'cause you say so!"

"I am the Boy-Who-Lived, you know. People will listen to me. And maybe
if I can persuade them to change the game at Hogwarts, the innovation
will spread.
  • foreshadowing
  • spoiler

Eventually, Harry gets a wish from Professor Quirrell, and he wishes for Hogwarts to play Quidditch without the snitch (34/in Hogwarts we should play Quidditch without the Snitch), which Quirrell accomplishes with a clever plot (116/His last plot).

"Then again, it wouldn't take much time to write up the Ninety-Five
Theses of the Snitchless Reformaton and nail it to a church door -"
  • reference
  • link

This is a reference to Martin Luther and his Ninety-Five Theses, which he nailed onto a church door, icking off the Protestant Reformation.

decorated in silver and emeralds and bearing what Harry guessed to be
the Malfoy family crest, a beauiful fanged serpent over crossed ivory
  • original

This appears to be a small inconsistency with the original series:

"I'd say it's a fine name," said Draco, "but it belongs to the Noble
and Most Ancient House of Black.I'll call you Mr. Silver."

"You get away from... from Mr. Gold," Ron said coldly, and took a
forward step. "He doesn't need to talk to the likes of you!"
  • subtle

Silver and Gold are the colors of Slytherin and Gryffindor, respectively, which Drago and Ron will bejoining, respectively. The others are trying to align Harry with their future House, although he maynot realize it.

"Where's the famous Weasley family rat?"
  • original
  • spoiler

In the original series, the Weasley family rat is a transformed Peter Pettigrew. In HPMOR it was a normal rat that Bill Weasley thought was Peter Pettigrew because he had a schizophrenic break (29/She would've died. "A rat.").

"Um... his mother helped me figure out how to get to this platform
from the King's Cross Station, so it was kind of hard to tell him to
get lost. And it's not that I hate this Ron guy," Harry said, "I just,
just..." Harry searched for words.

"Don't see any reason for him to exist?" offered Draco.

"Pretty much."
  • original
  • foreshadowing

In the original series, Ron was a major character. Critics might describe him as a boring foil to Harry.

In this book, Ron is much less prominant, with Draco taking on the role of peer/foil.

the Incident at the Potions Shop
  • noodle-incident

Like the Incident with the Science Project, this event is never described in detail.

"Comed-Tea," said the stallholder.
  • subtle

Comed-Tea is presumably pronounced like 'comedy', this product is not seen in the original series.

Maybe I should just chug the whole thing as fast as possible... and
hope my stomach doesn't explode from all the carbon dioxide, or that I
don't burp while drinking it...

No, he could afford to be a little patient.
  • spoilers

This is probably the Comed-Tea influencing Harry's thought patterns. Since it is later revealed that Comed-Tea works by giving its user a desire to drink at the right time, it must also be able to prevent its user from exhausting it too soon.

"You're welcome. Though one of the assistants must've sworn her
closest friend to absolute secrecy, because Father says there're weird
rumors going around, like you and I got in a fight or something."
  • original

TODO: do they get into a fight in the original series? Or is it just the story mutating as it spreads?

The way Lucius was looking at you, I thought he was going to c-crucify
  • speculation
  • spoiler

It's not clear why Harry stumbles on the word crucify here. It may be that his mysterious dark side's patterns started completing the word to crucio, and he had to correct himself.

"I'll think about it," Harry said in a neutral voice. He shook his
head in wonder. "So you really are his one weak point. Huh."
  • spoiler
  • speculation

This is a little suspicious, and is also referenced later in the chapter. It's possible that this information is actually coming from Harry's mysterious dark side.

  • spoiler
  • speculation

Another of the lines that ship Harry and Draco.

The first of Luna's prophecies, and also the most irritating. All of the other prophecies turn out to be true in an extremely literal, if surprising, way. This one doesn't appear to have a similar literal correspondence.

The Author's Note from the next chapter is relevant here:

One alert reviewer asked whether, if Luna is a seer, that means this
is going to be an HPDM bottom!Draco mpreg fic. I regret that FFN does
not allow me any larger font size in which to say NO. It honestly
hadn't occurred to me that Luna might be a real seer - I'll have to
decide whether to run with that or not - but I think we can all safely
assume that if Luna is a seer, she said something about "light
planting a seed in darkness", and Xenophilius, as always, interpreted
this in rather the wrong way.

So it's possible that the subsequent prophecies were real because the author decided it was a fun idea, and this one just dates from before that realization. It's also possible that this prophecy will become literally true in the Epilogue, which has not yet been written.

"I have a tutor who says that," Draco allowed. He reached inside his
robes and scratched himself with an easy, natural motion. "Who've you
got in mind?"
  • subtle

Draco is activating his sound blurring field.

the Locket and the Sword and the Diadem and the Cup
  • link
  • original

Slytherin's Locket:'s_Locket Gryffindor's Sword:'s_Sword Ravenclaw's Diadem:'s_Diadem Hufflepuff's Cup:'s_Cup

Darth Vader
  • reference

Star Wars reference.

the line of Merlin will end and the blood of Atlantis fail.
  • original
  • spoiler

Atlantis is a common trope in Harry Potter fanfiction, and plays a large role in HPMOR despite being absent from the original series.

The line of Merlin and the blood of Atlantis are both noun phrases that are re-used later.

A cold chill was coming over Harry, a chill that came with
instructions to keep his voice and face normal. Note to self:
Overthrow government of magical Britain at earliest convenience.
  • spoiler

mysterious dark side

The line of Francis Bacon and the blood of the Enlightenment.
  • reference
  • link

Harry uses the same words Draco did when he recited "the line of Merlin will end and the blood of Atlantis".

Francis Bacon:

"I was thinking someday I'm going to marry that woman."
  • reference

For some reason shipping Harry and Luna is relatively common in fanfiction, and this may be a reference to that.

I wonder how difficult it would be to just make a list of all the top
blood purists and kill them.

They'd tried exactly that during the French Revolution, more or less -
make a list of all the enemies of Progress and remove everything above
the neck - and it hadn't worked out well from what Harry recalled.
  • spoiler

Harry does, in fact, behead all of the top blood purists during his final confrontation with Voldemort (114/Harry wasn't looking there, he didn't see the falling masks, the blood,).

Very carefully, now... the bait is set, now the hook... "If you can
learn to think of yourself as a human instead of a wizard then you can
train and refine your powers as a human."
  • subtle

Draco thinking of himself as a human would be one of many steps in broadening his moral sphere to include more than his immediate political allies.

Harry gave an evil laugh, it just seemed to come naturally at that
  • spoiler

mysterious dark side

"Hello, Mr. Bronze," said one of the masked figures. "Can we interest
you in joining the Order of Chaos?"
  • spoiler

The figures are Fred and George Weasley. They want Harry to help them troll Neville Longbottom.

I would say that you had been so fortunate as to meet someone who
enjoys the intimate confidence of our friend and valuable ally,
Severus Snape.
  • spoiler
  • speculation

The implication seems to be that Harry somehow has information he would only have if he enjoyed Severus Snapes's confidence, perhaps because that information is leaking over from his mysterious dark side.