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CAUTION: This user guide is stale and won't be updated for future versions. Please visit the project website instead.

Methanol's User Guide


Methanol is a lightweight library that complements for a better HTTP experience. Applications using Java's non-blocking HTTP client shall find it more robust and easier to use with Methanol.


  • Provide useful lightweight HTTP extensions built on top of
  • Enhance the client's API to make it more powerful and easier to use.
  • Allow easier integration with other libraries commonly used in HTTP messaging.


  • Providing fancy low-level extensions like network interceptors or connection pooling control; we can only go as far as allowed by the client's API.

Native reactiveness

Most features provided by Methanol are reactive-streams extensions. If you're wondering which of the wild reactive-streams implementations Methanol is using, the answer is none. Methanol has its native Flow.* implementations. This was resolved due to a couple of reasons:

  • Most prominent reactive-streams libraries are non-trivial dependencies; Methanol is meant to be lightweight. Additionally, it doesn't require any of the fancy rx operators.
  • Choosing an implementation over the other might be unsuitable for some applications.
  • Integration can be rather provided via separate modules (e.g. methanol-jackson-flux).

Java's SubmissionPublisher could have worked in some cases, but it has awkward buffering policies and requires asynchronous scheduling of subscriber signals, so it wasn't an option.

That being said, it's worth noting that Methanol's native Flow.* implementations are tested thoroughly and validated against the TCK. Additionally, they utilize optimizations common to the reactive-streams world, making them fast and efficient.


Methanol adheres to the standard API by introducing very few new concepts. Using the provided extensions shouldn't feel that different from normal HttpClient usage. If you're not familiar with the client, make sure to skim through the recipes to get an idea of basic usage patterns.

Response decompression

One caveat concerning the HTTP client is that it has no native decompression support. A solution to this is to use an available InputStream decompressor (e.g. GZIPInputStream) corresponding to the value of the Content-Encoding header. However, this forces us to always use an InputStream body, which effectively throws away most of the flexibility the client's API provides. We're back at the blocking realm again! We can definitely do better than this.

With Methanol, all you need is to simply wrap your BodyHandler with MoreBodyHandlers::decoding:

HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, MoreBodyHandlers.decoding(BodyHandlers.ofString()));

And that's it! The new BodyHandler will intercept the response, checking if a Content-Encoding header is present. If so, the body is decompressed accordingly. Otherwise, it acts as a no-op and delegates to your handler directly.


  • It doesn't matter which BodyHandler you are using; you can have whatever response body type you want!
  • If the response is compressed, your handler won't see any Content-Encoding or Content-Length headers. This is simply because they'll be outdated in that case.


What makes this possible is the BodyDecoder interface. A BodyDecoder is a normal BodySubscriber but with the added semantics of a Flow.Processor. It intercepts the flow of bytes from the HTTP client and decodes each List<ByteBuffer> individually. It then forwards the decoded bytes into your downstream BodySubscriber, which itself converts those into the desired response body.

Scheduling signals

A BodyDecoder has two modes for scheduling downstream signals:

  • Synchronous: The decoder processes and submits downstream items in the same thread supplying the compressed bytes. This is normally a thread in the client's Executor.
  • Asynchronous: The decoder dispatches downstream signals to a custom Executor. This can lead to overlapped processing between the two subscribers (both can work asynchronously at different rates). Note, however, that the overhead of managing the executor itself might overwhelm any improvement gained from both subscribers running asynchronously, possibly resulting in decreased performance.

Supported encodings

The core module has default support for deflate and gzip. There is also an optional module providing support for brotli.

Extending decompression support

Adding support for more encodings is a matter of providing matching BodyDecoder.Factory implementations. However, implementing the Flow.Publisher semantics of BodyDecoder can be a challenge if you're not using a reactive-streams library. AsyncBodyDecoder is provided for that purpose. This class, along with its sibling interface AsyncDecoder, allows you to only focus on your decompression logic. For the sake of an example, let's add support for the identity encoding (note that this is not really needed as identity is not a valid value for Content-Encoding).

Decoding is simply done as zero or more decode(source, sink) rounds finalized by one final round, each with the currently available input. After the final round, AsyncDecoder must've completely exhausted the source.

public class IdentityBodyDecoderFactory implements BodyDecoder.Factory {
  private static final String IDENTITY = "identity";

  public IdentityBodyDecoderFactory() {}

  public String encoding() {
    return IDENTITY;

  public <T> BodyDecoder<T> create(BodySubscriber<T> downstream) {
    return new AsyncBodyDecoder<>(new IdentityDecoder(), downstream);

  public <T> BodyDecoder<T> create(BodySubscriber<T> downstream, Executor executor) {
    return new AsyncBodyDecoder<>(new IdentityDecoder(), downstream, executor);

  private static final class IdentityDecoder implements AsyncDecoder {
    IdentityDecoder() {}

    public String encoding() {
      return IDENTITY;

    public void decode(ByteSource source, ByteSink sink) {
      while (source.hasRemaining()) {

    public void close() {}

Now make your implementation discoverable by Methanol's ServiceLoader. In case you're using the module path, you can add a provides...with clause to your as follows:

provides BodyDecoder.Factory with IdentityBodyDecoderFactory;

Request decoration

You can use the Methanol HttpClient wrapper to decorate outgoing requests with default properties. Think resolving with a base URI, adding default HTTP headers, default timeouts, etc.

Methanol client = Methanol.newBuilder()
    .userAgent("Will Smith") // Set a custom User-Agent
    .baseUri("") // To resolve each request's URI against
    .defaultHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json") // Added to each request if not present
    .requestTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(5)) // Default request timeout to use if not set
    .autoAcceptEncoding(true) // Transparent compression, this is true by default
    .version(Version.HTTP_2) // Then configure the client as with HttpClient.Builder

You can also build from an existing HttpClient:

HttpClient baseClient = ...
Methanol client = Methanol.newBuilder(baseClient)

Transparent compression

If transparent compression is enabled, the client will request a compressed response with all supported schemes (available BodyDecoder providers). For example, if gzip, deflate and brotli are supported, each request will have an Accept-Encoding: br, deflate, gzip header added. Of course, the response will be automatically decompressed as well.

No overwrites

Default request properties are not set in a request that already has them. For example, for a client with default header Accept: text/html, a request with an Accept: application/json header will remain so.

You may benefit from this in forcing the use of a specific compression scheme instead of all supported ones (if transparent compression is enabled):

Methanol client = Methanol.create();
MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.GET(uri)
    .header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); // Will force gzip only
HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());

An exception to this is that a request with a MimeBodyPublisher will have it's Content-Type header set, or overwritten if already there. This makes sense because a body knows about its media type better than a containing request mistakenly setting a different one.


MutableRequest is an HttpRequest that implements HttpRequest.Builder for setting request's fields. This drops immutability in favor of more convenience when the request is used immediately (which is typically the case):

HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(MutableRequest.GET(uri), BodyHandlers.ofString());

Additionally, it also allows setting a relative or empty URI (standard HttpRequest.Builder doesn't). This is useful when the request is sent over a Methanol client with a base URI against which the relative one is resolved.

If you still want immutability, you can use MutableRequest::build for getting an immutable HttpRequest snapshot.


Media types are the web's notion of file extensions. They play a very important role in identifying how a response body should be approached. Methanol provides a MediaType class for representing and manipulating media types.

MediaType applicationJsonUtf8 = MediaType.of("application", "json", Map.of("charset", "UTF-8"));
MediaType parsedApplicationJsonUtf8 = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=UTF-8");
assertEquals(applicationJsonUtf8, parsedApplicationJsonUtf8);

assertEquals("application", applicationJsonUtf8.type());
assertEquals("json", applicationJsonUtf8.subtype());
assertEquals("utf-8", applicationJsonUtf8.parameters().get("charset"));
assertEquals(Optional.of(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), applicationJsonUtf8.charset());

Media ranges

A MediaType also defines a media range to which a set of media types belong, including itself. A media range is created like any other media type. You can check for inclusion in a range with MediaType::includes or MediaType::isCompatibleWith.

MediaType anyTextType = MediaType.parse("text/*");
MediaType textHtml = MediaType.parse("text/html");
MediaType applicationJson = MediaType.parse("application/json");


The class also has static final definitions for commonly used media types and ranges.


MimeBodyPublisher is a mixin-style interface for body publishers that know their body's concrete media type. The interface is recognized by multipart bodies and the Methanol client in that any MimeBodyPublisher will have it's Content-Type header implicitly added. You can adapt an existing BodyPublisher into a MimeBodyPublisher using MoreBodyPublishers::ofMediaType:

static MimeBodyPublisher ofMimeBody(String body, MediaType mediaType) {
  Charset charset = mediaType.charsetOrDefault(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
  BodyPublisher bodyPublisher = BodyPublishers.ofString(body, charset);
  return MoreBodyPublishers.ofMediaType(bodyPublisher, mediaType);

Object conversion

It is often the case that an HTTP body is mappable to or from a higher-level entity that your code understands. BodyPublisher and BodySubscriber APIs are designed with this in mind. However, available implementations, especially available BodyHandlers, are not really that high-level. Implementing your own can be a tiring and repetitive process, not to mention, for example, choosing the correct handler for each response (e.g. JsonHandler for application/json or XmlHandler for application/xml). Methanol does that for you!

In case of response handling, all you need is to pass a Class for your desired type (assuming you have the correct dependencies installed):

final Methanol client = Methanol.newBuilder()
    .defaultHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json")

GitHubUser getUser(String name) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.GET("/users/" + name);
  HttpResponse<GitHubUser> response =
      client.send(request, MoreBodyHandlers.ofObject(GitHubUser.class));

  return response.body();

static class GitHubUser {
  public String login;
  public long id;
  public String bio;
  // other fields omitted

Or pass a TypeRef if you wanna get fancier with generics:

List<GitHubUser> getUserFollowers(String userName) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.GET("/users/" + userName + "/followers");
  HttpResponse<List<GitHubUser>> response =
      client.send(request, MoreBodyHandlers.ofObject(new TypeRef<List<GitHubUser>>() {}));

  return response.body();

For requests, just pass whatever Object you want to convert, along with a MediaType describing which format to use for serialization.

String renderMarkdown(RenderRequest renderRequest) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  BodyPublisher requestBody = MoreBodyPublishers.ofObject(renderRequest, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
  // No need to set Content-Type header!
  MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.POST("/markdown", requestBody)
      .header("Accept", "text/html");
  HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());

  return response.body();

static class RenderRequest {
  public String text, mode, context;


BodyAdapter is the driver for this automatic object conversion mechanism. It's two specialized subtypes, Encoder and Decoder, act as factories for BodyPublisher and BodySubscriber respectively. Given a TypeRef<T> and an optional MediaType, a Decoder returns a BodySubscriber<T> responsible for converting the response body into a T. Similarly, given an Object and optionally a MediaType, an Encoder returns a BodyPublisher that streams that object's serialized form.


You add support for schemes and object types by installing matching Decoder and Encoder adapters. Methanol has the following adapter modules:

Note that implementations are not service-provided by default. See each module's README for how to install.

Deferred conversion

Most messaging libraries support either reading from a streaming source (e.g. InputStream or a Reader), or from a memory buffer (e.g. byte[] or String). Streaming sources are more efficient because they do not require having the whole thing in memory prior to processing.

The problem

Streaming sources are also blocking. They assume you can either read something if it's there or keep blocking till it's available. This simply doesn't fit in the reactive world, which is fundamentally non-blocking (you request a message and get notified when it arrives). You can try to get around this by using BodySubscribers.mapping(BodySubscribers.ofInputStream(), ...) with a Function<InputStream, T>. However, this exposes your code to multiple problems, including starving the client out of threads and even lurking deadlocks due to a pre-JDK13 bug.

The solution

Following Javadoc's advice, MoreBodyHandlers declares T and Supplier<T> variants for dynamically handling a response. Use MoreBodyHandlers::ofObject to get an HttpResponse<T>, which will typically buffer the body into memory then decode from there. This is fine for bodies with relatively small sizes. Use MoreBodyHandlers::ofDeferredObject to get an HttpResponse<Supplier<T>>, which will be completed immediately after headers are received, deferring body processing till Supplier::get is called. This has better memory efficiency as it reads from a streaming source, suiting cases where loading the whole body might cause problems. Be aware however that processing in that case is done by the thread invoking the supplier.


Interceptors allow you to monitor, mutate, retry or even short-circuit ongoing exchanges. You can register one or more interceptors with Methanol to be invoked in order for each send or sendAsync call. Here's an interceptor that logs each ongoing blocking or asynchronous exchange.

class LoggingInterceptor implements Interceptor {
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(LoggingInterceptor.class.getName());

  public <T> HttpResponse<T> intercept(HttpRequest request, Chain<T> chain)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    return chain.withBodyHandler(loggingBodyHandler(request, chain.bodyHandler()))

  public <T> CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> interceptAsync(
      HttpRequest request, Chain<T> chain) {

    return chain.withBodyHandler(loggingBodyHandler(request, chain.bodyHandler()))

  private static void logRequest(HttpRequest request) { -> String.format("Sending %s%n%s", request, headersToString(request.headers())));

  private static <T> BodyHandler<T> loggingBodyHandler(
      HttpRequest request, BodyHandler<T> bodyHandler) {
    var beforeSend =;
    return info -> { -> String.format(
          "Completed %s %s with %d in %s%n%s",

      return bodyHandler.apply(info);

  private static String headersToString(HttpHeaders headers) {
        .map(entry -> entry.getKey() + ": " + String.join(", ", entry.getValue()))

You then register the interceptor with Methanol.Builder as follows:

var client = Methanol.newBuilder()
    .interceptor(new LoggingInterceptor())

Because the HTTP client has both blocking and asynchronous APIs, we must implement two Interceptor methods matching each. An interceptor is given a Chain<T> so that it can forward requests to its sibling, or to the underlying HTTP client in case it's the last interceptor. The chain can also be used to perform BodyHandler and PushPromiseHandler transformations before forwarding.

You can use Interceptor::create to easily rewrite or decorate requests. For example, you may want to enable the expect-continue feature for each ongoing POST request for a specific host.

var myHost = ...;
var interceptor = Interceptor.create(
    req -> req.uri().getHost().equals(myHost) && req.method().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")
        ? MutableRequest.copyOf(req).expectContinue(true)
        : req);
var client = Methanol.newBuilder()

Interceptors can forward to the chain as many times as they want. Here's an interceptor that retries each request up to 3 times in case of timeout.

static class RetryingInterceptor implements Interceptor {
  private static final int MAX_RETRIES = 3;

  public <T> HttpResponse<T> intercept(HttpRequest request, Chain<T> chain)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    for (int retries = 0; ; retries++) {
      try {
        return chain.forward(request);
      } catch(HttpTimeoutException e) {
        if (retries >= MAX_RETRIES) throw e;

  public <T> CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> interceptAsync(
      HttpRequest request, Chain<T> chain) {
    return withRetries(() -> chain.forwardAsync(request), new AtomicInteger());

  private <T> CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> withRetries(
      Supplier<CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>>> callOnRetry,
      AtomicInteger retryCount) {
    return callOnRetry.get()
        .handle((r, x) -> handleRetry(r, x, callOnRetry, retryCount))

  private <T> CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>> handleRetry(
      HttpResponse<T> response, Throwable error,
      Supplier<CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<T>>> callOnRetry, AtomicInteger retryCount) {
    if (response != null) return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(response);

    if (error instanceof CompletionException) error = error.getCause();

    return error instanceof HttpTimeoutException && retryCount.incrementAndGet() <= MAX_RETRIES
        ? withRetries(callOnRetry, retryCount)
        : CompletableFuture.failedFuture(error);

The async version looks a bit awkward as we have to perform some async recursive lambda magic for retries.

If you're on JDK 12+, handle(...).thenCompse(Function.identity()) can be replaced with exceptionallyCompose(...) API.

Invocation order

Due to the fact that the client itself does request decoration and response body transformation (i.e. decompression), interceptors are separated into two groups: pre decoration and post decoration interceptors. The only difference is that the former gets invoked before any default request properties or handler transformations are applied, while the latter gets invoked right before relaying to the underlying HTTP client. Order of invocation for each group matches addition order. You should be aware of this if you intend to do checksums or request/response body transformation (i.e. encryption/decryption).

You can add post decoration interceptors as follows:

var client = Methanol.newBuilder()
    .postDecorationInterceptor(new LoggingInterceptor())

Reactive request dispatches

For a truly reactive experience, one might want to dispatch async requests as Publisher<HttpResponse<T>> sources. You can use Methanol::exchnge for this.

Methanol client = Methanol.create();
Publisher<HttpResponse<String>> publisher =""), BodyHandlers.ofString());

publisher.subscribe(new Subscriber<>() {
  @Override public void onSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {

  @Override public void onNext(HttpResponse<String> response) {
    System.out.println("Response arrived: " + response.statusCode());

  @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) {

  @Override public void onComplete() {}

Here, the publisher acts as a Mono source which publishes the response when requested, then completes the subscriber either normally if successful, or exceptionally if the request fails.

Push promises

You can also retrieve a Publisher<HttpResponse<T>> that publishes resources pushed by the server in addition to the main response (only works with HTTP/2). Use with a reactive-streams library for better control of the stream.

Methanol client = Methanol.create(); // default Version is HTTP_2
MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.GET("");
Publisher<HttpResponse<Path>> publisher =
        promise -> BodyHandlers.ofFile(Path.of(promise.uri().getPath()).getFileName()));
    .filter(res -> res.statusCode() == 200)

The function passed to exchange(...) must return a BodyHandler<T> for handling the pushed response. It may return null to reject the promise entirely.

Sending forms

FormBodyPubliher implements the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format often used with <form> HTML tags. Data in this body is added as a sequence of basic String key-value pairs and serialized into a URL-encoded string.

FormBodyPublisher body = FormBodyPublisher.newBuilder()
    .query("foo", "bar")
    .query("baz", "qux")
System.out.println("Encoded body: " + body.encodedString());

HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
    .header("Content-Type", body.mediaType().toString())

Note that FormBodyPublisher implements MimeBodyPublisher so it knows it's request's Content-Type, which can be transparently added if using the Methanol client.

Multipart bodies

MultipartBodyPublisher implements the more flexible multipart format. This format is often used with file uploads and sending composite bodies with mixed schemes. A multipart body has one or more parts separated by a boundary, where each part is itself another BodyPublisher with HttpHeaders that describe it. The default multipart subtype is form-data, but you can use any other subtype as well. MultipartBodyPublisher.Builder's API is flexible enough for adding any combination of body parts you want. The builder also has convenient methods for directly adding form parts (those with a Content-Disposition: form-data header).

MultipartBodyPublisher body =
    .textPart("text_field", "Hello world!")
    .filePart("file_field", Path.of("path/to/file"))
            BodyPublishers.ofString(...), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) // explicitly specify part's Content-Type
    .part(Part.create(HttpHeaders.of(...), BodyPublishers.ofInputStream(...))) // can use custom headers/bodies

Note that if a file part is added without specifying a MediaType, the builder will ask the system for one using the provided Path. If it fails to do so, application/octet-stream will be used. You can explicitly specify a form-part's media type by adding it as a MimeBodyPublisher.


Not all APIs play well with non-blocking components like BodyPublisher. Many only support writing into a blocking sink like an OutputStream or a Reader. Using such APIs can be easier with WritableBodyPublisher, which allows you to stream the request body through an OutputStream or a WritableByteChannel, possibly asynchronously.

Let's say your sever supports compressed requests, and you want your file upload to be faster, so you compress the request body with gzip.

final Methanol client = Methanol.create();

CompletableFuture<HttpResponse<Void>> postAsync(Path file) {
  WritableBodyPublisher requestBody = WritableBodyPublisher.create();
  MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.POST("", requestBody)
      .header("Content-Encoding", "gzip");

  CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
    try (OutputStream gzipOut = new GZIPOutputStream(requestBody.outputStream())) {
      Files.copy(file, gzipOut);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {

  return client.sendAsync(request, BodyHandlers.discarding());

Note that WritableBodyPublisher acts as a pipe which connects OutputStream and Publisher<ByteBuffer> backends. It may buffer content temporarily in case the consumer can't keep up with the producer, or till an inner buffer becomes full. You can use WritableBodyPublisher::flush to make any buffered content consumable by the downstream. After writing content, call close() or closeExceptionally(Throwable) to complete the request either normally or exceptionally.

Interruptible reading

Another feature you might find useful if you like reading from blocking sources is support for interruptible channels. These allow you to asynchronously close or interrupt a reading operation in case it is not relevant anymore (e.g. when closing the application or changing contexts). MoreBodySubscibers provides interruptible ReadableByteChannel and Reader implementations.

This example uses a hypothetical component that reads the response from a ReadableByteChannel. When the task is to be discarded, reader threads are interrupted by shutting down the containing ExecutorService. This closes the channel and instructs it to immediately stop blocking.

class BodyProcessor {
  final ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
  final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();

  CompletableFuture<Void> processAsync(HttpRequest request, Consumer<ByteBuffer> processAction) {
    return client.sendAsync(request, MoreBodyHandlers.ofByteChannel())
        .thenApplyAsync(res -> {
          ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 1024);
          try (ReadableByteChannel channel = res.body()) {
            while ( >= 0) {
          } catch (ClosedByInterruptException | ClosedChannelException ignored) {
            // The thread was interrupted due to pool shutdown
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
          return null;
        }, service);

  void terminate() { service.shutdownNow(); }

Tracking progress

Methanol introduces a simple API for tracking the progress of single upload or download operations. You do that by attaching a Listener to a BodyPublisher or BodyHandler using a configured ProgressTracker. To avoid getting too many events, you can configure a tracker to signal progress only when a byte count or time threshold is exceeded. You can also set a custom Executor for invoking listener callbacks. If the listener updates GUI for example, this can be used to make sure it is executed in the GUI thread.

ProgressTracker tracker = ProgressTracker.newBuilder()
    .bytesTransferredThreshold(5 * 1024) // at least 5KB is downloaded before any events
    .timePassedThreshold(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) // at least 1 second passes before any events
    .executor(SwingUtilities::invokeLater) // invoke in event dispatcher thread if updating UI

// Track upload
BodyPublisher requestBody =
    tracker.tracking(BodyPublishers.ofString(...), p -> logUploadProgress(p));
MutableRequest request = MutableRequest.POST(url, requestBody);

// Track download
HttpResponse<String> response =
    client.send(request, tracker.tracking(BodyHandlers.ofString(), p -> logDownloadProgress(p)));

In case of compressed responses, the Content-Length header becomes invalidated, which prevents calculation of progress percentage. On such case you can first send a HEAD request with Accept-Encoding: identity to get the correct length. Then use that to track download from a downstream BodySubscriber. See this JavaFX sample for an example.