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Potentiometer and the Microbit
How to create pretty, colourful patterns on the microbit in python with neopixels. How to use hue and not just RGB colour space.
Pretty patterns with neopixels on python.
component examples
Neopixel Examples
2016-12-23 10:20:00 UTC

Examples of some pretty neopixel paterns on the microbit in Python.

See the component article on this website about Neopixels.

{:.ui .header .dividing}

Shifting Rainbow

Create a list of values that range in hue. Every 100 milliseconds, shift the list by 1 and update the neopixel display.


{% highlight python %} from microbit import * import neopixel

def shift_left(lst, n): """Shifts the lst over by n indices

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> shift_left(lst, 2)
>>> lst
[3, 4, 5, 1, 2]
assert (n > 0), "n should be non-negative integer"
def shift(ntimes):
    if ntimes == 0:
        temp = lst[0]
        for index in range(len(lst) - 1):
            lst[index] = lst[index + 1]         
        lst[index + 1] = temp
        return shift(ntimes-1)
return shift(n)

def HSV_2_RGB(HSV): ''' Converts an integer HSV tuple (value range from 0 to 255) to an RGB tuple '''

# Unpack the HSV tuple for readability
H, S, V = HSV

# Check if the color is Grayscale
if S == 0:
    R = V
    G = V
    B = V
    return (R, G, B)

# Make hue 0-5
region = H // 43;

# Find remainder part, make it from 0-255
remainder = (H - (region * 43)) * 6;

# Calculate temp vars, doing integer multiplication
P = (V * (255 - S)) >> 8;
Q = (V * (255 - ((S * remainder) >> 8))) >> 8;
T = (V * (255 - ((S * (255 - remainder)) >> 8))) >> 8;

# Assign temp vars based on color cone region
if region == 0:
    R = V
    G = T
    B = P

elif region == 1:
    R = Q;
    G = V;
    B = P;

elif region == 2:
    R = P;
    G = V;
    B = T;

elif region == 3:
    R = P;
    G = Q;
    B = V;

elif region == 4:
    R = T;
    G = P;
    B = V;

    R = V;
    G = P;
    B = Q;

return (R, G, B)

24 neopixels on pin0

np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 24)

each neopixel shifts in value by 24

hue_step = round(255 / len(np))

populate neopixel list with colours

for pixel in range(0, len(np)): hue = pixel * hue_step hsv = HSV_2_RGB((hue, 255,255)) np[pixel] = hsv print(np[pixel])

while True: shift_left(np, 1) sleep(100) {% endhighlight %}

Much nicer in PXT!

{% highlight javascript %} let neopixels = neopixel.create(DigitalPin.P0, 24, NeoPixelMode.RGB) neopixels.showRainbow(1, 360) basic.forever(() => { neopixels.rotate(1) // shift array basic.pause(100) }) {% endhighlight %}