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File metadata and controls

424 lines (213 loc) · 15.8 KB

Actor object's outbox

Status: Complete.

Accepts Activity Objects (outbox:accepts-activities) MUST

Status: Complete. Tested.

The Outbox exists as an API endpoint that other servers can POST to.

We check to see if the incoming message is an Activity by looking at the type.

Accepts non-Activity Objects, and converts to Create Activities per 7.1.1 (outbox:accepts-non-activity-objects) MUST

Status: Complete. Tested.

We check to see if the incoming message is an Activity. If not, there is a wrapInActivity method that converts it to a Create Activity with the message as its object.

Removes the bto and bcc properties from Objects before storage and delivery (outbox:removes-bto-and-bcc) MUST

Status: Complete. Needs tests.

There is a cleanProps utility function that filters these two properties.

It is included in both saveEntity.ts (storage) and broadcast.ts (delivery).

Ignores id on submitted objects, and generates a new id instead (outbox:ignores-id) MUST

Status: Complete. Needs a test.

The Outbox generates a unique GUID and overwrites any existing ID.

Responds with status code 201 Created (outbox:responds-201-created) MUST

Status: Complete. Tested.

The Outbox status code is set to 201 (unless there is an error).

Response includes Location header whose value is id of new object, unless the Activity is transient (outbox:location-header)

Status: Complete. Needs a test.

The Outbox Location header is set to the ID of the activity.

The wording is ambiguous here ("new object") but the spec is clear that that the ID should be that of the Activity itself.

Accepts Uploaded Media in submissions (outbox:upload-media) MUST

Status: Complete? Not tested.

Accepts uploadedMedia file parameter (outbox:upload-media:file-parameter) MUST

Status: Complete? Not tested.

The uploadMedia endpoint handles mutli-part form data and accepts a file field as part of that payload.

Accepts uploadedMedia object parameter (outbox:upload-media:object-parameter) MUST

Status: Complete? Not tested.

The uploadMedia endpoint handles mutli-part form data and accepts a file field as part of that payload.

Responds with status code of 201 Created or 202 Accepted as described in 6. (outbox:upload-media:201-or-202-status) MUST

Status: Partially complete/TODO(202) Not tested.

Currently with the FTP package all the uploading/transferring happens before a 201 response, but if we were to handle video transcoding etc (!) we would want to handle 202.

Response contains a Location header pointing to the to-be-created object's id (outbox:upload-media:location-header) MUST

Status: Complete. Not tested.

Appends an id property to the new object (outbox:upload-media:appends-id) MUST

Status: Complete. Not tested.

After receiving submission with uploaded media, the server should include the upload's new URL in the submitted object's url property (outbox:upload-media:url) SHOULD

Status: Complete. Not tested.


Status: Complete but not fully tested.

Server takes care to be sure that the Update is authorized to modify its object before modifying the server's stored copy (outbox:update:check-authorized) MUST

Status: Complete? Not tested.

There is a isActorAuthorizedToModifyObject check for this.

Supports partial updates in client-to-server protocol (but not server-to-server) (outbox:update:partial) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Complete. Tested.

The final object is composed by taking the old object and then applying the new object's properties on top.

Server does not trust client submitted content (outbox:not-trust-submitted) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete / Unknown.

Validate the content they receive to avoid content spoofing attacks (outbox:validate-content) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete / Unknown.

Take care not to overload other servers with delivery submissions (outbox:do-not-overload) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete / Unknown.


Status: Complete. Not tested.

Merges audience properties (to, bto, cc, bcc, audience) with the Create's object's audience properties (outbox:create:merges-audience-properties) SHOULD

Status: Complete. Not tested?

The combineAddresses utility handles this.

Create's actor property is copied to be the value of .object.attributedTo (outbox:create:actor-to-attributed-to) SHOULD

Status: Complete. Not tested?


Adds followed object to the actor's Following Collection (outbox:follow:adds-followed-object) SHOULD

Status: Complete? Tested?

This is ambiguous/confusing. The follow doesn't actually happen until the Accept activity appears in the inbox (currently).


Adds object to the target Collection, unless not allowed due to requirements in 7.5 (outbox:add:adds-object-to-target) SHOULD

Status: TODO/Incomplete.

The requirements are that the actor has to own the Collection, which we don't keep track of very well currently.


[ ] Remove object from the target Collection, unless not allowed due to requirements in 7.5 (outbox:remove:removes-from-target) SHOULD

Status: TODO/Incomplete.

Same as above.


Adds the object to the actor's Liked Collection (outbox:like:adds-object-to-liked) SHOULD

Status: Complete. Tested?

All local actors get a Liked Collection and the object gets added to it.


Prevent the blocked object from interacting with any object posted by the actor (outbox:block:prevent-interaction-with-actor) SHOULD

Status: TODO/Incomplete.

This seems like it would require changes in multiple places.


Supports the Undo activity in the client-to-server protocol (outbox:undo) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Complete? Tested?

This seems ambiguous but should be covered.

Ensures that the actor in the activity actor is the same in activity being undone (outbox:undo:ensures-activity-and-actor-are-same) MUST

Status: Complete.

There is a isActorAuthorizedToModifyObject function.

Actor object's inbox


Performs delivery on all Activities posted to the outbox (inbox:delivery:performs-delivery) MUST

Status: Complete? Needs more tests.

I'm confused why this is under "Inbox" but Activities posted to the outbox do get delivered to their targets via broadcast method.

"Utilizes to, bto, cc, and bcc to determine delivery recipients. (inbox:delivery:addressing) MUST

Status: Complete? Needs more tests.

getRecipientsList / getRecipientInboxUrls covers this.

Provides an id all Activities sent to other servers, unless the activity is intentionally transient (inbox:delivery:adds-id) MUST

Status: Complete? Needs more tests.

The delivery package doesn't handle this, but posts to the outbox are handled.

Dereferences delivery targets with the submitting user's credentials (inbox:delivery:submit-with-credentials) MUST

Status: Incomplete/TODO.

Delivers to all items in recipients that are Collections or OrderedCollections (inbox:delivery:deliver-to-collection) MUST

Status: Complete. Needs more tests.

Handled in getRecipientsList/getRecipientInboxUrls

Applies the above, recursively if the Collection contains Collections, and limits recursion depth >= 1 (inbox:delivery:deliver-to-collection:recursively) MUST

Status: Incomplete? Needs tests.

Delivers activity with object property if the Activity type is one of Create, Update, Delete, Follow, Add, Remove, Like, Block, Undo (inbox:delivery:delivers-with-object-for-certain-activities) MUST

Status: Complete?

Delivers activity with 'target' property if the Activity type is one of Add, Remove (inbox:delivery:delivers-with-target-for-certain-activities) MUST

Status: Complete?

Deduplicates final recipient list (inbox:delivery:deduplicates-final-recipient-list) MUST

Status: Complete. Needs tests.

Uses new Set().

  • Does not deliver to recipients which are the same as the actor of the Activity being notified about (inbox:delivery:do-not-deliver-to-actor) MUST

Status: Complete. Needs tests.

  • SHOULD NOT deliver Block Activities to their object (inbox:delivery:do-not-deliver-block) SHOULD NOT

Status: Incomplete/TODO.

Delivers to sharedInbox endpoints to reduce the number of receiving actors delivered to by identifying all followers which share the same sharedInbox who would otherwise be individual recipients and instead deliver objects to said sharedInbox (inbox:delivery:sharedInbox) MAY

Status: Complete. Needs tests.

(For servers which deliver to sharedInbox:) Deliver to actor inboxes and collections otherwise addressed which do not have a sharedInbox (inbox:delivery:sharedInbox:deliver-to-inbox-if-no-sharedInbox) MUST

Status: Complete. Needs tests.


Deduplicates activities returned by the inbox by comparing activity ids") (inbox:accept:deduplicate) MUST

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

Forwards incoming activities to the values of to, bto, cc, bcc, audience if and only if criteria in 7.1.2 are met (inbox:accept:special-forward) MUST

Status: Complete? Needs tests.

Handled by shouldForwardActivity.

Recurse through to, bto, cc, bcc, audience object values to determine whether/where to forward according to criteria in 7.1.2 (inbox:accept:special-forward:recurses) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO? Needs tests.

[ ] Limit recursion in this process (inbox:accept:special-forward:limits-recursion) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO? Needs tests.


Supports receiving a Create object in an actor's inbox (inbox:accept:create) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Complete?


Assuming object is owned by sending actor/server, removes object's representation (inbox:accept:delete) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

No special handling for Inbox Delete currently.

[ ] replace object's representation with a Tombstone object (inbox:accept:delete:tombstone) MAY

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

No special handling for Inbox Delete currently.


[ ] Take care to be sure that the Update is authorized to modify its object (inbox:accept:update:is-authorized) MUST

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

No special handling for Inbox Update currently.

Completely replace its copy of the activity with the newly received value) (inbox:accept:update:completely-replace`) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

No special handling for Inbox Update currently.

Don't trust content received from a server other than the content's origin without some form of verification (inbox:accept:dont-blindly-trust) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO.


Add the actor to the object user's Followers Collection (inbox:accept:follow:add-actor-to-users-followers) SHOULD

Status: Complete?

Generates either an Accept or Reject activity with Follow as object and deliver to actor of the Follow (inbox:accept:follow:generate-accept-or-reject) SHOULD

Status: Complete?

If in reply to a Follow activity, adds actor to receiver's Following Collection (inbox:accept:accept:add-actor-to-users-following) SHOULD

Status: Complete?

  • If in reply to a Follow activity, MUST NOT add actor to receiver's Following Collection (inbox:accept:reject:does-not-add-actor-to-users-following) MUST

Status: Incomplete/TODO?


Add the object to the Collection specified in the target property, unless not allowed to per requirements in 7.8 (inbox:accept:add:to-collection) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

No special handling for Add Activity.


Remove the object from the Collection specified in the target property, unless not allowed per requirements in 7.9 (inbox:accept:remove:from-collection) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

No special handling for Remove Activity.


[ ] Perform appropriate indication of the like being performed (See 7.10 for examples) (inbox:accept:like:indicate-like-performed) SHOULD

Status: Complete?


Increments object's count of shares by adding the received activity to the 'shares' collection if this collection is present (inbox:accept:announce:add-to-shares-collection) SHOULD

Status: Complete?


Performs Undo of object in federated context (inbox:accept:undo) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Complete?

Validate the content they receive to avoid content spoofing attacks (inbox:accept:validate-content) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete?

Common server support

Inbox retrieval

Server responds to GET request at inbox URL (server:inbox:responds-to-get) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Complete.

inbox is an OrderedCollection (server:inbox:is-orderedcollection) MUST

Status: Complete.

Server filters inbox content according to the requester's permission (server:inbox:filtered-per-permissions) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO.

Object retrieval

Allow dereferencing Object ids by responding to HTTP GET requests with a representation of the Object (server:object-retrieval:get-id) MAY

Status: Unknown/Incomplete/TODO.

Respond with the ActivityStreams object representation in response to requests that primarily Accept the media type application/ld+json; profile=\\ (server:object-retrieval:respond-with-as2-re-ld-json) MUST

Status: Incomplete?/TODO.

Respond with the ActivityStreams object representation in response to requests that primarily Accept the media type application/activity+json (server:object-retrieval:respond-with-as2-re-activity-json) SHOULD

Status: Complete.

Responds with response body that is an ActivityStreams Object of type Tombstone (if the server is choosing to disclose that the object has been removed) (server:object-retrieval:deleted-object:tombstone) MAY

Status: Complete?

Respond with 410 Gone status code if Tombstone is in response body, otherwise responds with 404 Not Found (server:object-retrieval:deleted-object:410-status) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO.

Respond with 404 status code for Object URIs that have never existed (server:object-retrieval:deleted-object:404-status) SHOULD

Status: Complete?

[ ] Respond with a 403 Forbidden status code to all requests that access Objects considered Private (or 404 if the server does not want to disclose the existence of the object, or another HTTP status code if specified by the authorization method)) (server:object-retrieval:private-403-or-404`) SHOULD

Status: Incomplete/TODO.

Security considerations

B.1, Server verifies that the new content is really posted by the actor indicated in Objects received in inbox and outbox (server:security-considerations:actually-posted-by-actor) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

By default, implementation does not make HTTP requests to localhost when delivering Activities (server:security-considerations:do-not-post-to-localhost) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

Implementation applies a whitelist of allowed URI protocols before issuing requests, e.g. for inbox delivery (server:security-considerations:uri-scheme-whitelist) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Incomplete/TODO?

Server filters incoming content both by local untrusted users and any remote users through some sort of spam filter (server:security-considerations:filter-incoming-content) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Incomplete/TODO.

Implementation takes care to sanitize fields containing markup to prevent cross site scripting attacks) (server:security-considerations:sanitize-fields) NON-NORMATIVE

Status: Incomplete/TODO.