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Releases: meefik/linuxdeploy

Linux Deploy 1.5.6

16 Feb 16:39
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Fixed apt resolve in stretch and xenial
Added support kali-rolling in Kali Linux
Added target type "Auto" for manual prepare target path
Added timestamp support to log filename (${TIMESTAMP} variable)
End of support Debian Squeeze and Kali Moto
Added support /dev/net/tun (for OpenVPN)
Automatically switch to root (unchroot)
Mount root with options "exec,suid,dev"
Fixed Arch Linux packages (close #529)

Linux Deploy 1.5.5

25 Dec 21:44
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Open a shell from Android Terminal Emulator
Added support CentOS
Translated into Korean

Linux Deploy 1.5.4

10 Oct 17:40
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Fixed a problem with user password that contains uppercase letters
Added support system BusyBox, a built-in is no longer supported
Added option to display a time stamp
Improved support for framebuffer
Translated into Portuguese

Linux Deploy 1.5.3

11 Sep 14:50
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Added an option to change the chroot directory
Added unchroot script
Implemented integration with Android
Implemented integration with XServer XSDL
Translated into Slovak and French
Automatically select the language

Linux Deploy 1.5.2

18 Aug 09:12
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Added support Slackware
Added support Kali Linux 2.0 (sana)
Added support tar.xz for RootFS installation
Added support x86_64 (amd64) distributions
Added export a container as rootfs archive (tgz or tbz2)
Modified update ENV mechanism
Updated command line interface
Added ability to change password from GUI
Translated into Vietnamese
Updated root checker
Added support aarch64 for Arch Linux
Fixed autostart problem

Linux Deploy 1.5.1

20 May 14:48
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Added support for installation type in RAM
Updated command "status"
Updated security groups
Added fix for tty0 (use X options: "-sharevts vt0")
Added handling for shutdown event
Added support Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf)
Added support Fedora 22 (armhfp only)
Added more locales
Translated into German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese

Linux Deploy 1.5.0

10 Jan 19:03
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Added support for devices with an Intel architecture
Added support for cross-architecture installation x86 <-> ARM based on QEMU (binfmt_misc require support in the kernel)
Updated built-in BusyBox to version 1.23.0 (builds with PIE and without PIE)
Added support Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
Added suits kali-dev and kali-rolling in Kali Linux
Bugfix "Couldn't find these debs: 0"
Fixed Gentoo installation problems
Updated linuxdeploy shell
Added support for third-party BusyBox (required /system/xbin/ash)
Added support Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn)
Added support arm64/aarch64 for some distributions

Linux Deploy 1.4.8

09 Dec 08:53
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Added support Android 5 (PIE support)
Added support Fedora 21 (armhfp only)
Fixed LD_PRELOAD errors

Linux Deploy 1.4.7

22 Nov 20:43
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Fixed packages list of Arch Linux (issue #161)
Fixed error with VNC_ARGS (issue #153)
User root is added to the group aid_inet be default (ticket #135)
Takes into account changes in openSUSE repository (ticket #154)
Save and restore SELinux state (ticket #167)

Linux Deploy 1.4.6

21 Jun 20:01
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Added option to disable the built-in shell
Operating environment by default: /data/data/ru.meefik.linuxdeploy/linux
Added sync in framebuffer
Added ACCESS_SUPERUSER permission
Fixed packages list of Arch Linux (issue #136)
Fixed packages list of openSUSE