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{% raw %}


Make simple Vue apps by writing HTML


  • Automatically fetches Vue for you
  • to access the app instance from JS
  • If using <set-data> as well, it automatically makes root-level properties reactive even if you do not initialize them


  • Attribute data only sets the initial data and never gets updated. only contains the initial data.
  • Attribute globals is only read at the time of app creation. You cannot expose more globals later by simply updating the attribute. However, if the value of the globals changes, it will be picked up.


Basic, no data (data default to {}):

	{{ 1 + 2 }}

With data (provided as a JSON string):

<v-app data='{"foo": 2}'>
	<input type="number" v-model="foo" />
	sqrt({{ foo }}) = {{ Math.sqrt(foo) }}

Invalid data (unquoted property name):

<v-app data='{foo: 2}'>
	<input type="number" v-model="foo" />
	sqrt({{ foo }}) = {{ Math.sqrt(foo) }}


<v-app data='{"list":[{"foo": 1}]}'>
	<article v-for="item in list">
		<input v-model=""> {{ }}
	<button @click="list.push({foo: list.length + 1})">Add item</button>

Expose globals:

<v-app data='{"foo": 2}' globals="Math, console, alert">
	<input type="number" v-model="foo" />
	sqrt({{ foo }}) = {{ Math.sqrt(foo) }}
	<button	@click="alert(foo++)">alert(foo++)</button>


Custom methods:

<v-app id="sum_demo" data='{"list":[]}'>
	Sum: {{ sum(list) }}
	<span v-for="(n, i) in list">
		<input v-model="list[i]" />

	<button @click="list.push(list.length)">Add number</button>
	// or document.querySelector("#sum_demo").methods = ...
	sum_demo.methods = {
		sum (numbers) {
			return numbers.reduce((a, c) => a + +c, 0);

or, alternatively, to make the sum() function available on all <v-app> instances:

// or import { VApp } from "" if you're using all of MaVue
import VApp from "";

VApp.methods = {
	sum (numbers) {
		return numbers.reduce((a, c) => a + +c, 0);

Please note this will not affect any <v-app> instances already created.

You could also add computed properties, e.g. to compute things or expose specific globals to your Vue app:

<v-app id="url_demo" data='{"relative": "../v-default/", "base": ""}'>
	<label>Relative URL: <input v-model="relative" /></label>
	<label>Base: <input v-model="base" /></label>
	<output v-if="!/\w+:/.test(base)">
		Resolved base: <a :href="absoluteBase">{{ absoluteBase }}</a>
		Result: <a :href="new URL(relative, absoluteBase)">{{ new URL(relative, absoluteBase) }}</a>
	// or document.querySelector("#url_demo").computed = ...
	url_demo.computed = {
		absoluteBase () {
			return new URL(this.base, location);
		URL () {
			return URL;
<style> #url_demo { display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; gap: .5em 1em; border: 1px solid hsl(220 10% 90%); background:hsl(220 10% 98%); padding: .5em; margin: 1em 0; } #url_demo label, #url_demo output { display: contents; } #url_demo a { font-weight: bold; } </style>

In the same way you can also add directives or components to either a <v-app> instance or all <v-app> instances.

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