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⬇️ 3 - Consuming a module


After completing the second part we now have a modules published to our Bicep Module Registry. From the first part we also have a dedicated resource group for workload deployments (bicep-workload-demo) and a service principal set up with permissions to pull from the registry and deploy to a workload resource group.

This part will consume modules from the registry for a template deployment. The template we are going to use is consuming the containerapp module from the previous step.

We will trigger a GitHub Actions workflow that deploys the template.



To enable the needed resource provider in your subscription run the following:

Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNameSpace "Microsoft.App"

1. Validate template from the command line

Note that this module refers to version 1.1.0. If you have published another version than this, please update the value in the template.

param environmentName string = 'demo-aca'
param location string = resourceGroup().location

param dateNow string = utcNow()
module containerapp 'br/demoRegistry:containerapp:1.1.0' = {
  name: 'containerapp-${dateNow}'
  params: {
    environmentName: environmentName
    location: location

output url string = containerapp.outputs.url

Note: The module reference should be automatically restored if you're using VS Code and the Bicep extension, but if you get validation errors you can manually run bicep restore ./3-consume/main.bicep.

  1. Valide the deployment by running the following command:
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name "containerapp" `
    -ResourceGroupName "bicep-workload-demo" `
    -TemplateFile "./3-consume/main.bicep" `
    -WhatIf -WhatIfResultFormat ResourceIdOnly

This command will run a What-if deployment that list the resources that will be created if deployment is run. This command also valides the template deployment and parameter values.


2. Deploy template from GitHub Actions

To verify that our GitHub repository and service principal is set up correctly, we're going to trigger the deployment from GitHub Actions.

  1. Open you repository in GitHub and select Actions

repo actions

  1. Select the "Bicep Module Consume" action and select the "Run workflow" button.

run workflow

  1. After a few seconds a new run of the workflow will be visible in the list of runs. Open the run and inspect the steps.

  2. Expand the last step 'Print Container Apps URL' and inspect the printed URL. Open the URL in your browser to see the deployed container app.


3. Bonus: consume a public module

Bicep also offers a public registry of official modules. This is so far pretty limited when it comes to the number of available modules, but to showcase how this can be used as well we can deploy a template consuming one of those modules as well.

To deploy this, add the following to .github/workflows/bicep-consume.yml:

      - name: Deploy VNET from Bicep Public Registry
        if: github.event == 'workflow_dispatch' || github.ref_name == 'main'
        id: deploy-vnet
        uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
          subscriptionId: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
          resourceGroupName: bicep-workload-demo
          template: 3-consume/bonus.bicep

⚠️ Make sure to match the indentation of the other steps in the workflow file.

Push the changes above to the main branch to re-trigger the workflow with this as an additional step.

Next Step

✔️ Congratulations! - you've completed all three steps and successfully deployed a Bicep template that refers to a remote module in a private module registry!

See the learn more section in the main README to continue your Bicep learning journey!

Clean up

If you want to delete the created resources from this demo, you can run:

# Delete resource groups
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name "bicep-registry-demo"
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name "bicep-workload-demo"
# Delete service principals
Remove-AzAdServicePrincipal -DisplayName "bicep-registry-demo-ci-pull"
Remove-AzADApplication -DisplayName "bicep-registry-demo-ci-pull"

Remove-AzAdServicePrincipal -DisplayName "bicep-registry-demo-ci-push"
Remove-AzADApplication -DisplayName "bicep-registry-demo-ci-push"