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19 lines (14 loc) · 915 Bytes

File metadata and controls

19 lines (14 loc) · 915 Bytes


If you spot a typo or the content does not make sense in some way, feel free to open an issue or directly create a PR.

I am open for enhancement ideas and feature requests. If there's some topic you'd like to see a notebook about, feel free to open an issue and request it there.



  • Copy the content of utils/ to your before making changes to notebooks
  • This will setup a post_save_hook which will generate a html version of the notebook automatically when the notebook is saved
  • htmls are not generated for exercises


  • Travis CI will make sure that the code cells in the notebooks can be executed
  • You test the same locally by:
    • install tox by: pip install tox
    • run tox: tox
  • Tests are not run for exercises (because the code in the exercise cells is usually intentionally incomplete)