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Graphical Language Server Protocol

The graphical language server protocol heavily builds on the client-server protocol defined in Sprotty, but adds additional actions to enable editing capabilities, etc. Below, we first introduce the base protocol and action types defined in Sprotty, and subsequently discuss actions that have been added on top of the base protocol to enable editing of graphical models, as well as additional action types.

Sprotty's Client-server Protocol

The following TypeScript definitions describe the base protocol as defined in the client-server protocol of Sprotty. Note that the following documentation describes the classes defined in Sprotty and largely reuses their class documentation.


A general message serves as an envelope carrying an action to be transmited between the client and the server.

class ActionMessage {
   * Used to identify a specific client.
  public readonly clientId: string;

   * The action to execute.
  public readonly action: Action;

Action messages processed by the client or the server don't always require a response. Additional information regarding the lifecycle of some action messages can be found in the Sprotty documentation.

Actions contained in action messages are identified by their kind attribute. This attribute is required for all actions. Certain actions are meant to be sent from the client to the server or vice versa, while other actions can be sent by both ways, by the client or the server. All actions must extend the default action interface.

interface Action {
   * Unique identifier specifying the kind of action to process.
  readonly kind: string;

Sprotty element types

Actions refer to elements in the graphical model via an elementId. However, a few actions actually need to transfer the graphical model. Therefore, the graphical model needs to be represented as a serializable SModelRootSchema.

interface SModelRootSchema extends SModelElementSchema {
    canvasBounds?: Bounds
    revision?: number

interface SModelElementSchema {
    type: string
    id: string
    children?: SModelElementSchema[]


Sent from the client to the server in order to request a graphical model. Usually this is the first message that is sent from the client to the server, so it is also used to initiate the communication. The response is a SetModelAction or an UpdateModelAction.

class RequestModelAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'requestModel';

   * Additional options used to compute the graphical model.
  public readonly options?: { [key: string]: string });


Sent from the server to the client in order to set the model. If a model is already present, it is replaced.

class SetModelAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'setModel';

   * The new graphical model elements.
  public readonly newRoot: SModelRootSchema;


Sent from the server to the client in order to update the model. If no model is present yet, this behaves the same as a SetModelAction. The transition from the old model to the new one can be animated.

class UpdateModelAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'updateModel';

   * The new root element of the graphical model.
  public readonly newRoot?: SModelRootSchema;


Sent from the server to the client to request bounds for the given model. The model is rendered invisibly so the bounds can derived from the DOM. The response is a ComputedBoundsAction. This hidden rendering round-trip is necessary if the client is responsible for parts of the layout.

class RequestBoundsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'requestBounds';

   * The model elements to consider to compute the new bounds.
  public readonly newRoot: SModelRootSchema;


Sent from the client to the server to transmit the result of bounds computation as a response to a RequestBoundsAction. If the server is responsible for parts of the layout (see needsServerLayout viewer option), it can do so after applying the computed bounds received with this action. Otherwise there is no need to send the computed bounds to the server, so they can be processed locally by the client.

class ComputedBoundsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'computedBounds';

   * The new bounds of the model elements.
  public readonly bounds: ElementAndBounds[];

   * The revision number.
  public readonly revision?: number;

   * The new alignment of the model elements.
  public readonly alignments?: ElementAndAlignment[];

The ElementAndBounds type is used to associate new bounds with a model element, which is referenced via its id.

class ElementAndBounds {
   * The identifier of the element.
  public readonly elementId: string;

   * The new bounds of the element.
  public readonly newBounds: Bounds;

The bounds are the position (x, y) and dimension (width, height) of an object. As such the Bounds type extends both Point and Dimension.

class Bounds extends Point, Dimension {

A Point is composed of the (x,y) coordinates of an object.

class Point {
   * The abscissa of the point.
  public readonly x: number;

   * The ordinate of the point.
  public readonly y: number;

The Dimension of an object is composed of its width and height.

class Dimension {
   * The width of an element.
  public readonly width: number;

   * the height of an element.
  public readonly height: number;

The ElementAndAlignment type is used to associate a new alignment with a model element, which is referenced via its id.

class ElementAndAlignment {
   * The identifier of an element.
  public readonly elementId: string;

   * The new alignment of the element.
  public readonly newAlignment: Point;


Sent from the server to the client to update the bounds of some (or all) model elements.

class SetBoundsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'setBounds';

   * The elements to update with their new bounds.
  public readonly bounds: ElementAndBounds[];


Centers the viewport on the elements with the given identifiers. It changes the scroll setting of the viewport accordingly and resets the zoom to its default. This action can also be created on the client but it can also be sent by the server in order to perform such a viewport change remotely.

class CenterAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'center';

   * The identifier of the elements on which the viewport should be centered.
  public readonly elementIds: string[];

   * Indicate if the modification of the viewport should be realized with or without support of animations.
  public readonly animate: boolean = true;


Recalculates a model when some specific elements are collapsed or expanded. This action can be sent by a client to the server to let the server compute a new version of the model.

class CollapseExpandAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'collapseExpand';
   * The identifier of the elements to expand.
  public readonly expandIds: string[];

   * The identifier of the elements to collapse.
  public readonly collapseIds: string[];


Collapses or expands all elements of the model.

 class CollapseExpandAllAction {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'collapseExpandAll';
   * Indicates if the elements should be expanded (true) or collapsed (false)
  public readonly expand: boolean = true;


Used to request the export of the graphical model as an SVG image.

class RequestExportSvgAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'requestExportSvg';


Used to export the graphical model as an SVG image.

class ExportSvgAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'exportSvg';

   * The SVG image data.
  public readonly svg: string;


Triggered when the user requests the viewer to fit its content to the available drawing area. The resulting fit-to-screen command changes the zoom and scroll settings of the viewport so the model can be shown completely. This action can also be sent from the server to the client in order to perform such a viewport change programmatically.

class FitToScreenAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'fit';

   * The identifier of the elements to fit on screen.
  public readonly elementIds: string[];

   * The padding that should be visible on the viewport.
  public readonly padding?: number;

   * The max zoom level authorized.
  public readonly maxZoom?: number;

   * Indicate if the action should be performed with animation support or not.
  public readonly animate: boolean = true;


Used to indicate that an element has been opened. The default behavior will be triggered when an end user double click on an element. It can allow a server to react to this event.

class OpenAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'open';

   * The identifier of the element.
  public readonly elementId: string;


Triggered when the user hovers the mouse pointer over an element to get a popup with details on that element. This action is sent from the client to the server. The response is a SetPopupModelAction.

class RequestPopupModelAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'requestPopupModel';

   * The identifier of the elements for which a popup is requested.
  public readonly elementId: string;

   * The bounds.
  public readonly bounds: Bounds;


Sent from the server to the client to display a popup in response to a RequestPopupModelAction. This action can also be used to remove any existing popup by choosing EMPTY_ROOT as root element.

class SetPopupModelAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'setPopupModel';

   * The model elements composing the popup to display.
  public readonly newRoot: SModelRootSchema;


Triggered when the user changes the selection, e.g. by clicking on a selectable element. The action should trigger a change in the selected state accordingly, so the elements can be rendered differently. This action is also forwarded to the server, if present, so it may react on the selection change. Furthermore, the server can send such an action to the client in order to change the selection remotely.

class SelectAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'elementSelected';

   * The identifier of the elements to mark as selected.
  public readonly selectedElementsIds: string[] = [];

   * The identifier of the elements to mark as not selected.
  public readonly deselectedElementsIds: string[] = [];


Used for selecting or deselecting all elements.

class SelectAllAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'allSelected';

   * If `select` is true, all elements are selected, othewise they are deselected.
  public readonly select: boolean = true;


Sent by the server to signal a state change.

class ServerStatusAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'serverStatus';

   * The severity of the status.
  public readonly severity: string;

   * The message describing the status.
  public readonly message: string;

Actions for Editing


This action is sent from the client to the server to request the list of available operations. Operations denote requests of the client to modify the model. Note that the model modification is performed on the server. Thus, after the server modified the model, it sends an UpdateModelAction.

class RequestOperationsAction implements Action {
  public readonly kind = 'requestOperations';


The server updates the client on the available operations using a SetOperationsAction.

class SetOperationsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'setOperations';
   * The list of operations.
  public readonly operations: Operation[]

export interface Operation {
    readonly id: string;
    readonly elementTypeId?: string;
    readonly label: string;
    readonly operationKind: string;
    readonly active?: boolean;

export namespace OperationKind {
  export const CREATE_NODE = "createNode";
  export const CREATE_CONNECTION = "createConnection";
  export const DELETE_ELEMENT = "delete";
  export const CHANGE_BOUNDS = "changeBoundsOperation";
  export const CHANGE_CONTAINER = "changeContainer";
  export const GENERIC = "generic";


The client sends an GenericOperationAction to the server, to request the execution of a generic operation.

class GenericOperationAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  readonly kind = 'generic';
   * The id of the generic operation.
  public readonly id: string;
   * The context element.
  public readonly elementId?: string;
   * The context location.
  public readonly location?: Point;


The client sends a CreateNodeOperationAction to the server, to request the execution of a createNode operation.

class CreateNodeOperationAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  readonly kind = 'createNode';
   * The type of the element to be created.
  public readonly elementTypeId: string;
   * The location at which the operation shall be executed.
  public readonly location?: Point;
   * The container in which the operation shall be executed.
  public readonly containerId?: string;


The client sends a CreateConnectionOperationAction to the server, to request the execution of a createConnection operation.

class CreateConnectionOperationAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  readonly kind = 'createConnection';
   * The type of the element to be created.
  public readonly elementTypeId: string;
   * The source element.
  public readonly sourceElementId: string;
   * The target element.
  public readonly targetElementId: string;


The client sends a DeleteElementOperationAction to the server, to request the execution of a delete operation.

class DeleteElementOperationAction  implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  readonly kind = 'delete';
   * The element to be deleted.
  public readonly elementIds: string[];


The client sends a ChangeBoundsOperationAction to the server, to request the execution of a changeBoundsOperation operation.

class ChangeBoundsOperationAction  implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'changeBoundsOperation';

   * The new bounds of an element.
  public readonly newBounds: ElementAndBounds[];


The client sends a ChangeContainerOperation to the server, to request the execution of a changeContainer operation.

class ChangeContainerOperation  implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  readonly kind = 'changeContainer';
   * The element to be changed.
  public readonly elementId: string;
   * The element container of the changeContainer operation.
  public readonly targetContainerId: string;
   * The graphical location.
  public readonly location?: string;


Sent from the client to the server in order to request hints on whether certain modifications are allowed for a specific element type. The RequestTypeHintsAction is optional, but should usually be among the first messages sent from the client to the server after receiving the model via RequestModelAction. The response is a SetTypeHintsAction.

class RequestTypeHintsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'requestTypeHints';


Sent from the server to the client in order to provide hints certain modifications are allowed for a specific element type. These hints specify whether an element can be resized, reloacted and/or deleted. Optionaly, they specifiy a list of element types that can be contained/connected by this element (see also TypeHint). The rationale is to avoid a client-server round-trip for user feedback of each synchronous user interaction.

class SetTypeHintsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'setTypeHints';

   * The hints for node types
  public readonly nodeHints: NodeTypeHint[];
   * The hints for node types
  public readonly edgeHints: EdgeTypeHint[];

interface TypeHint{
    The id of the element.
    public readonly elementTypeId: string;
     * Specifies whether the element can be relocated.
    public readonly repositionable: boolean;

     * Specifices wheter the element can be deleted
    public readonly deletable: boolean;


interface NodeTypeHint extends TypeHint {
     * Specifies whether the element can be resized.
    public readonly resizable: boolean;

     * The types of elements that can be contained by this element (if any)
    public readonly containableElementTypeIds?: string[];

interface EdgeTypeHint extends TypeHint {

     * Specifies whether the routing of this element can be changed.
    public readonly routable: boolean;
     * Allowed source element types for this edge type
    public readonly sourceElementTypeIds: string[];
     * Allowed targe element types for this edge type
    public readonly targetElementTypeIds: string[];



Triggered when the user changes the position or size of an element. This action concerns only the element's graphical size and position. Whether an element can be resized or repositioned may be specified by the server with a SetTypeHintsAction to allow for immediate user feedback before resizing or repositioning.

class ChangeBoundsAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'changeBounds';

   * The new bounds of an element.
  public readonly newBounds: ElementAndBounds[];


Sent from the client to the server in order to persist the current model state back to the model source.

class SaveModelAction implements Action{
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'saveModel';

Additional Actions


Sent from the client to the server to invoke the execution of a server command. Server commands may execute arbitrary actions, such as code generation, etc. These actions, however, shouldn't manipulate the model. For such actions, an ExecuteOperationAction should be used.

class ExecuteServerCommandAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'executeServerCommand';
   * The id of the server command.
  public readonly commandID: string;
   * The id of the context element.
  public readonly elementId?: string;


Sent from the client to the server in order to request graphical layers. With RequestModelAction and RequestToolsAction, they are the firsts messages that are sent to the server. The response is a SetLayersAction.

class RequestLayersAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'requestLayers';


Sent from the server to the client in order to set the graphical layers. If layers are already presents, they are replaced.

class SetLayersAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind = 'setLayers';

   * The layers of the graphical model.
  public readonly layers: Layer[];
interface Layer {
   * The identifier.
  readonly id: string;

   * The name.
  readonly name: string;

   * Indicates if the layer is currently active or not.
  readonly active: boolean;


Sent from the client to the server in order to toggle a layer. The model, the layers, and the tools may be updated after the changes.

class ToggleLayerAction implements Action {
   * The kind of the action.
  public readonly kind: string = 'toggleLayer';

   * The name of the layer.
  public readonly layerName: string;

   * The new state of the layer.
  public readonly newState: boolean;