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Manual Testing Issue Creation

This directory contains a script and accompanying files to create and assign the manual testing issues for a Mantid release.


  • Create a Personal Access Token for GitHub if you do not already have one:

  • In issue_template____.xlsx update assignments for the upcoming release and make sure to add new starters to the assignee sheet. Make sure to raise issues for ISIS and Non-ISIS manual tests.

  • For Ensemble Testing, look at Ensemble Manual Testing.pptx for advice allocating people to testing teams.

  • Create and activate a conda environment for running the script:

cd here
conda env create -f manual-tests.yml
conda activate manual-tests
  • Run the script with the appropriate arguments:
./ milestone spreadsheet --dry-run


./ "Release 6.2" issue_template.xlsx --dry-run
  • Check the output with the --dry-run flag and if it looks okay then rerun the same command but remove --dry-run.

Please note:

If you are using Windows it is recommended that you cd back into the SmokeTesting directory using the Command Prompt rather than any other CLI e.g. Git Bash. You will also need to prepend python to the command above and remove ./ from the part of the command


python "Release 6.2" issue_template.xlsx --dry-run