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WhatsApp Chat WordCloud Generator for sentiment analysis

This project is aimed at trying to understand the word dynamics between two people in a whatsapp chat to try and understand their sentiment. This is just a fun project I came up with to out of curiosity.



Use the package manager pip to install wordcloud and matplotlib.

pip install wordcloud
pip install matplotlib


The project has the following import statements so make sure that all the conditions are met.

from wordcloud  import WordCloud, STOPWORDS                             # importing Wordcloud to create wordcloud object and define stop words
from os.path    import isfile, join                                     # importing isFile and join to detect if the items in the directory are files                         
from os         import listdir                                          # importing listdir to list items in the directory

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt                                         # importing matplotliib to process wordcloud data into an image
import os                                                               # importing os to get current working direcotry

How to Use

  • Import whatsApp chats to the same directory as a the program 'WhatsApp Chat'. you can import and process multiple WhatsApp chats at once.

  • Do not chage the name of the imported WhatsApp chat.

  • Do not change or edit the contents of the WhatsApp chat.


This is merely an exercise of curiosity and does not imply to be a tool for phycological analysis. It is recommended for you to not come to any conclusions unless you are a trained individual.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. I would be happy to answer any question by mail


The Unlicense