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Visualizing AEPs of varying complexities

A plotting tool for the Agregated Eco-Provinces (AEP) produced by the SAGE method presented in Sonnewald et al. Sonnewald et al.: Elucidating Ecological Complexity: Unsupervised Learning determines global marine eco-provinces.

The hope is that exploring the utility of the AEPs will be facilitated. The complexity of the AEPs are the level of aggregation applied. The hope is that regional applications will be able to use regions within the global plots at higher complexity, while more global studies may want to use lower complexities.

We strongly recomend that a complexity lower than 12 is avoided as described in Sonnewald et al.

To use: Click the 'launch binder' button below. You will see spinning semi-circles until the binder is launched, and an ipython notebook is open that has access to the data for you to plot as you wish. Once it is launched, you 'excecute' the cells by either pressing the 'play' button if on a phone/tablet, or by pressing shift+enter. To change the aggregation level/complexity, substitute the desired number for 'complexity'.

The data are on Zenodo:

Thanks to Katherine Rosenfeld for assistance!
