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Materials for C++ For Finance. Using C++14, Concepts such as references and std::array, are presented in place of outmoded concepts such as pointers and C arrays (which are left to the end of the course).



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Materials for C++ For Finance

Copyright 2020 Laurence Alexander Hurst

Originally delivered at University of Birmingham

Based upon (but not directly derived from) work by Matthew Collins, which was in turn based upon work by Nick Webber.

About this course

This course uses C++14 as the standard it presents. Concepts from C and older standards are presented at the end but modern practices and containers, such as references and std::array, are presented in place of out moded concepts such as pointers and C arrays.

This a re-design of the delivery of the module, begun in week 14 of the 20-week course in academic year 2019/2020.

The original 3 hours slot format of 1hr lecture/2hr lab session wasn't working too well for me or the students so I started this as a trial alternative approach.

Running locally

Using bundler

Install the pre-requisites with bundle install

(You may need to install zlib1g-dev on Debian to build some of the native extensions.)

Then run with bundle exec jekyll serve



The content of this course and the intellectual property contained there-in are licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 licence, unless clearly indicated otherwise (for example non-original content, such as an images, which may be included under another licence - these will be clearly attributed and the licence stated):

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Source code

The code, including (but not limited to) the document mark-up, source code samples and templates for this course are licensed under the GPLv3 (or later) and the following terms apply:

This file is part of C++ for Finance.

C++ for Finance is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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C++ for Finance is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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See the file LICENCE in the original source code repository for the full licence.


Materials for C++ For Finance. Using C++14, Concepts such as references and std::array, are presented in place of outmoded concepts such as pointers and C arrays (which are left to the end of the course).







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