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The lights daemon protocol

The lightsd protocol is implemented on top of JSON-RPC 2.0.

Targeting bulbs

Commands that manipulate bulbs will take a target argument to define on which bulb(s) the operation should apply. The target argument is either a string (identifying a target as explained in the following table), or an array of strings (targets).

* targets all bulbs
#TagName targets bulbs tagged with TagName
124f31a5 directly target the bulb with the given id (mac addr, see below)
label directly target the bulb with the given Label
[#TagName, 123f31a5] composite target (JSON array)

The mac address (id) of each bulb can be found with get_light_state under the _lifx map, e.g:

"_lifx": {
    "addr": "d0:73:d5:02:e5:30",
    "gateway": {

This bulb has id d073d502e530.


The maximum supported length for labels and tag names by LIFX bulbs is 32. Anything beyond that will be ignored.

Available methods


Power off the given bulb(s).


Power on the given bulb(s).


Power on (if they are off) or power off (if they are on) the given bulb(s).

set_light_from_hsbk(target, h, s, b, k, t)

param float h

Hue from 0 to 360.

param float s

Saturation from 0 to 1.

param float b

Brightness from 0 to 1.

param int k

Temperature in Kelvin from 2500 to 9000.

param int t

Transition duration to this color in ms.

set_waveform(target, waveform, h, s, b, k, period, cycles, skew_ratio, transient)

param string waveform


param float h

Hue from 0 to 360.

param float s

Saturation from 0 to 1.

param float b

Brightness from 0 to 1.

param int k

Temperature in Kelvin from 2500 to 9000.

param int period

milliseconds per cycle.

param int cycles

number of cycles.

param float skew_ratio

from 0 to 1.

param bool transient

if true the target will keep the color it has at the end of the waveform, otherwise it will revert back to its original state.

The meaning of the skew_ratio argument depends on the type of waveform:

SAW Should be 0.5.
SINE Defines the peak point of the function, 0.5 gives you a sine and 1 or 0 will give you cosine. Ignored by firmware 1.1.
HALF_SINE Should be 0.5.
TRIANGLE Defines the peak point of the function like SINE. Ignored by firmware 1.1.
SQUARE Ratio of a cycle the targets are set to the given color.


Return a list of dictionnaries, each dict representing the state of one targeted bulb, the list is not in any specific order. Each dict has the following fields:

  • hsbk: tuple (h, s, b, k) see function:set_light_from_hsbk;
  • label: bulb label (utf-8 encoded string);
  • power: boolean, true when the bulb is powered on false otherwise;
  • tags: list of tags applied to the bulb (utf-8 encoded strings).

set_label(target, label)

Label the target bulb(s) with the given label.


Use tag instead set_label to give a common name to multiple bulbs.

tag(target, label)

Tag (group) the given target bulb(s) with the given label (group name), then label can be used as a target by prefixing it with #.

To add a device to an existing "group" simply do:

tag(["#myexistingtag", "bulbtoadd"], "myexistingtag")


Notice how # is prepended to the tag label depending on whether it's used as a target or a regular argument.

untag(target, label)

Remove the given tag from the given target bulb(s). To completely delete a tag (group), simple do:

untag("#myexistingtag", "myexistingtag")


  • You cannot the set the color of the bulb while it's turned off;
  • lightsd supports batch JSON-RPC requests, use them!