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Team-mail backend Memory server

This server, intended for testing, relies fully on lightweight memory datastructures.

To be able to run Team-mail backend server, you need to generate a JWT key pair first. A really easy way to generate a basic JWT key pair is like this:

# private key
openssl genrsa -out jwt_privatekey 4096
# public key
openssl rsa -in jwt_privatekey -pubout > jwt_publickey

You can copy those two keys into the src/main/conf folder of this memory app module if you want to build Team-mail server with them in the conf, or you can decide to mount them later when running the server.

Then to build your server:

mvn clean install
mvn compile

Then you can finally start the James distributed server. If you included the JWT keys in the build:

docker run linagora/tmail-backend-memory

If not, you need to bind them to the container for Team-mail to start:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=[/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/JWT_PUBLICKEY],target=/root/conf/jwt_publickey \
--mount type=bind,source=[/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/JWT_PRIVATEKEY],target=/root/conf/jwt_privatekey \

Use the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment option to pass extra JVM flags. For instance:

docker run -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xmx500m -Xms500m" linagora/tmail-backend-memory

Glowroot APM is packaged as part of the docker distribution to easily enable valuable performances insights. Disabled by default, its java agent can easily be enabled:

docker run -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:/root/glowroot/glowroot.jar" linagora/tmail-backend-memory

The CLI can easily be used:

docker exec CONTAINER-ID james-cli ListDomains


The docker container embed a small provisioning script, creating some users, mailboxes and emails to be used for testing purposes.

To run it:

docker exec CONTAINER-ID /root/provisioning/

It will create the following accounts:

User: alice@localhost
Password: aliceSecret

User: bob@localhost
Password: bobSecret

User: empty@localhost
Password: emptrySecret