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A guide for programming within version control.

Best Practices

  • Squash multiple trivial commits into a single commit.
  • Rebase your branchs daily to keep it up to date

Maintain a Repo

  • Avoid including files in source control that are specific to your development machine or process.
  • Delete local and remote feature branches after merging.
  • Perform work in a feature branch.
  • Rebase frequently to incorporate upstream changes.
  • Use a pull request for code reviews.

Write a Feature

Create a local feature branch based off release.

git switch release
git pull origin release
git switch -b <branch-name>

Rebase frequently to incorporate upstream changes.

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/release

Resolve conflicts. When feature is complete and tests pass, stage the changes.

git add --all

When you've staged the changes, commit them.

git status
git commit --verbose

Write a good commit message. Example format:

Present-tense summary under 50 characters

- More information about commit (under 72 characters).
- More information about commit (under 72 characters).

If you've created more than one commit, use git rebase interactively to squash them into cohesive commits with good messages:

git rebase -i origin/release

Share your branch.

git push origin <branch-name>

Submit a GitHub pull request.

Ask for a code review in the #pull-requests channel in Slack.

Review Code

A team member other than the author reviews the pull request. They follow Code Review guidelines to avoid miscommunication.

They make comments and ask questions directly on lines of code in the GitHub web interface or in the project's chat room.

Prefer to use the code suggestion feature in Github when reviewing pull requests so the owner can accept them without losing previous approvals.

For changes which they can make themselves, they check out the branch.

git checkout <branch-name>
git diff staging/release..HEAD

They make small changes right in the branch, test the feature on their machine, run tests, commit, and push.

When satisfied, they comment on the pull request Ready to merge.


Rebase interactively. Squash commits like "Fix whitespace" into one or a small number of valuable commit(s). Edit commit messages to reveal intent. Run tests.

git fetch origin
git rebase -i origin/release

Force push your branch. This allows GitHub to automatically close your pull request and mark it as merged when your commit(s) are pushed to main. It also makes it possible to find the pull request that brought in your changes.

git push --force-with-lease origin <branch-name>

View a list of new commits. View changed files. Merge branch into main.

git log origin/release..<branch-name>
git diff --stat origin/release
git checkout release
git merge <branch-name> --ff-only
git push

Delete your remote feature branch.

git push origin --delete <branch-name>

Delete your local feature branch.

git branch --delete <branch-name>

Pull Requests (or Merge Requests)


  • When the change has a JIRA
    • Add the Jira code and link to the PR description
  • When the change does not have a JIRA
    • Add all the necessary information to help other developers understand why and how that change was done



  • When auto-merge is enabled, the PR is automatically merged into the destination branch after all the checks are green.


  • Place the tag [WIP] at the beginning of the title of your PR to let other developers know that this is still a work in progress and avoid an accidental merge.

Liber Capital Git and github patterns and standards

For those 3 items below we have a check in github called Dolores Umbridge to guaranty them. So if you miss the use of some pattern, this check you fail and tell to you the reason it failed

Branch naming

To naming branchs is necessary to naming it using the Jira code from your assigne tasks, this code is required to integrate with Jira. Besides that, you can write an optional message after a slash to remember about the code of the branch. For example:





How to write good commit messages

Here we still use the Jira code in the commit messages but we add other tag together to indicate about wich kind of code we are adding in that specific commit, for example:

<code-type>(<jira-code>): Some commit message

feature(ATL-43): Adds a new behavior

improvement(ATL-43): Improves a specific behavior

Every commit message, PR description, comments and discussions must be done in portuguese language

Here a list below with all "code-types" to use in your commit messages

Code type Description
feature A new feature
fix A bug fix
improvement An improvement to a current feature
docs Documentation only changes
style Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
refactor A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
performance A code change that improves performance
test Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
build Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
ci Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
chore Other changes that don't modify src or test files
revert Reverts a previous commit

More about this content in this document below

LiberCapital Github

Pull Request


To write a PR you need to write the PR title the with this pattern below

[<jira-code>] Pull request title

[FORNECEDOR-222] Adds new behavior


We already have a template wrote in PR body description that helps you to add good data to your description.

What we recoment are at least this things below

  • A good description about the code

    • What it includes, removes, changes
  • A good description about how to test and do a QA of your code

  • Add the Jira link to your task

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