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File metadata and controls

708 lines (558 loc) · 27.6 KB


Durden as a code-base is relatively young in the sense that it is still adding features at a rather quick pace. When that settles down, some of the code is likely to be refactored - relying on structures that aren't covered here is rather unwise, your extensions may break over time.

In addition to the APIs covered here, all the Lua functions that are in Arcan also apply. See the main arcan code repository, the wiki, and the doc/ folder (see mangen.rb for conversion to manpages) and the exercise sets (in the wiki).

General Tips

Some of the standard Lua API is not included in Arcan, particularly the functions that relate to loading code (replaced with system_load), and for modifying filesystem contents.

You can use the arcan_lwa build (make sure to point to a database that doesn't collide with your normal one) for running in nested mode, which allows you to get closer to a REPL- style workflow, though an debugging terminal will eventually be added to arcan itself.

Edge cases that are good for testing is using the system/reset path. It will force a reload with adoption, which usually activates more complex code-paths than normal operation - in both clients and durden itself.

Setting up timers to activate your feature, or activating it externally while in some special state (like the HUD) through the menu via the IPC control path (exec '/some/path/to/trigger'> durden/ipc/control) is also a good way of finding bugs.

Using the system_snapshot call to get a dump of the data model used to render, along with image_tracetag can also help to track down problems you might've found.

For submitting patches, try and mimic the code-style, including some of the oddities like parenthesis around if () statements, terminating ; on end of statements and so on. Try and stick to normal extensions via the tools/ drop-in system, if possible. Changes that affect behavior should also cover updates and pull-requests against the gh-pages branch, where applicable. If in doubt, check on the IRC channel first.

Working with the IPC system is a decent way to explore and test things. To do so, build the arcan-cfgfs (src/tools/acfgfs) with FUSE so you can mount the control point (e.g. ~/.arcan/appl-out/durden/control).

Debugging Tools

The menu paths and HUD/widgets behave differently baseed on which debug level that is set (default: 0=off). It can be changed via global/config /system/debug. Raising it opens up helper widgets and system/debug.

The same debugging techniques that apply to arcan are useful here:

  • script errors gets snapshotted and stored in the ARCAN_LOGPATH

Then there are extra debug features added here:

  • if a script error was recovered the issue will appear as a widget on the HUD, right click it will also add the trace to the clipboard.

  • debug windows can be injected into clients via the target/video/advanced/debug path, multiple calls can yield different views.

  • the external control socket (global/config/system/control) i connected to, it appears in the ARCAN_APPLTEMPPATH or the resolved default ($HOME/.arcan or corresponding XDG path)/durden/ipc/control then use monitor subsystem (or all) to see WM state logs.

The external control socket is convenient as an alias, e.g.

alias durden_debug='socat unix-client:$HOME/.arcan/appl-out/durden/ipc/control -'
	 > monitor wm input


For any newly developed feature, figuring out what needs testing is not an easy task but with some exceptions (multiple displays and in-recover states), merely poking a path tend to be enough.

The larger states to consider, be sure to check with (when applicable):

  • fullscreen and dedicated fullscreen
  • vtab/htab (rearranges decorations)
  • float (hierarchies mostly ignored)
  • window with popups
  • windows with 'alternates' defined
  • tile and autolayout mode
  • multiple screens with different densities
  • multiple slices of a window
  • "special" clients, like wayland- ones (very different ruleset) etc.

Big Changes

As mentioned in the introduction, some of the code will be reworked in the near future. A few of the planned changes include:

  • Refactor out the use of 'active_display().selected', the context should always be provided as an argument
  • Splitting up the larger suppl, tiler etc. script files
  • Separate out the decorations, statusbar and size logic from the tiler-mgmt
  • Extending menus and alerts with a translation helper that intercepts the text-lookup in the menu and allow for substitutions
  • Allow 'descriptions' for value-sets
  • Input routing split out from durden.lua
  • Better database-key-value packing for UI buttons
  • Allowing for multiple- 'tiler.lua' and enforcing better separation, this is partially being done now with the VR- tool
  • Connection point spawn / management / respawn / rate limit is very confusing and builds on pointless global use, should be reworked
  • All font-rendering etc. that uses the tiler scalef lookup should be reworked to rely on the rendertarget density specifier

The translations will be kept seperate and act as replacements for the label field in the menus and shouldn't impose much change at all as it can be kept as an extension to the normal navigation.

Filesystem Layout

The most developer- relevant files and folders are as follows:


Atypes is scanned at startup and covers special handlers and bindings that are segment type dependent, different font- behavior for wayland windows, for terminals, for x11 windows and so on.

Each atype is expected to return a table with the following fields:

atype (string) - matching type of the segment, shouldn't collide
                 with what other files in this folder defines, so
                a handler for an atype can be added only once
default_shader (group, name) -
action (table of tables) - custom menu entries that should be
                           added to the target menu for this type,
                           see the "Menu Integration" section
props (table) - a list of window properties that will be projected
                over the new window (see "Windows and Displays")
dispatch (table of functions) - key indexed, where each key match
     the 'kind' field of an event in the event handler. This will
     override the default event handler for this kind/type.


Shaders are GPU based post-processing instructions. They are split in subgroups based on what they are used for, like display effects, UI elements and so on. Each shader is defined as a .lua file returning a specially formatted table that should look something like this:

return {
        version = 1,
            label = "User-visible name",
            filter = "none", -- can also be linear, bilinear
            uniforms = { -- user- configurable variables
                myuniform = {
                        label = "My Uniform",
                            utype = "ff",
                            default = {1.0, 0.0}
            frag = [[
             uniform sampler 2D map_tu0;
             uniform float obj_opacity;
             uniform vec2 myuniform;
             varying vec2 texco;
             void main()
                 gl_FragColor = vec4(
									     texture2D(map_tu0, texco), obj_opacity);


This folder contains cursor-sets, 'default' should always be available and act as a fallback for any missing cursors defined but not found in the set pointed to in gconf.lua


This folder contains user-provided configuration maps for various devices, ranging from keyboard to touchpad to LED controllers. They are interpreted by iostatem.lua, symtable.lua and touchm.lua.


Split up into the global and per window menu. These make out the user-I/O exposed feature-set that can be bound to UI elements, keys, gestures, etc All follow a similar structure for subtyping, naming and so on and is the central layer for exposing features. See the 'Menu Integration' section.

Most menu system management code is in the menu.lua file with interactive setup via dispatch.lua, external via ipc.lua and management code in suppl .lua


The tools path is scanned on load/reset and contain more generic anything goes- scripts that the user can extend/remove at will without losing core functionality. It is the primary recommended path for creating extensions to share with others.


The widget path is scanned on load/reset. These are used for hooking into the global and per-window HUD, primarily for providing helper information to assist with configuration and so on. See the ' Widgets' section.


Executed after system has been brought up to a running state. Can be used to setup more complicated autorun- behavior than what can be done through normal config settings.


Contains the output display mapping and hotplug event handling, also sets up and controls individual tiler instances (to be able to provide display tailored window managers). See the 'Windows and Displays' section.


The external control- layer and statusbar integration protocol are both implemented in ipc.lua


The clipboard is implemented in clipboard.lua. It can be programmatically accessed via the CLIPBOARD global table and expose the following methods:

add(source_vid:number, msg:string, multipart:bool)
        add a new message associated with the external clipboard data
            provider matched to the video-id 'source_vid'.

set_monitor(monitor_function(ctx, msg, src) )
            register a clipboard monitor, this is a singleton and any
            pre-existing monitor will be disabled. monitor_function will
            be called every time something is added to the global clipboard,
            or with a 'nil' msg / src_vid when the monitor will be dropped.

set_global(msg, src)
        add msg to the global clipboard, with src as a reference to the
            source, which can be a window, a clipboard-segment VID or a
            custom context.

It also has the following members:

modes: table of key = {label, function(str) return str; end}
       that makes out the available user-selectable paste modes that
                 filter paste- operations.

    history_size (number): number of unique entries (limit), if the limit
                           is exceeded, items will be dropped in a oldest
                           first order.

    mpt_cutoff (number): limit to number of multipart- append operations
                         that a client are allowed to prepare before the
                                      entry is force-marked as finished.


This is one part where Durden is the least developed. Fortunately, there aren't that many places where it needs to be added in order to make sense, but right now - this section mostly describes what need to change and where- in order to get better internationalization support.

input is mostly covered, though a tool that act as IMEs are needed.

Text rendering is not advanced enough to account for shaping. This needs to be fixed in the engine, not in these scripts.

Other than that, the real part is a tool that loads translation tables and intercepts menu/ lookups for the label and description fields and replaces with whatever is in the table.


There is a global key/value registry that is used almost everywhere in the codebase, gconf. It is possible for a widget or a tool to register key/val pairs dynamically - otherwise a valid key and its type should first be set in the 'defaults' table (gconf.lua) and exposed through a menu path.

The global configuration is persisted at shutdown, although a single entry can also be force-synched to the arcan appl- database. The first time that durden is being run, all the key/value pairs will be synched to the active database, and will be fetched from there henceforth.

The database can be externally manipulated via the arcan_db tool.

There are five main functions for dealing with the gconfig- system:

    gconfig_register(key, val) - dynamically register a key-value pair
    gconfig_set(key, val, force) - update an existing key, types must match
    gconfig_listen(key, id, fun) - invoke [fun] when [key] has been changed
    gconfig_get(key) -> val - retrieve the current value for a key
    gconfig_shutdown() - synch/store all the key/value pairs


This is the most complicated and scattered subsystem around. The reason comes from the sheer diversity of devices, as there is support for mice, keyboards, gamepads, touchpads, touchscreens, external input injection and so on. Recall the basic needs:

  1. The UI components need an understanding of when a UI function button is pressed.
  2. The selected window needs input, and may be a custom 'script-defined' window or an external client.
  3. External clients can provide metadata on higher level tags to assign inputs, these are unique to a particular client.
  4. Window Management, Keyboard Configuration etc. need to be bindable to shortcuts.
  5. Need to handle device failure, device hotplugging.
  6. Need to be able to switch between sets of input mappings (multi-languages)
  7. Need to be able to visually indicate various states.
  8. Need to support accessibility options and account for degrading hardware.
  9. Configuration persistence.
  10. Different sets of inputs assigned to different users (cursors/selections)

For keyboards, there is also:

  1. Handle multiple translation tables,
  2. State bleeds between window switching.
  3. Handle synthetic repeats, platform/OS/hardware doesn't always provide repeat- information.
  4. Differentiate between multiple states, i.e. latched (caps/num/scroll lock), pressed, on-press, on-release, on-held.
  5. Fake delay-release ('sticky') keys.
  6. Absorb sequential inputs ('chords').
  7. Modifier states (shift, alt, ctrl, meta, ...).
  8. n-acretic sequences

For mice, there is also:

  1. Manage both absolute and relative pointer input, depending on platform/OS/hardware, only one or the other may be available.
  2. Manage both high and low samplerates.
  3. Minimize physical motion needed to acomplish pointing task.
  4. Being able to be simulated by a keyboard.
  5. Gestures : drag, drop, click, doubleclick, hover
  6. Velocity Information for velocity- dependent action and amplification
  7. Warping and locking/confining to a specific area.
  8. Hardware-accelerated cursors.
  9. Multiple-cursors.
  10. Direct- mapping mouse input to a client for low latency paths.

For gamedevices, there is also:

  1. Calibrate/filter analog samples.
  2. Translate analog value regions into digital outputs.
  3. Simulate repeats.
  4. Match with indicator lights and audio outputs (haptics).
  5. Input Routing independent of window selection (redirection).

For touchscreen, there is also:

  1. Calibration, and to switch /detect changes in calibration levels (electrical / ambient environment affect quality of touch)
  2. On-screen keyboard.
  3. Gestures.
  4. High driver variation, some give stream of samples, others want to provide pre-processed abstract outputs.

Then there are exotic, but relevant, needs:

  1. Some clients need to provide input, such as remoting clients.
  2. Supporting custom external input- event producers.
  3. Positional devices (VR, ...)

And corner cases:

  1. Clients that implements their own understanding of repeats
  2. State-bleed between windows (select wnd1, press button, select wnd2, is button still pressed for wnd1? is it pressed for wnd2?)

Finding an input model that fits all of these is quite unpleasant, and the details of what is currently present is spread out into its individual sections.

Generic-Input Routing

As with anything arcan, the first part is the event entry point, mapped as applname_input. This has two global states, one implemented in the durden_normal_input function, and the other in durden_regionsel_input.

The regionsel- function is used when the user needs to be queried for an on-screen visual region, for operations like desktop sharing on OCR.

The normal_input function:

  1. Feed hotplug events to durden_iostatus_handler
  2. Map to input-device ID specific handler (trackpads, ...)
  3. Inject into iostatem- (which deals with filtering and repeats)
  4. Forward to dispatch_translate in dispatch.lua


Keyboard Input

INCOMPLETE (pending: see dispatch.lua, symtable.lua, devmaps/keyboard)

Main keyboard input is dealt with in dispatch_translate as part of dispatch.lua. Loading / application /switching of keymaps themselves are

Game Device Input

INCOMPLETE (pending:

Mouse Input

Most mouse controls are provided by mouse.lua, which is re-used by a lot of different arcan projects. Its biggest caveat is probably the global context, which makes it difficult to handle multiple mouse cursors at once. See the 'Mouse API' section for more information on which functions it exposes.

Mouse API

INCOMPLETE (pending: see mouse.lua)

It setup using one of the following methods:

mouse_setup(cvid, clayer, pickdepth, cachepick, hidden)
mouse_add_cursor(label, img, hot_x, hot_y)

Its state machine is updated by one of the following methods:

mouse_absinput_masked(x, y, nofwd)
mouse_absinput(x, y, nofwd)
mouse_state_save(), mouse_state_restore(warp:boolean)
    mouse_cursor_sf(x, y) - change the visible scale factor
     hotspot_x : number, hotspot_y : number,
    mouse_lockto(vid, function, warp, state)
    mouse_destroy() - drop all handlers, cursor and tuning

For querying state properties:

mouse_over(vid) : boolean
    mouse_xy() : x, y - absolute position
    mouse_state() : table - get access to the raw state table

For debugging purposes, there are:

mouse_handlercount() : number - returns number of registered handlers
    mouse_dumphandlers() : dumps all handlers as calls to warning()

Where the 'nofwd'

The most relevant bits are how to register and deregister a mouse handler:

mouse_addlistener(listener, event-list) where the event-list represents
    the list of events that should be registered to this listener.

required fields in the listener table:
       own => function(vid) : boolean - return true of the handler claims
                                          ownership of this vid or not
         name => string - identifier to assist with debugging

  and functions that match each entry in event-list.

to de-register a mouse listener, use mouse_droplistener(listener) with
    the same table as reference that was used with mouse_addlistener.

The possible events are: click(

    listener is a table with key(event-name) => function.

    and event-list is a n-indexed table of events that should be associated
    with the listener (click, drag, drop, button, press, release, dblclick,
    hover, over, out)
    }, {"click", "dblclick"});

Menu Subsystem

INCOMPLETE (pending:

Display Management

Each virtual display has an output rendertarget, an output display and a tiler. The tiler is an instance of the window manager, which can be different for different displays. Each tiler has a number of windows that are either pending attachment or attached to a workspace.

INCOMPLETE (pending: see display.lua)

Window Layout / Management


The abstract 'Window' is the most complicated structure around and wasn't designed as much as it evolved. A window is a container for clients, both internal and external.

Properties marked with an (m) prefix indicates that it is part of a set that is a dynamic property that may be unique to the client.

Static Properties: name - unique identifier, typically wnd_(incremenetalcounter) cfg_prefix - prefix for window or type used when loading values from db

Properties (probed, monitored and modified practically everywhere): (m) gain (float) - current audio gain (m) mouse - (m) last_ms - (m) rate_unlimited - don't limit mouse sample propagation (m) mouse_lock_center - (m) suspended - input / updates blocked (m) sz_delta - delta- limiter for resize event forwarding (m) kbd_period - how often held keys should be sent as repeated (m) kbd_delay - how long time before repeats should be considered (m) allowed_segments - type specific set of allowed subsegment types (m) save_gain - per-window audio level (m) hint_w, hint_h (debug only) track last hint sent (m) color_controls - if the client has access to custom color ramps or not (m) source_audio - reference to aid of external process (ms) external - vid ref to external process (ms) titlebar_id custom external titlebar store (m) bindings - set of symbol-key bindings for the specific type (m) labels - set of known labelhints (m) dispatch - symbol to action binding for this window (m) coreopt - client- unique key-val settings (m) atype - known/registered type (m) no_recover_attach - saved across script resets, won't get an attached wnd mouse_lock (fun) - mouse event interceptor attach_time - timestamp for when the window turned 'alive' in_drag_rz - window currently being interactively resized delete_protect - blocks the destroy command input_focus - (vid) popup temp_suspend - clipboard_block - never permit clipboard operations for this window mouse_remap_range - relative (0..1) region slice for mouse coordinates used when dealing with cropped, sliced or otherwise modified window setups.

Visual Properties (covers decorations and so on): (m) scalemode - what heuristic should be used to determine the size to send to the client and how the actual window size should be calculated. (m) title_text - text to display in titlebar (m) cursor (string) - text name of current window cursor state (m) custom_cursor (vid) - vid to client provided cursor image (m) font_block (bool, func) - specialized font handler for window (m) last_font (tbl{xx}) - (set of fonts last sent to client) (m) origo_ll - indicate if the texture coordinates need to invert the t axis fullscreen - indicate if the window is in a fullscreen mode float_dim - (tbl(num,num)) display size relative dimensions if in float mode (m) autocrop - (bool) calculate cropping texture coordinates on resize that is desynched to client (m) filtermode - (int) if any of the builtin texture filters should be applied pad (_left, _right, _top, _bottom - reserved space (pixels) used for decorations e.g. window physical size is canvas + pad-area. border_w - symmetric (pixels) part of pad area consumed by border dispmask - tracks states for minimized, hidden, maximized, focused etc. that are used to indicate display state to a client effective_w, effective_h, max_w, max_h, x, y - position, size, limits weight, vweight - used as bias in tile layout hide_titlebar (bool) - if the titlebar should be shown or not centered (bool) - (tiling mode) set if the window should be centered in its alotted cell area. displayhint_block_wh - if the effective w/h should be forwarded or swapped with other, used by autolayouter block_rz_hint - (debugging) stop resize hints from being forwarded canvas - shared vid that references whatever storage that should be drawn currently

Special Properties: (m) atype_props - atype specific subtable wayland: (m) geom (x, y, w, h)

(pending: see tiler.lua)


INCOMPLETE (pending: see shdrmgmt.lua, shaders/)

UI Components

These are spread out between uiprim.lua, lbar.lua, bbar.lua and suppl.lua pending a refactor. By design, Arcan only provides primitives that can be used for building components, but not completed ones. None of the popular Lua based UI component libraries have been ported to work.

The purpose-built components that do exist are primarily various buttonbars, with uiprim_bar being the most frequently used one.

uiprim_bar(anchor, anchorp, width, height, shdrtgt, mouseh) => tbl or nil

      methods: resize, invalidate, relayout, switch_state, add_button,
          update, reanchor, hide, show, move, tick, destroy


 anchor, shader, buttons{left{}, right{}, center{}}

INCOMPLETE (pending: see uiprim.lua, lbar.lua, bbar.lua, suppl.lua)


Widgets are stored in the /widgets folder (with some rudimentary support script in /widgets/support. Widgets are not user-controlled in a direct way but rather activated based on what menu path the user has triggered. They are sized based on the number of text-lines they produce, and are then positioned automatically. On a 'show' invocation, you get access to a clipping anchor that you should link to (which will be deleted when the user hides- or naviagates away from the menu path).

A valid widget script returns a table with the following fields:

name(string) : unique identifier
paths(table of strings or functions) : paths to trigger on
show(function) : invoked with (ctx, anchor, tbl, start_i, stop_i, col_w)
probe(ctx, yh) : at a fixed number of pixels (yh), return how many groups
                 of yh pixels the widget would need.

The paths can either be normal menu paths, similar to the binding API, or an evaluation function(taking a context, pathid, stringid and a tag). For a better view on how these are used, take a look at the included bindings widget that shows the current keybindings as a helper when the user tries to bind a key, or the cheatsheet widget which shows cheat-sheets based on the identity of the selected window.

The API is rather confusing and should, at some point, be replaced with a better design and better layout manager (binpack, user-movable, ...)


Tools are the preferred way of extending the existing feature-set. Like with the Widgets, they are scanned once during startup/reset but are not expected to return some preset table, but mere use the existing API to add themselves to some menu paths and register settings with gconfig.

A simple tool that would add a 'hi there' message, a submenu to the settings path and a configurable suffix where the user setting will persist:

gconfig_register("ht_suffix", "unset");

local menu = {
        name = "ht_suffix",
            label = "Hi-There",
            kind = "value",
            hint = "(any >0 string)",
            validator = function(val) return string.len(val) > 0; end,
            handler = function(ctx, val)
                gconfig_set("ht_suffix", val);

            name = "ht_suffix",
            label = "Hi-There",
            submenu = true,
            kind = "action",
            handler = menu

global_menu_register("tools", {
        name = "hithere", label = "Hi There", kind = "action",
            handler = function()
             active_display():message("hi there: " .. gconfig_get("ht_message"));

The rest is up to creative use of the other APIs mentioned. Like the case with any other interactive element in this system, take care to consider activation outside a button or key-press - there's also timer (both idle, fire-once, ...) external IPC via ipc/control, and later - a FUSE mount.