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scikit-learn tutorial

You can run the notebooks in a binder: Binder

Getting started

The course uses Python 3 and some data analysis packages such as Numpy, Pandas, scikit-learn, and matplotlib.

Install Miniconda

This step is only necessary if you don't have conda installed already:

  • download the Miniconda installer for your OS here
  • run the installer following the instructions here depending on your OS.

Create conda environment

# Clone this repo
git clone
cd 2020-scikit-learn-tutorial
# Create a conda environment with the required packages for this tutorial:
conda env create -f environment.yml

Check your install

We strongly recommend you to open and execute the script located at the root of this repository to make sure you have the necessary packages installed:

# Activate your conda environment
conda activate scikit-learn-tutorial

Run Jupyter notebooks locally

# Activate your conda environment
conda activate scikit-learn-tutorial
jupyter notebook

The Jupyter notebooks are located in the notebooks folder.